
jīn rónɡ zhènɡ cè
  • financial policy;monetary policy
  1. 该政府的金融政策也显得毫无章法。

    The government has also made a hash of monetary policy .

  2. 贸易自由化条件下中国住房金融政策研究

    Study on Monetary Policy on Housing of China Under the Trade Liberalization

  3. 在英国,这一转变催生了金融政策委员会(financialpolicycommittee),它刚刚公布了关于希望拥有何种权力和打算使用何种工具的想法。

    In the UK , this shift has resulted in the creation of the financial policy committee , which has just published its thinking on the powers it wants and the tools it intends to use .

  4. ING经济学家TimCondon称中国金融政策缺乏透明度往往令投资者产生不确定性和焦虑。

    Tim Condon , economist at ING , said the lack of transparency in China 's financial policies often generates uncertainties and anxiety for investors .

  5. 英国央行金融政策委员会委员罗伯特詹金斯(RobertJenkins)一针见血地指出:股本回报率是错误的目标。

    Robert Jenkins , a member of the financial policy committee of the Bank of England , puts it well : Return on equity is the wrong target .

  6. 1987年卢浮宫协议(louvreagreement)后,为了避免日元进一步升值,他们采取了宽松的货币和金融政策,导致了巨大的资产价格泡沫和信贷扩张,为随后的经济低迷埋下了隐患。

    In order to avoid further yen appreciation after the 1987 Louvre agreement , they followed easy monetary and financial policies that gave rise to huge asset price bubbles and expansions in credit that set the stage for the subsequent downturn .

  7. 学生:这12家银行实行统一的金融政策吗?

    Student : does these twelve banks carry out uniform policies ?

  8. 第六章分析了金融政策对房地产周期波动的影响。

    In the sixth chapter , I analyze the financial policies .

  9. 金融政策与我国区域经济开发研究

    A Study of Financial Policy and China Regional Economy Development

  10. 文章第二部分分析了罗斯福政府制定新政金融政策的历史背景。

    The second part analysed the historic background of the New Deal .

  11. 在金融政策方面主要是要做好直接金融支持和间接金融支持工作。

    The financial measures include direct financial support and indirect financial support .

  12. 二是实行适度的房地产金融政策。

    Second , implement the moderately real estate financial policy .

  13. 论罗斯福新政的金融政策

    On the Financial Policy of the Roosevelt 's New Deal

  14. 韩国的金融政策与金融危机及对我国的警示

    Financial Policy and Crisis in South Korea and Warning for Our Country

  15. 经济和金融政策必须更加紧密地协调起来。

    Economic and financial policies must be co-ordinated more closely .

  16. 五是金融政策、税收政策不够合理。

    The fifth , the irrational financial and tax policies .

  17. 泛珠九省区经济协调发展的金融政策研究

    Study on Financial Policy of Coordinated Development of Pan-pearl River Delta Region

  18. 试论利用金融政策优化我国产业结构

    The analysis of optimization of industrial structure on financial policy

  19. 联邦储备局负责美国的金融政策。

    The Federal Reserve is in charge of america 's monetary policy .

  20. 约翰逊政府调节国际收支逆差的货币金融政策国际货币基金组织年会

    Johnson Administration 's Monetary and Financial Policies on Controlling International Payment Deficit

  21. 在中国,人们普遍对美国金融政策怀有疑虑。

    Scepticism about US financial policy is widespread in China .

  22. 政府应尽快制定明晰的金融政策;

    The government should make clear financial policy as quick as possible ;

  23. 西部开发中财政金融政策的协调与配合

    The coordination and cooperation of financial and monetary policies in western development

  24. 论当前金融政策变化对房地产市场的影响

    On the Impact of Current Financial Policy Change over Real Estate Market

  25. 中国金融政策和金融改革目标

    China 's Financial Policy and Goals for Financial Reform

  26. 为此,建立适当的非正式金融政策安排十分重要。

    Therefore , it is necessary to make appropriate policy arrangement in China .

  27. 宏观金融政策作用对内弱化对外强化等问题。

    Macroscopic finance policy inside weakening and outside strengthening .

  28. 财政、金融政策在经济激励中的效果

    Effects of Financial and Monetary Policies in Economic Stimulation

  29. 我国金融政策作用时滞测算

    Measurement of the Length of the Impact Lags of China 's Financial Policy

  30. 投资开发与财政、金融政策;

    The strategy og the investing development and banking ;