
  • 网络Weight Training;PUMPING IRON
  1. 基于位移传感器的超等长重量训练系统研究

    Research on Plyometric Weight Training System Based on Displacement Transducer

  2. 水肺潜水,重量训练,跑步,哲学,宗教,政治。

    Scuba diving , weight training , running , philosophy , religion , politics .

  3. “作为竞技型自行车手,人们建议我花些时间进行重量训练”。

    For competitive riders , I 'd recommend spending some time weight-training .

  4. 在重量训练中,混合起来做。

    In weight training , mix it up .

  5. 马克:除了大量重量训练之外?

    Mark : Besides lots of weights ?

  6. 跟楼梯间里的锻练一样,重量训练也可以在上班期间完成。

    As with the stair training , weight work can be done during your workday .

  7. 我已停止与重量训练。

    I have stopped training with weights .

  8. 事实上,重量训练,将有助你有更多的力量,拖把地板!

    In fact , weight training will help you have more strength to mop floor !

  9. 我们去做重量训练吧!

    Let 's go do free weights !

  10. 最重要的饮用时机,是在重量训练后的六十分钟后饮用一份。

    The most important time to consume a serving of Phosphagen HP is60 minutes after your weight-training workout .

  11. 除了用拳击袋及有一名教练陪练外,她的训练方法还包括了重量训练。

    In addition to working with a trainer and punching bags , her regimen also includes weight training .

  12. 要利用零碎时间快速做全身性重量训练,不妨关上办公室的门,准备进行7分钟科学健身。

    For a fast , full-body weight-training and interval program , close your office door and cue up the Scientific 7-Minute Workout .

  13. 运动科学家们一致认为,要改变体型,你几乎一定得做一些重量训练。

    To change body shape , you almost certainly need to also perform some type of weight training , exercise scientists agree .

  14. 为达最佳效果,请配合正确充足的重量训练(每周至少三到五次),以及正确的饮食。

    Note : For best results use Serious Mass combined with intense weight training ( 3-5 times per week ) and a sensible whole foods diet .

  15. 有氧心肺功能训练区,无氧自由重量训练区和健美操室各居一方,还有权威专业的私人健身指导服务为您量身定制个性健身计划。

    Separate area for cardio training , free weights training and aerobic studio where qualified instructors organize a wide range of tailor-made sporting and recreational programmer .

  16. 目前这一代人对健康与休闲的要求已不是重量训练和饮用矿泉水就能满足的,亚历山大于准备了丰富多样的活动节目和世界级的专业人士去满足他们的要求。

    Alexander 's activity roster and their world-class specialists cater to the generation whose health and leisure requirements go beyond simply lifting weights and drinking mineral water .

  17. 这位小正太和他的弟弟克劳迪乌从学会走路以来一直在进行重量训练,在他这个年龄段里,朱利亚诺显然技艺超群,已经打破了一连串的世界纪录。

    The youngster and his little brother Claudiu have been weight training since before they could walk and Giuliano holds a string of world records for feats of strength in his age group .

  18. 我不知道之前在大一时的锻炼,一切的几乎使我筋疲力尽的重复、训练、重量训练,是否能对现在的比赛有所帮助。

    I wondered if the practicing I had done since freshman year , exhausting my body with repeats , conditioning , and weight-training every day , would have any benefit when my shoes hit the pavement .

  19. 射手们,你们体格健壮,通常身材很不错,但是运动之外你吃的也很多,所以冬天很可能会发胖,避免重量训练,集中精力于跑步、游泳和踏步。

    You 're athletic , Sag , and are usually pretty fit . But youprobably eat a lot as well , and in spite of your activities , youprobably did gain weight over the winter . Avoid weight training andconcentrate on running , swimming , and doing the treadmill .

  20. 不同重量铅球训练法的实际运用

    Actual Exertion of Training Method for the Different Weight Shots

  21. 空心铅球的采用是不同重量铅球训练的变式。

    The adoption of the hollow shot is the alternative form of the training of the different weight shot .

  22. 他一直在做着一些恢复性练习,因为他已脱掉脚踝上的保护罩,并在星期二第一次做抗重量性训练。

    He has been doing some rehabilitation exercises since getting off the protective boot and worked out on a weight resistant treadmill for the first time Tuesday .

  23. 它安装在一个设计精巧的独立式橱柜里,柜里整齐地收纳锻炼用的杠铃、哑铃、附加重量、训练垫、恢复泡沫辊和心率监护仪。

    It 's all housed in a sleekly designed free-standing cabinet that neatly stores the included barbells , dumbbells , attachable weights , workout mat , recovery foam roller , and heartrate monitor .

  24. 双子行动起来像匹赛马,主要靠兴奋劲儿运转,因此一个基于增加力量而不是速度的节食/运动计划比如增加肌肉蛋白质和重量的训练激发的耐力足以支持你打完数小时沙滩排球。

    The Twins go like racehorses , and operate mostly on nervous energy . Therefore , a diet / exercise program that relies less on speed and more on building strength , such as protein and weight training , could generate sufficient endurance to see you through hours of beach volleyball .

  25. 正交试验结果表明:影响800m成绩因素的主次顺序是负重量、耐力训练、速度训练;

    The achievement of 800m pace was measured and analyzed . The results show that : the impact factors are loading weight , velocity training , endurance training in descent sequence ;

  26. 不同重量铅球的训练法对于铅球运动成绩的提高起着重要的作用。

    It is important to improve the performance of the shot for the training method of the different weight .

  27. 隆冬之际,赛奇会让夫妻中的一人在一辆动感单车上锻炼30分钟,而另一个人则同她一起进行重量与核心训练。

    In midwinter , Ms. Sage has one of the couple spend 30 minutes on a spin bike , while the other does weight and core exercises with her .

  28. 虽然从掷标枪运动创始以来,人们就开始使用不同重量器械的训练方法来提高运动成绩,并也取得了一定的训练与教学效果。

    Although throw javelins movement from the founding fathers , people began to use different weight training methods to improve the instrument , and sports achievements have also made certain training and teaching effect .

  29. 重量敏感性测试与训练;

    Testing and training of sensibility to weight .

  30. 借力。在大重量日里,在每组的最后一两次动作里,可以采用借力的方式,这种不标准的动作可以让你在每组大重量训练里多完成几次动作。

    Cheating is when you lose your form just for a rep or two on heavy days to help you get some extra reps with some serious poundage .