
  • 网络major depression;Major depressive disorder;mdd
  1. 目的:重度抑郁症(majordepressivedisorder,MDD)患者不仅优先加工负性刺激,而且缺乏对正性刺激加工的偏向,本研究探讨重度抑郁症患者情绪刺激抑制功能缺陷的神经关联。

    Objective : Individuals with major depressive disorder ( MDD ) not only preferentially process negative stimuli , but also lack a bias for the preferential processing of positive stimuli .

  2. 背景:神经影像学研究发现重度抑郁症(MDD)患者脑组织存在功能和结构改变。

    Background : Neuroimaging studies have revealed structural and functional changes in brain regions associated with major depressive disorder ( MDD ) .

  3. 纽约WeillCornell医科大学的脑显像观察者们证实重度抑郁症患者大脑关键区域的功能失活。

    Brain imaging researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City have demonstrated dysfunction in a key brain region in major depression .

  4. 不过,患有重度抑郁症的产妇更常在分娩时出现并发症。

    Severely depressed women , however , more often reported complications during delivery .

  5. 许许多多试图自杀的年轻妇女往往都患有重度抑郁症。

    Deep depression is typical of so many young women who attempt suicide .

  6. 大约10%的人,重度抑郁症患者,

    is that probably about 10 percent of the people , severe depressives ,

  7. 结论氟西汀合用奥氮平是治疗重度抑郁症快速有效的方法。

    Conclusion Fluoxetine combined with olanzapine is a fast and effective method to treat major depression .

  8. 产后抑郁症是妇女在分娩后出现的中重度抑郁症。

    Postpartum depression is moderate to severe depression in a woman after she has given birth .

  9. 提示心理干预配合中药对中重度抑郁症患者更为有效。

    Tip of psychological intervention with Chinese herbs on patients with moderate to severe depression is more effective .

  10. 轻中度抑郁症患者占92.4%。重度抑郁症患者占7.6%。

    Mild and medium depression patients make up to 92.4 % of all , grave depression patients making up to 7.6 % .

  11. 情绪障碍患者包含双相情感障碍和重度抑郁症患者。

    Both patients with bipolar disorder ( BPD ) and major depressive disorder ( MDD ) are included in the mood disorder group .

  12. 脑显像已经在重度抑郁症患者的脑电图研究中取得了显著的进步,大多研究集中在对消极情绪和心情的调节。

    Brain imaging has recently produced significant advances concerning brain circuitry in major depression , mostly focusing upon negative emotion and mood regulation .

  13. 结论:早发和晚发患者在形态学上的显著差异提示重度抑郁症年龄依赖性的病理基础。

    Conclusions : Apparent differences in the morphological changes between younger and elderly patients may suggest a differing pathological basis in MDD , dependent on age .

  14. 均符合美国社会精神疾病的诊断统计手册标准重度抑郁症的诊断标准;

    They all accorded with the diagnostic criteria for severe depression of American social mental disease , and they all knew the interventional schema and agreed .

  15. 方法按CCMD-Ⅲ诊断标准作出抑郁症的诊断,HAMD17项量表评分分为轻度、中度和重度抑郁症。

    Methods : After making diagnosis and grading of depression according to CCMD-III diagnosis standard and HAMD 17 list , 391 patients of urgent cerebral apoplexy were measured .

  16. 女性重度抑郁症患者存在大脑前动脉、大脑中动脉、大脑后动脉血流速度减慢的现象,其原因可能与血管痉挛有关。

    For women major depression patients , their brain artery of ACA , MCA and PCA blood flow velocity definitely slow down , the reason may be related to vascular spasm .

  17. 密歇根大学最近的一项研究发现,在一年里,相比较生活在城市的白人女性来说,生活在农村的非西班牙裔白人女性患“重度抑郁症和情绪障碍”的比率明显更高。

    A recent University of Michigan study discovered that non-Hispanic white women who live in rural areas have " significantly higher rates of 12-month major depressive disorder and mood disorder " compared to white women living in urban areas .

  18. 抑郁症状检出率分析:①抑郁症状检出率比较分析:师范专业大学生抑郁症状检出率较高,轻度及以上者占45.5%,而且具有2.8%的重度抑郁症患者。

    The analysis of inspective rate of depressive symptom : ① Comparative analysis of inspective rate of depressive symptom : The inspective rate of depressive symptom in the undergraduates majored in education was higher , 45.5 % mild and over mild , and with 2.8 % severe depressive patients .

  19. 一项对7500多名职员开展的全国性调查发现,近十分之一的受访者称自己有中度至重度的抑郁症症状。

    A national survey of more than 7500 professionals has found that almost one in 10 reported moderate to severe depressive symptoms .