
  • 网络Calorimetry
  1. 聚合酶链式反应(PCR)量热学的实验研究

    Experimental study on calorimetry of polymerase chain reaction

  2. 以探索饱和一元脂肪醇作相变蓄热材料的可能性为目的,文中选择十八醇进行了量热学的实验研究。

    Focusing on the possibility of exploring the saturated unitary fatty alcohol as a thermal energy storage phase change material ( PCM ), 1 octadecanol was investigated by the calorimetry .

  3. 纸片扩散确认法与聚合酶链式反应检测超广谱β-内酰胺酶的比较聚合酶链式反应(PCR)量热学的实验研究

    Comparison of Disc Dilution Confirmatory Test and PCR in Detection of Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamase

  4. 结果显示:对本系统而言,当电解输入功率为0.53W、起始温度为40℃和恰当的延长电解时间均有利于系统量热学常数(k)的提高,即有利于过热。

    The preliminary result indicated that , when the electrolysis power input is 0.53W , the initial temperature is 40 ℃ and appropriate lengthens the electrolysis time to be advantageous to the enhancement of the calorimetry constant ( k ) of the system .

  5. 细胞呼吸爆发的微量量热学研究

    Microcalorimetric Study on the Respiratory Burst of Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes

  6. 厌氧菌生长代谢的微量量热学研究

    Microcalorimetric Study on the Growth Metabolism of Anaerobes

  7. 几种药物中间体的量热学研究

    Calorimetric Studies on Several Drug Intermediates

  8. 本文对几种含氮螯合剂及其配合物的热力学性质进行量热学研究,所得结果填补了这些物质热力学数据的空白。

    Calorimetry is widely used to investigate the thermodynamic properties of substances and analyse the energetics during the reaction processes .

  9. 通过对于半导体致冷技术特征的分析,论证了这种技术在量热学领域内的环境控温、温差监测以及实现热效应的补偿测试等方面之应用的合理性与有效性。

    Then again , from the analysis of the distinctive features of the refrigeration technique by semiconductors , are expounded the rationality and effectiveness for the adoption of this technique in calorimetry in temperature control of surroundings , temperature difference monitoring as well as implementing calorimetric measurements in compensation mode .

  10. 施胶量则对其热学性能无显著影响。与现有的建筑保温材料相比,轻质麦秸板具有良好的保温隔热性能,可以作为建筑材料代替传统的墙体材料及现有的保温材料。

    The result shows that LDWS has effective heat insulation properties which can be used to replace the traditional building materials and current heat insulation materials .