
  • 网络Financial Science
  1. 当这只基金开始遭遇损失时,同行们并没有像金融科学(或理性市场)的支持者所预测的那样运作。

    When the fund started to suffer losses , the counterparties did not behave as proponents of Finance Science - or rational markets - predicted .

  2. 为金融和科学数据分析提供函数和接口。

    Provides functions and interfaces for financial and scientific data analysis .

  3. 全面改善农村支付环境:金融业科学发展的必由之路

    Improving Rural Payment Environment : the Inevitable Course of Scientific Development for Financial Industry

  4. 目前,该技术在商业、金融、科学研究、情报分析等方面得到广泛应用。

    The technology is widely used in the commercial , financial , scientific research and so on .

  5. 在科学发展观指引下主动应对全球金融危机科学推进国家示范建设

    An Active Response to the Global Financial Crisis , Promoting the National Demonstration Construction Under the Guidance of Scientific Concept of Development

  6. 另一方面,男性则有统治性、独立性和分析性而符合这些特质的工作就是商务、金融和科学专业。

    Men , on the other hand , are supposed to be dominant , independent and analytical & qualities well-suited to business , finance and science .

  7. 财政、金融、科学技术、物资等部门,应当对农业生产社会化服务事业给予支持。

    Departments in fields such as finance , banking , science and technology , and material resources shall provide support to socialized service undertakings of agricultural production .

  8. 中国官方的新华社星期二晚间的报导没有提供中国和巴西此次签署的其它协议的具体内容,只是说那些协议包括了设备、金融、科学、空间、法律、港口和农产品。

    China 's official Xinhua News Agency late Tuesday gave no details about the other agreements , except to say they covered equipment , financing , science , space , law , ports and agricultural products .

  9. 安娜・费尔南达・鲁伊斯(AnaFernandaRuiz)是金融和管理科学专业大四的学生,她说自己的学员,一名总经理,想要学习如何与年轻客户以及未来的雇员打交道。

    Ana Fernanda Ruiz , a senior finance and management-science major , says her mentee , a managing director , wanted to learn how to connect with younger clients and future employees .

  10. 金融,也是科学和数学的事业&由1997年诺贝尔经济学奖引发的思考

    Thoughts on 1997 Nobel Economic Prize

  11. 我们简单介绍一些不同应用,如电脑视觉、电脑图形学、金融和神经科学。

    We briefly describe several different applications ranging from vision to computer graphics , to finance and neuroscience .

  12. 制度环境对金融、专业科学技术服务等高端服务产业外商直接投资的影响要远大于食品、机械等制造产业。

    The influence of institutional climate on the first two high-end service industries is bigger than its influence on manufacture industries .

  13. 该对策针对而且具体,可操作性强,为制定其他资源型城市转型的金融政策提供科学的参考依据。

    The measures are concrete and feasible , and will offer the scientific references for the financial policies of the other resource cities ' transition .

  14. 约束优化问题广泛见于工程、国防、经济、金融和社会科学等许多重要领域。

    Constrained optimization problems abound in many important fields such as en-gineering , national defence , economy , finance , social sciences and so on .

  15. 相反,金融和核科学如今控制在一小群技术专家手中,其他所有人则依赖于他们。

    On the contrary , finance and nuclear science are now controlled by a tiny coterie of technical experts , on whom everyone else depends .

  16. 面对着汽车市场的多变性和世界金融危机,科学的,完善的采购投资预算管理对一汽-大众的生存发展至关重要。

    In face of the variety of car market and the whole world finance risk , scientific , perfect purchasing investment budget is essential for FAW-VW development .

  17. 变点检测目前是统计学界一个十分活跃的研究领域,它已经被广泛地应用于经济、金融、物理科学以及图象和信号处理等领域。

    The change-point detection is an active research field recently , and has been applied extensively in many fields of study which includes economics , finance , image processing , signal processing and so on .

  18. 面向WTO的金融人才与金融科学体系探讨

    A study on finance talents and finance subjects system facing to WTO

  19. 由工作基金会(workfoundation)发表的这份研究称,如果英国未能在金融、工程、科学研究、it、教育和医疗等领域吸引足够数量的高技能“知识员工”,英国可能会落败。

    The study published by the work foundation says that Britain could lose out if it fails to attract sufficient numbers of highly-skilled " knowledge workers " in sectors such as finance , engineering , scientific research , it , education and healthcare .

  20. 金融学科建设的科学发展

    The Scientific Development of the Finance Discipline

  21. 第五,提高金融投资决策的科学性,完善资金投入方式和投资机制。

    The fifth , making out the scientific strategic of finance investment and making out prefect system of investment .

  22. 这一评分模型的提出,为信用评估机构和金融机构提供了科学管理和正确决策的依据。

    Therating model supplies the foundation of the scientific management and correct decision for credit assessment organization and finance institutions .

  23. 时间序列是指随着时间变化而形成的有序数据序列,它频繁地出现在金融、商业、科学和医疗等各个领域。

    Time series is formed over time ordered data series , which frequently appears in financial , commercial , scientific and medical fields .

  24. 本文的核心内容论证法益说作为金融犯罪客体的科学性和合理性。

    The core content of this paper is try to demonstrate the scientific reason and rationality for the law benefits theory as a financial crime object .

  25. 然而,无论是针对国有商业银行还是股份制银行,在日益开放的金融市场中何如科学地提高竞争力,都是至关重要的问题。

    Furthermore , how to improve the competitiveness in the increasingly open financial market is a crucial question for state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks .

  26. 马尔科夫链在计算数学、金融经济、人文科学等领域都有着重要的应用,所以研究马尔科夫链对于我们研究随机过程有着积极的意义。

    Markov chains are widely used in computational mathematics , economics and finance , humanities and so on , so it is of great use for us to learn about the processes .

  27. 这一评分模型的提出,对信用评估机构和金融机构提供了科学管理和正确决策的依据,同时也为解决同类问题以及神经网络应用于其他领域提供一条良好的途径。

    The rating model supplies the foundation of the scientific management and correct decision for credit assessment organization and finance institutions . It is also a good way to solve the similar problem and use neural network in other fields .

  28. 随着农村金融改革整体推进,构建完善的三农服务金融体系应该是科学发展观在农村金融中的实现途径。

    With the overall advancement of rural financial reforms , constructing a sound financial service system for the agriculture , rural areas and farmers should be the approach for the Scientific Development Philosophy to be fulfilled in the rural financial system .

  29. 当今金融理论存在主流与非主流的激烈碰撞,尤其是经典金融理论受到行为金融学、非线性科学理论、信息不完全理论等理论的强烈挑战,金融学正是在这种挑战与应战中发展的。

    Nowadays in Finance study field , there exists a heated competition between classic and non-classic theory such as behavioral finance , nonlinear science , non-perfect information theory . Finance study develops in these challenges . These competitions mostly focus in EMH .