
  • 网络relocation;relocate;reposition;Base Relocations
  1. 本文讨论Z-80目标程序的静态自动重定位问题。

    This paper deals with the static automatic relocation of Z-80 object program .

  2. Z-80目标程序的自动重定位

    Automatic Relocation of Z-80 Object Program

  3. 一种基于Java应用构件动态重定位模型

    Dynamic Relocation Model and Algorithm for Application Components Based on Java

  4. 本文针对MeanShift的这方面缺陷做了改进,首先在基本MeanShift算法中引入自适应的模板更新,采用核函数带宽重定位,来适应目标的形变。

    This paper improves the Mean Shift algorithm by introducing adapted templates updates , using redefined kernel bandwidth to re-locate positions of objects .

  5. 可重定位的编译器对特定应用的指令集处理器ASIP(ApplicationSpecificInstructionProcessor)的设计至关重要。

    A retargetable compiler is one of the key steps in design of Application Specific Instruction Processor ( ASIP ) .

  6. 基于参考点和ICP算法的点云数据重定位研究

    Research of Point Clouds Reorientation Based on Reference Point and ICP Algorithm

  7. 基于拾取点与ICP算法的三维图形重定位研究与实现

    Research and Realization on 3D Graphics Reorientation Based on Selected Points and ICP Algorithm

  8. OCT图像畸变的消除&相关峰值扫描重定位算法

    Recovery of the Distorted OCT Images & the Peak Crosscorrelation Scan Re-registration Algorithm

  9. 目前流行的CAD系统具备一定的数据预处理功能,如:去除明显噪音点、对称基准重建、重定位整合等。

    The present popular CAD systems can deal with CMM data to some extent , such as : delete noisy points , rebuild symmetrical benchmark , data combination .

  10. 它在使用WPAR的不同系统之间提供了自动的、基于策略的工作负载重定位。

    It provides automatic , policy-based relocation of workload between systems using WPARs .

  11. 这个部分将显示如何安装WPAR管理器以及重定位正在运行的WPAR。

    This section shows how to install WPAR manager and relocate a running WPAR .

  12. 动态应用程序迁移允许您将正在运行的WPAR从一个LPAR重定位到另一个LPAR。

    Live Application Mobility allows you to relocate running WPARs from one LPAR to another .

  13. 基于重定位的维、哈、柯文Unicode编码及多文种索引技术研究

    Research on the Uyghur , Kazak and Kyrgyz Relocated Unicode Format and Multilingual Indexing Approach

  14. 用于软刻蚀复型及转印前后形貌比较的反向重定位AFM成像方法

    Reverse reposition imaging technique of AFM used to compare the topography of the master , stamp and the pattern in soft lithography

  15. 如何实现DOS的重定位功能,运行最终的EXE程序。

    How to implement DOS relocation and execute the last EXE program under BIOS , non-DOS supporting circumstance .

  16. 正如名称所暗示的,Mover将文件从源目录重定位到发布目录。

    As the name implies , a Mover relocates a file from the source to the publishing directory .

  17. 以编程方式实现对象的重定位:该指针操纵为复制和悬空指针(danglingpointer)等问题的发生制造了机会。

    The relocation of objects is done programmatically : This pointer manipulation opens the door to problems of duplication and dangling pointers .

  18. 从这里开始,添加WPAR,并且对它们进行配置,以使其能够进行重定位。

    It is from here , that one adds the WPARs and configures them to be able to be relocatable .

  19. ASIP处理器的可重定位编译器的设计

    Design of a Retargetable Compiler for ASIP

  20. 在规划动态应用程序迁移时,定义重定位WPAR的原因,并以此作为开始,这一点是很重要的。

    When planning for Live Application Mobility , it 's important to start out by defining your reason behind relocating the WPARs .

  21. 本文首先介绍ELF文件格式规范,然后结合一个简单的C语言程序,分析编译、链接后生成的可重定位、可执行格式实例。

    This paper describes the ELF file format specification , and then combined with a simple C language program analysis is compiled and linked to generate the relocatable , executable format instance .

  22. 要在UNIX平台中使用g++创建一个共享库,需要通过向g++传递-fPIC标志,将所有的源文件编译为可重定位的共享对象。

    To create a shared library in UNIX platforms using g + + , compile all source files as relocatable shared objects by passing the-fPIC flag to g + + .

  23. 无论您在哪里创建WPAR,都可以从这里重定位您的分区(请参见图4)。

    Regardless of where you create your WPAR , you can relocate your partitions from here as well ( see Figure 4 ) .

  24. 在了解了重定位WPAR的原因之后,您还将需要同时考虑源和目标系统中的工作负载。

    And once you understand the why behind your decision to relocate the WPARs , you 'll also need to take into account the workloads on both the source and target system .

  25. 在美国市场,别克被重定位为卡迪拉克(Cadillac)的奢侈品牌伴侣;而在中国市场,又能巧妙地利用技术领导者的地位,获取竞争优势。

    Repositioned as the luxury brand partner of Cadillac in the U.S. and smartly leveraging its status as a technology leader in China , Buick is piling triumph upon triumph .

  26. 作为ELF目标文件裁剪的具体示例,设计并实现了可重定位ELF文件的裁剪,从而验证了该裁剪方法的可行性、正确性和有效性。

    Design and implementation of the tailoring of the relocatable ELF file , to clarify the mechanism of the new tailoring method and manifest the feasibility , correctness and validity of this tailoring method .

  27. 笔者对PE格式进行了详细研究,总结了此类病毒用到的相关技术,如重定位、如何获取API函数地址等,并透彻分析了CIH病毒代码。

    A deeply research has been done on the PE file format , and the technology which has been used in this type viruses has also been summarized , such as relocation and how to get the address of API functions etc.

  28. 注意,因为BSD的a.out格式处理这种重定位类型的特殊方式,在你要访问的地址处的同一个段内必须至少有一个非局部的标志符。

    Note that due to a peculiarity of the way BSD a.out format handles this relocation type , there must be at least one non-local symbol in the same section as the address you 're trying to access .

  29. 图5显示了重定位处理正在进行中。

    Figure 5 shows that the relocation process is in progress .

  30. 重定位是动态加载的核心概念。

    Dynamic loading means runtime loading-load modules in when program needs .