
  1. 脆性X综合征:(1)采用PCR方法检测智力正常的重庆人FMR-1基因(CGG)n拷贝数;(2)采用巢式PCR方法检测单个淋巴细胞和单个卵裂球细胞FMR-1基因(CGG)n拷贝数。

    Fragile x syndrome ( 1 ) To detect ( CGG ) n copies of FMR-1 gene of normal people in Chongqing by PCR ( 2 ) To detect the copies of ( CGG ) n in single lymphocyte and blastomere by nested PCR .

  2. 这位重庆人只打算买两件东西。

    The Chongqing native had only intended to buy two items .

  3. 五代重庆人的北大记忆

    Beijing University in the Memory of the Five Generations of Chongqing People

  4. 绿色生活重庆人的新居方式

    Green life The New Life Style of Chongqing People

  5. 这就是重庆人的语言艺术。

    Chongqing is the language of this art .

  6. 就是因为湿气重,重庆人都喜欢吃辣椒。

    The humidity is the reason why CQ people must eat spicy food all the time .

  7. 只要我一主动和他们打招呼问好,重庆人一定友善地笑脸相对。

    So long as I volunteer to greet them , they would return with friendly smiles .

  8. 综合来看,我认为重庆和上海的夜景比广州要漂亮,作为重庆人并在上海读书的我真是觉得很幸运。

    I 'm really proud that I was born in Chongqing and have studied in Shanghai for several years .

  9. 重庆人的心态是平和而自信的,所以大街上能随时看到令人惊艳的美女!

    People in Chongqing are calm and confident , so at any time on the street you can see the stunning beauty !

  10. 尽管我在这其中并不能看到任何奇特之处,但是这些风俗的确展示了重庆人的性格,直率。

    Though I do not see anything spectacular about it , it really demonstrates the charactor of Chongqing people , quick and frank .

  11. “亚洲第一胖”、重庆人梁用接受了一系列减肥手术后,开始卖起了小饰品补贴家用。

    Liang Yong , dubbed the fattest man in Asia , sells bric-a-brac in Chongqing to earn some cash after a series of medical operations .

  12. 重庆文化是重庆人的生活方式和价值观念的反映,重庆是一座典型的移民城市,重庆文化又是一种移民文化。

    Chongqing culture reflects ChongQing people 's mode of living and sense of values . As a typical city of immigrants , its culture is that of immigrants .

  13. 调研目的即通过对重庆人身保险市场近年来发生的违法违规问题的调查、分析,以提出相应的治理监管措施,为重庆人身保险市场的进一步规范发展提供参考。

    The goal is through the analysis to the illegal problems which exists in Chongqing life insurance market since 2008 , propose corresponding measure for the reference , which can be helpful for standard of the Chongqing life insurance market .