
  • 网络jiuquan;jiuquan city
  1. 酒泉市旅游产业发展的制约因素分析

    An Analysis on the Restrict Factors in Development of Jiuquan Tourism Industry

  2. 西部地区土地整理生态评价&以甘肃省酒泉市为例

    Ecological evaluation for land consolidation in Western china & a case study of Jiuquan

  3. 酒泉市夏季降水和气温变化与ENSO事件的相关分析

    Analysis on the Correlation between the Change of Precipitation and Temperature in Jiuquan City and ENSO Events

  4. 酒泉市肃州区近55a的气候变化特征、突变与周期分析

    Characteristics and analysis of abrupt and cyclic climate changes in Suzhou District , Jiuquan City in recent 55 years

  5. 酒泉市肃州区食用菌产业发展建议

    Development Suggestions of Edible Fungus Industry in Suzhou of Jiuquan City

  6. 酒泉市海外客源市场空间结构分析

    The Analysis of Spatial Structure of foreign Tourism Market in Jiuquan City

  7. 酒泉市城南热岛成因分析

    Cause of formation of city heat island effect in Jiuquan

  8. 酒泉市小学数学新课程实施研究

    A Study on Implementation of New Mathematic Curriculum in Jiuquan 's Primary School

  9. 酒泉市农村小学校园文化建设研究

    A Research on the Cultural Development of the Village Primary Schools in Jiu Quan

  10. 酒泉市防震减灾三大工作体系建设

    Construction of the Three Working Systems for Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Mitigation in Jiuquan City

  11. 新课程改革实验正在全国全面推行,酒泉市有九所小学作为试验点在小学一年级开设课程改革实验班。

    At present , the experiment of the new curriculum reform has spread all over the country .

  12. 酒泉市1987~2000年农村恶性肿瘤死亡调查

    An Investigation on Death Caused by Malignancies in Country Population from 1987 to 2000 in Jiuquan Area

  13. 酒泉市退牧还草工程对植被恢复的影响

    Effect of " restoring grassland from overgrazing " project on vegetation restoration in Jiuquan city , Gansu province

  14. 讨赖河是我国西北地区较大的内陆河,主要涉及甘肃省酒泉市和嘉峪关市。

    Taolai River is a great inland river in northwest area of China , passing Jiuquan city and Jiayuguan city in Gansu province .

  15. 酒泉市紫花苜蓿新品种筛选及栽培技术研究

    Study of New Species Filtration and Technology of Cultivation on Violet Flower Lucerne ; Cultivation of introduced alfalfa varieties in an arid area of Minqin county

  16. 然后以酒泉市法院系统为例,从司法实践的角度归纳了行政不作为案件的主要特点。

    At last , give examples of Jiuquan City 's court system , it include the main characteristics of " the administration did not take " cases from judicial practice .

  17. 2003年玉门市政府驻地迁址获得国务院、民政部、省政府、酒泉市政府批准,并付诸实施。

    Yumen City resident in2003 the relocation of the Government by the State Council , Ministry of Civil Affairs , the provincial government , Jiuquan city government approval and implementation .

  18. 通过对酒泉市水资源的现状及农业节水增效工程技术的应用分析研究,探索节水农业发展的新思路,促进农业可持续发展。

    This paper analyzed the actuality of water resource and the application of water-saving engineering technology , explored new consideration for water-saving agriculture to accelerate the development of preservation agriculture .

  19. 通过对酒泉市耕地的动态变化分析,得出影响酒泉市耕地变化的因素是自然因素和社会经济因素。

    By analyzing the dynamic changes of cultivated land in Jiuquan City , it was found that the factors of influencing the cultivated land changes were the natural and economic factors .

  20. 酒泉市作为古丝绸之路上的一颗明珠,有着丰富的旅游资源,具备发展国际性大旅游经济的资源环境优势和市场潜力。

    As a bright pearl on the Ancient Silk Road , the city of Jiuquan is abundant in tourism resources and enjoys the advantages of resource environment and the latent market capacity for developing grand international tourism .

  21. 最新建造的2382公里特高压电网连接了中国西北的甘肃省酒泉市与中部的湖南省,这个电网的建成正是中国引领清洁能源革命的典范。

    The newly built 2383-kilometer long ultra-high-voltage transmission line connecting Jiuquan city , in northwest China 's Gansu Province with central China 's Hunan Province is a symbol of China 's leading role in the clean energy revolution .

  22. 第四部分包括第七章,引入实例,通过调查了解酒泉市制种产业的发展状况,更进一步分析了河西走廊特色农业的发展情况。

    Part IV , including Chapter VII , the introduction example , through the system of investigating and understanding of Jiuquan City , the development of the industry , further analysis of the characteristics of the Hexi Corridor in the development of agriculture .

  23. 本文通过利用2000-2004年城乡居民收入和消费的统计资料,对酒泉市与嘉峪关市这两市的城乡居民收入结构、变化趋势和消费结构、变化趋势进行了对比分析。

    In this paper , we used income and consumption statistical data of rural and urban residents of Jiuquan City and Jiayuguan City from 2000 to 2004 to make comparative analysis on the structures and change trends of income and consumption between rural and urban residents .

  24. 在对甘肃河西走廊酒泉市旅游业发展制定规划的过程中,认识观光农业对于形成普遍的旅游意识和开发旅游资源、完善旅游业结构具有特殊意义。

    During the process of making planning to the development of tourism of Jiuquan prefecture of the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province , the special importance of sightseeing agriculture for forming general tourism consciousness and developing tourism resources and perfect structure of tourism of the region have been noticed .

  25. 不同文明背景下城乡居民收入、消费差异比较研究&以酒泉、嘉峪关市为例

    The Comparative Study on Income and Consumption Disparity Between Rural and Urban Residents on the Background of Different Civilization & A Case Study of Jiuquan City and Jiayuguan City

  26. 同年玉门油田酒泉生活基地在酒泉市新城区奠基,石油企业“下山工程”正式启动。

    Yumen Oilfield living in the same year Jiuquan base in Jiuquan City , the foundation of new urban areas , oil companies ," down the project " was formally initiated .

  27. 酒泉领航公司质量违法案件发生后,酒泉市质量技术监督局在对该案的处理过程中引发的焦点问题,亦然是执法人员对自由裁量权的适用问题。

    Jiuquan navigation company quality illegal after the incident , Jiuquan city of quality and Technical Supervision Bureau in the handling of the case of the focus of the problem , also be law enforcement officers on the discretion of the application .

  28. 本文的研究不仅对酒泉移动的市场营销工作具有指导意义,而且对酒泉市整个移动通信行业的良性竞争也具有一定参考价值。

    This thesis is going to be instructive and meaningful to the marketing work of Jiuquan mobile . Simultaneously , it will have a great reference value to the benign competition of the mobile communication industry in Jiuquan .