
zhòng shāng zhǔ yì
  • mercantilism
重商主义[zhòng shāng zhǔ yì]
  1. 在这种重商主义面前,美国有权保护自己。

    The US is entitled to protect itself against such mercantilism .

  2. 重商主义自形成以来,对世界经济产生了巨大的影响,直接催化了资产阶级政治经济学的诞生,并构成了发展经济学的基础。

    Mercantilism has greatly influenced the world economy since it was formed .

  3. 相反,他们依赖了构建整个世界贸易组织(WTO)体系所依据的重商主义幻想:贸易增加了出口机会,但廉价进口产品也带来了痛苦,而贸易谈判应在二者之间加以平衡。

    They have relied instead on the mercantilist fiction on which the entire World Trade Organization is constructed : that trade negotiations are supposed to balance the pleasure of increased export opportunities against the pain of cheap imports .

  4. 事实上,伦敦朗伯德街研究公司(LombardStreetResearch)的查尔斯杜马斯(CharlesDumas)指出,欧元区成员国身份鼓励德国采取了代价高昂的重商主义战略,牺牲了国民利益,损害了经济的生产率。

    Indeed , Charles Dumas of London-based Lombard Street Research argues that euro membership has encouraged Germany into a costly mercantilist strategy at the expense of its people and the productivity of the economy .

  5. 对TPP的参与方来说,无法签订协议会造成难以估量的后果,因为中国这种追求重商主义,由政府主导经济政策的国家,会受到鼓励,来为亚太地区设置贸易规则。

    For the T.P.P. parties , failure to conclude an agreement would have untold costs , as countries like China that pursue mercantilist , government-directed economic policies would be emboldened to set the terms of trade in the Asia-Pacific region .

  6. 但他同时还指出,著名经济学家保罗萨缪尔森(PaulSamuelson)(萨默斯的叔叔)主张,各国在与奉行重商主义政策的国家进行贸易时,可以不适用自由贸易原则。

    But he also pointed out that Paul Samuelson , a famous economist ( and uncle of Mr Summers ), had argued that the case for free trade might not apply when countries were trading with nations that were pursuing mercantilist policies .

  7. 同时以IPE对民族国家与世界市场的理解为切入点对自由主义、重商主义、新马克思主义和生态女权主义这四种理论予以了简要的分析。重商主义和大庄园制度盛行,缺乏统一的经济联系;

    Finally , it analyzes briefly four theories including liberalism , mercantile system , Neo-Marxism , Eco-feminism from the perspective of nation-state and market in IPE . prevailing mercantile system and latifundism made the land lack unified economic connections ;

  8. 他们仿佛以他们的愚钝的重商主义名声为自豪。

    They seem to glory in their reputation for crass commercialism .

  9. 李嘉图并不是第一个向重商主义正统观念提出挑战的人。

    Ricardo was not the first to challenge the mercantilist orthodoxy .

  10. 16世纪中期,国际贸易理论的基础是重商主义观念。

    In 16th century , mercantilism was the foundation of foreign trade .

  11. 伊丽莎白一世的重商主义政策与市场经济因素的孕育

    The Mercantilism Policy of Elizabeth ⅰ and the Development of Market Economy

  12. 浅析重商主义与英国市场经济体制的形成

    Mercantilism and the Forming of Market Economy System in England

  13. 金融重商主义的危害也许有点危言耸听。

    The threat of financial mercantilism can be overstated .

  14. 当然,重商主义思想自18世纪以来已经有了新的进展。

    Of course , mercantilist thinking has moved on since the 18th century .

  15. 17-18世纪是重商主义盛行时期,重商主义成了英国的国策。

    Century was a full bloom period of Mercantilism .

  16. 试析近代英国重商主义的兴衰及其影响

    The Analysis of Rise and Fall and Influence of Mercantilism in Modern Britain

  17. 英国重商主义经济体制研究

    The Study of Economic System of England under Mercantilism

  18. 重商主义与英第一帝国经济政策

    Mercantilism and the Economic Policy of British First Empire

  19. 他们看到,具有重商主义倾向的中国正在一门心思地抢占世界石油供应。

    They see a mercantilist China single-mindedly moving to pre-empt world oil supplies .

  20. 但是,贬值又至少部分地被亚洲重商主义者阻碍。

    But depreciation is also at least partially blocked by the Asian mercantilists .

  21. 早期的重商主义为了资本的原始积累倡导国家主义型政府,主张政府干预经济。

    The early mercantilism for the capital primitive accumulation advocates the government intervention economy .

  22. 重商主义时期是资本主义生产计划性的发轫期。

    Capitalistic production plan appeared in mercantilism period .

  23. 中国目前仍在坚持这种重商主义政策。

    China is sticking with this mercantilist policy .

  24. 第二,中国已到达了亨德利所称的重商主义的最后阶段。

    Second , China has hit what Hendry calls the last stage of mercantilism .

  25. 只要重商主义的思维继续主导着有关人民币汇率的辩论,这种根本结构就不太可能改变。

    That is unlikely as long as mercantilist thinking continues to dominate the renminbi debate .

  26. 重商主义者的首要目的是为了富强国家。

    The primary aim of mercantilists was to achieve power and wealth for the state .

  27. 按历史发展的线索追溯国际直接投资的经济思想渊源&重商主义思想和古典国际贸易理论。

    We trace the economic thought source of FDI theories according to the history clue .

  28. 张謇实业思想的重商主义性

    Mercantilism in Zhang Jian 's Industrial Thought

  29. 危机爆发时,重商主义才是王道。

    In crises , the mercantilists rule .

  30. 现代重商主义政治家不再觊觎黄金和白银,而是谈论促进就业的问题。

    Instead of coveting gold and silver , modern mercantilist politicians talk of promoting employment .