
  • 网络Distribution Management System;DMs
  1. 指出只有当停电费用损失系数达到一个较高的数值时,投资配电管理系统才有适当的投资回报。

    It is indicated that appropriate return on investment in DMS can be achieved only when power outage loss coefficient is high enough .

  2. 介绍了配电管理系统的组成和相互关系、技术管理系统开发的体会,提出了生产管理系统开发的指导思想和目标,系统介绍了生产管理软件的功能、特点。

    It introduces the components of DMS and the correlation of them , and the experience in the development of the technology management system and propose the principles and goals in the design of production management system . The functions and characters of the production management software are also introduced .

  3. 镇江地区基于GIS的实时配电管理系统

    Real-time Distribution Manangement System Based on GIS in Zhenjiang Area

  4. 基于GIS的DMS(配电管理系统)拓扑分析

    Topological Analysis for DMS Based on GIS

  5. MODBUSTCP技术在供配电管理系统中的应用

    Application of Modbus TCP Technique in Power Management System

  6. 配电管理系统(DMS)中GIS和SCADA数据转化技术研究

    Research on the Technique for Data Transformation between GIS and SCADA of Distribution Management System

  7. 状态估计是配电管理系统(DMS)的重要组成部分。

    State estimation is an integral part of distribution management system .

  8. 基于NT的配电管理系统

    Windows NT based distribution management system

  9. 配电管理系统(DMS)技术的现状和发展趋势

    The Status and Development Trend of Distribution Management Systems

  10. 配电管理系统(DMS)将逐步规范、完善;

    Distribution management system ( DMS ) should gradually be improved and standardized .

  11. 概述了配电管理系统中地理信息的应用现状,以及目前SCADA与GIS的集成状况。

    The current condition of geographical information application in distribution management system and the integration of SCADA and GIS are briefly summarized .

  12. 配电管理系统(DMS)的技术要点

    Technical key points of distribution management system

  13. 本文提出了适合电力企业GIS的数据组织和管理的改进模型,根据这个模型建立的配电管理系统满足客户服务中心管理和使用配电(GIS)资源数据的要求。

    An advanced model for Data organized and managed of Electric Power enterprise Power Distribution Management System is proposed , the model adapt to managing GIS resource data for call center .

  14. 本文从设计思路、实施方案、主要技术创新点等几方面阐述了基于GIS的实时配电管理系统的设计思想和技术要点。

    The paper describes the design conception and technical points of real time distribution management system based on GIS from points of view of design idea , implementing scheme and major technical innovation points .

  15. 高质量的负荷数据是配电管理系统(DMS)中各种功能模块实现的基础。

    Highly accurate load data are the base of implementing kind of function modules in distribution management system ( DMS ) .

  16. 配电管理系统(DMS)是提高配电网运行和管理水平必不可少的手段。

    A distribution management systems ( DMS ) are an essential tool for improving the level of a distribution system operation and management .

  17. 分别分析探讨了配电管理系统(DMS)的特色功能和算法选择。

    This paper discusses some characteristic functions of distribution management system ( DMS ) used in DPS . Some algorithms for DMS are also discussed .

  18. 随着公共信息模型(CIM)的不断完善,应用也逐步从能量管理系统扩展到配电管理系统和变电站自动化。

    With the development of common information model ( CIM ), its application is being extended from energy management system ( EMS ) to distribution management system ( DMS ) and substation automation .

  19. DGIS具有空间数据和资料信息量大,管理查询功能复杂,系统开放性要求高,同配电管理系统(DMS)、SCADA系统结合紧密等特点。

    The feature of DGIS is huge amount of space and information data , complicated function of management and query , the requirement of system openness and the tight combination with DMS and SCADA , etc.

  20. 从分析国内以往配电管理系统(DMS)存在的主要问题入手,针对配电网的发展需求,结合国际标准和计算机技术的发展趋势,提出了新一代配电网自动化及管理系统的设计原则。

    By analyzing the major problems of distribution management system ( DMS ), a design principle of the new generation distribution automation and management system is presented in accordance with the international standard and the developing trend of the computer technology .

  21. 论述了利用配电管理系统(DMS)的实时特性,在DMS中开发防窃电功能,比采用防窃电电能表防窃电,具有快速侦察窃电,实时告警提示等优点。

    It is pointed out that , by using the real time characteristics of DMS , to develop the function of electricity larceny prevention in DMS is much better in fast larceny scout and real time alarm than in kilowatt hour meter .

  22. 根据目前国内外配电管理系统(DMS)的现状,探讨了DMS/DA的特征和功能,并提出DMS的实施首先要有一个高水平的工作平台,在此平台上进行系统功能的集成。

    According to the status of DMS , features and functions of DMS / DA are discussed in this paper . The author puts forward that high quality working deck should be needed for DMS , and realization of system functions should be based on this deck .

  23. 新一代实用化配电管理系统架构体系及其工程意义

    Structure and Design of A New Practical Generation Distribution Management System

  24. 船舶供配电管理系统智能开关柜研制

    Development of Intelligent Switchboard in Ship Supply Distribution Administration System

  25. 配电管理系统当前的国际状况

    Distribution management systems state of the art around the world

  26. 配电管理系统分布式数据库的实现

    Realization of the distributed database in distribution management systems

  27. 论述了国内实现配电管理系统的必要性及意义。

    Describes the necessary and significance of realizing distribution management system in our country .

  28. 配电管理系统中的分析应用软件研究

    Development of Software for Distribution Network Analysis

  29. 配电管理系统中的需求侧管理

    Demand Side Management in Distribution Management System

  30. 配电管理系统的认知体系结构

    Cognitive architecture of a distribution management system