
  • 网络configuration issues;Assignment Problem;Location-allocation
  1. 防火墙配置问题超出了ClearCase支持的范围。

    Firewall configuration issues are beyond the scope of ClearCase support .

  2. netstat报告的错误还能表明DNS配置问题。

    Errors reported by netstat can also indicate DNS configuration issues .

  3. 利用Romer的RD模型框架,对RD部门的最优投资配置问题进行了初步探讨。

    The optimum investment model based on Romer is studied .

  4. 结合一个液压试验台的设计实例,介绍了PLC控制器的触点的合理配置问题。

    Rational contact configuration of PLC in hydraulic test platform design is introduced in this paper with an example .

  5. UPS电源进线和配电馈线保护设备配置问题

    Configuration of UPS Inlet Line and Distribution Feedback Protection

  6. Systolic算法和结构求解线性系统的极点配置问题

    Systolic algorithm and architecture for pole assignment problem

  7. 这样能够解决由于不存在安全名称空间,以及损坏到连接包的链接和ContentStore中旧报告内容所引起的配置问题。

    This can solve configuration problems that occur due to non-existing security namespaces and broken links to packages and old report content lying in the Content Store .

  8. 可重组FMS中缓冲区容量的优化配置问题小型水电站单机容量的优化配置

    Optimal buffer allocation in reconfigurable FMSs Optimal Collocation of Single Dynamo Capacity of Small-Sized Hydropower Plant

  9. 因此,研究基于ICT的组织决策权配置问题,成为一个重要的研究课题。

    Therefore the study on the impact of ICT on the power distribution is becoming one key research topic .

  10. 考虑了二阶线性系统的比例微分(PD)反馈特征结构配置问题以及其在最优控制问题中的应用。

    The problem of proportional plus derivative ( PD ) feedback eigenstructure configuration and its applications in optimal control problems are investigated in a second-order linear systems .

  11. 针对FMS工艺路线优化配置问题提出一种混合遗传算法。

    A hybrid genetic algorithm ( HGA ) was proposed for process route optimization of FMS ( Flexible Manufacturing System ) based on closed queueing networks .

  12. 从SaaS成熟度模型的角度,研究解决服务的个性化配置问题以及服务的动态部署问题。

    From the perspective of SaaS Maturity Model , the study focuses on solving service personalized configuration issue , as well as service dynamic deployment issue .

  13. 文章在电力系统潮流直接可解概念的基础上提出了采用遗传算法解决PMU的最优配置问题。

    According to the concept of direct solvable power flow the optimal configuration of PMU by genetic algorithm ( GA ) is proposed .

  14. 如果使用软件iSCSI,那么可能需要先解决网络配置问题。

    If accessed using software iSCSI , then network configuration issues may need to be resolved first .

  15. 在许多情况下,OutOfMemoryError错误的发生并不是由于内存泄漏,而是由于导致大量消耗Java堆的配置问题。

    There are many cases in which OutOfMemoryErrors occur not due to a memory leak , but due to configuration issues leading to excessive consumption of the Java heap .

  16. 除了这些基本的配置问题之外。CXF也在WSDL中支持外部策略引用,对于那些想跨平台标准化安全性策略的组织,这是一个重要的特性。

    Beyond the basic configuration issues , CXF also supports external policy references in WSDL , an important feature for organizations that want to standardize security policies across the enterprise .

  17. 首先介绍了应用程序与数据库的连接方法,然后对数据库接口API进行了选择,详细讨论了ADO数据模型,最后论述了ADO数据源配置问题。

    Firstly , the connecting technology between application program and database is introduced , then the database API interface is chosen , and the ADO data model and ADO data source assignment are discussed in detail at last .

  18. 算例仿真证明了利用MST算法求解PMU最优配置问题能使解的质量与求解效率达到很好的平衡,同时也可提高最优解的多样性。

    The simulation results of example systems prove that , the quality of solution and solving efficiency can be well balanced and the diversity of solution is also improved when solving optimal placement of PMU by MST algorithm .

  19. 文章在简要介绍浙江电力光纤骨干通信网概况和分相电流差动保护特点的基础上,重点探讨了500kV线路主保护的光纤配置问题。

    The paper introduces backbone power communication network in Zhejiang , discusses main protection configuration for 500 kV power line based on the characteristics of current differential protection in each phase .

  20. 集群环境的配置问题与独立环境相同,要获取与集群相关的每个WDPE产品的安装计划,请参见WDPE产品的信息中心,获得更多信息。

    The configuration combination consideration is the same with standalone , for each WDPE product planning related with cluster , refer to the WDPE products'information center for details .

  21. 在GPCM中,利用类产品结构表示产品的显式结构知识,规则表示产品的隐式知识,从而降低了复杂机械产品配置问题的求解复杂度。

    In the GPCM , generic product structure is used to describe structural knowledge and rules to represent the implicit knowledge , this reduce the complexity of mechanical product configuration .

  22. 讨论了WAMS的不良数据检测与辨识问题、相量测量装置(PMU)的最优配置问题以及基于PMU的动态状态估计和谐波状态估计等与WAMS状态估计相关的其他问题。

    Furthermore , other problems relating to the estimators based on WAMS are also discussed , such as the bad data detection and identification , the phasor measurement unit ( PMU ) optimal placement and dynamic state estimation and harmonic state estimation based on PMUs .

  23. 试论资源的合理配置问题关于科研开发效率的思考

    On Reasonable Allocation of Resources On efficiency of R & D

  24. 资源的配置问题是经济学研究的核心问题。

    The resource allocation is the core issue in economic research .

  25. 高速电动车组的结构和动力设备配置问题

    Structure of High-speed Electric Multiple Unit and Distribution of Power Equipment

  26. 含脉冲模广义系统的极点配置问题

    On the Pole Placement for Generalized Linear System Containing Impulse Modulus

  27. 线性系统极点配置问题的算法及实现

    Algorithm and Implement for Configuration of Poles of Linear State-Feedback System

  28. 全光网波长转换器配置问题的一种启发式算法

    A Heuristic Algorithm for Wavelength Converter Allocation in Wavelength-Routed All-Optical Networks

  29. 关于分布参数系统极点配置问题的注记

    Notes on the pole assignment for the distributed parameter system

  30. 土地转让性与土地资源配置问题研究

    The Transferability and Efficient Allocation of Rural Land in China