
  1. 估计我们就是喝酒,不醉不归。

    We 'll more likely just go out and get drunk .

  2. 不是那种不醉不归的聚会。

    Not the drink until dawn kind of parties .

  3. 史蒂夫的生日到了,大家都想出去喝个不醉不归&除了史蒂夫。

    It 's Steve 's birthday and everyone wants to go out and get plastered-except Steve .

  4. 答应我一件事:不醉无归。

    Only promise me one thing , don 't take me home until I 'm drunk .

  5. 卫水市宣传部王部长也站起身端起了酒杯,来,大家干杯,今天不醉不归。

    Wang Wei water and Municipal Propaganda Minister also rose to savor the wine glass , and we toast today buzuibugui .

  6. 无论是囊中羞涩,还是厌倦了酒吧,和兄弟们在家中开个小聚会,可以让你和最好的朋友在家里不醉不归。

    Whether your wallet has gotten thin or you 're just plain tired of the bars , a night in with your buddies can be the perfect excuse to get house drunk with your best friends .

  7. 中国有俗语说一醉方休、不醉不归。醉被当做喝酒的最高境界。

    As the popular Chinese sayings go , " one would never stop drinking before getting drunk " and " one will not return home before getting drunk ", it is regarded as the most lofty realm of wine drinking to get drunk .