
  • 网络Fractional Reserve System;Fractional Reserve Banking;Fractional Reserve
  1. 那些不喜欢银行业“部分准备金制度”的人们应该会欢迎这种结果:它将提高银行的“部分准备金”。

    Those who dislike fractional reserve banking should welcome that result : it would raise the fraction .

  2. 说起自由市场,右翼人士声称,如果我们回到金本位制、或者结束银行部分准备金制度,那就万事大吉了。我对这些说法表示怀疑。

    On the free   market right people argue that if only we went back to the gold standard or ended fractional reserve banking , all would be well . I question such claims .

  3. 伴随着部分准备金银行制度,英国的银行业处于一个不平稳的均衡中。

    With a fractional reserve system you 're in an unstable equilibrium .

  4. 这比流通的金钱少的多,但是他们总是有部分准备金银行制度。

    That 's a lot less than the amount of money out there but they always had fractional reserve of banking anyway .

  5. 如果大多数银行一起这样做,所谓的部分准备金银行制度就成为可能。因此,如果一家银行创造的货币成为另一家银行的存款的话,那就不会产生很大的影响。

    Fractional reserve banking , as it was called , was possible if most of the banks engaged in this practice together , so it did not much matter if money created by one bank was deposited with another .