
  • 网络Hotel Management;Hospitality Operations Management
  1. 酒店经营管理发展趋向分析

    An Analysis on the Development Trend of Hotel Operation and Management

  2. 我在学酒店经营管理课程。

    I 've done a course in Hotel management .

  3. 私企酒店经营管理局限性探讨

    A Probe into the Limitations of Private Hotel Management

  4. 会展酒店经营管理模式探析

    Discussing About the Management Pattern of Convention-exhibition Hotel

  5. 中外酒店经营管理模式分析

    Analysis on Chinese and Foreign Hotels Management Mode

  6. 论酒店经营管理中的人际关系

    Human Relationship in Hotel Management and Administration

  7. 此部分的内容主要是对酒店经营管理者和人力资源工作者进行访谈,对劳动力市场进行问卷调查。

    This part is mainly to interview the hotel managers and the human resources manager and make the questionnaire survey on labor market .

  8. 在主题酒店的经营管理中,其主题文化是较为核心的因素。

    In the management of the theme hotel , the theme culture is the key element .

  9. 员工的过度流动会给酒店的经营管理带来一系列的负面影响。

    Excessive brain drain of hotel staffs would bring a series of negative effect on hotel management .

  10. 近年来,资本运营已经成为我国酒店业经营管理方面备受关注的研究课题。

    In recent years , " capital operation " has become a research topic of concern regarding hotel management in China .

  11. 一开始我们只是设计和开发酒店,经营管理交给别人做。

    When we first started , we were designers and developers of hotels . We let out the management contracts to others .

  12. 候匡平一开始我们只是设计和开发酒店,经营管理交给别人做。

    HO KWON PING When we first started , we were designers and developers of hotels . We let out the management contracts to others .

  13. 认真贯彻执行国家和政府的方针、政策、法令和上级的有关指示,做好酒店的经营管理。

    Carry out guidelines , policies and decrees of the national and the government and enforce the orders from the superior ; do well in the management of the hotel .

  14. 文章对比分析中外酒店的经营管理模式,指出中国酒店业发展中的差距,并对其发展提出一些看法。

    This papr , comparing the management mode of Chinese and foreign hotels , points out some problems and gap in Chinese hotel industry , and puts forward viewpoints on future development .

  15. 年,主营对外投资、举办实业、国内商业、物资建材供销业、房地产开发、房屋租赁及酒店经营与管理。

    SHENZHEN Baolilai Group , established on , 2003 , majors in overseas investment , industry , domestic commerce , materials and building marketing industry , real estate , lease service and hotels .

  16. 以上对策和建议的提出,希望能为政府及主管部门改进思路、投资者理性投资及黄山市经济型酒店的经营管理提供一定参考与实践指导。

    It hopes that these countermeasures and suggestions can supplies some references and practical directions to change minds of government and manage department , help the investor to invest intellectually and make the management better in Huangshan economy hotel .

  17. 客户关系管理在现代酒店企业的经营管理中,随着竞争的加剧,倍受重视,具有独特的战略意义。

    Along with the growing competition , guest relationship management is now playing a more and more important and strategic role in the management of modern hotels .

  18. 采购成本控制不仅应该、而且必须成为酒店企业经营和管理中的一项核心内容。

    Just for this , the control of purchasing cost not only ought to , but also must be a core of the problems in the hotel management and administration .

  19. 如果想在激烈的竞争中取得独有的优势,就必须要酒店能够在经营管理、产品服务等诸多方面不断的提高服务管理的意识。

    If you want to in the fierce competition and achieved the unique advantages , it is necessary to hotel can in business management , product service and so on many aspects continuously improve service management consciousness .

  20. 输出管理模式:酒店全权委托经营管理,酒店开业筹备顾问,酒店业主顾问,酒店扭亏为盈顾问,酒店营业策划顾问,酒店服务质量顾问等。

    Output management mode : full authority management of hotel , advising on Hotel opening preparation , management consultancy to hotel owners , advising on Hotel turning from loss-making to profit , hotel business strategy planning , service quality consultancy , etc.

  21. 本课题的研究对经济型酒店的投资者、经营管理部门、建筑师都有一定的借鉴意义,可以为经济型酒店的开发和建设提供有益的参考。

    The subject has a major reference for investors , management , architects , and provide a useful reference for the development and construction of economic hotels .

  22. 实践证明,酒店文化在酒店经营管理中发挥着巨大能动作用,进一步推动了这些国家酒店行业的发展。

    Practice show that the hotel culture in the hotel management plays a great role in the move , further promoting the development of the industry in these countries .

  23. 没有良好的酒店预订系统,酒店的经营管理结构就无从谈起了。

    A good system of booking hotel is very important for the hotel management structure .

  24. 随着酒店行业的发展,新兴的经营管理模式的出现,即全国连锁酒店经营管理模式,原有的酒店管理系统已经越来越不能够适应新兴的经营管理模式。

    With the development of hotel , the new management mode comes , that is the national chain hotel management mode , the original hotel management system has become increasingly unable to adapt to the new management model .

  25. 合作方式:酒店产权经营权出让,或引进品牌酒店管理公司经营管理。

    Cooperation method : hotel property rights and operation rights transfer , or introduce brand hotel management companies for operation and management .

  26. 从经济型酒店的发展现状入手,改善经济型酒店的经营管理,提高经济型酒店品牌竞争力,成为一个热门话题。

    From the economic development of the hotel start with improving the economy of the hotel management , improve the economic competitiveness of the hotel brand and become a hot topic .

  27. 厦门磐基皇冠假日酒店是由磐基国际集团投资,引进洲际酒店集团经营管理,按照国际五星级标准兴建的酒店。

    Located in the heart of Xiamen 's commercial and business district , the newly opened Crowne Plaza Paragon Xiamen is invested by Paragon International and managed by InterContinental Hotels Group .

  28. 酒店行业是一个高采购成本、低资本回报的传统行业,采购成本控制不仅应该、而且必须成为酒店企业经营和管理中的一项核心内容。

    Hotel industry is a traditional industry with high purchase cost and low capital return . Purchase cost control should and must be one critical content of hotel operation and management .

  29. 随着酒店竞争的日益激烈,应用现代信息技术对酒店日常事务进行科学化管理已成为酒店发展的必然选择,计算机管理系统开始逐步应用于酒店经营管理的各个领域。

    With the hotel competition becoming increasingly fierce , the application of modern information technology has become an inevitable choice for hotel development , and computer management system is used gradually in all areas of hotel management .