
  1. 郎朗国际音乐基金会(langlanginternationalmusicfoundation)致力于在全球发展音乐项目,培养儿童对音乐的兴趣。

    The Lang Lang International Music Foundation aims to develop music programmes around the world , to develop interest among children .

  2. 飞跃在琴键上的一双手——CNN专访华裔钢琴家郎朗

    Unconventional Maestro CNN Interview with the Remarkable Chinese Pianist Lang Lang

  3. 去年11月,他创办了郎朗基金会(langlangfoundation),以推动美国、欧洲和中国的音乐教育。

    Last November he started the Lang Lang foundation to promote musical education in the US , Europe and China .

  4. 朗朗起初拒绝了对返场曲的请求,而是介绍郎朗国际音乐基金会培养的年轻音乐家汪振波(DerekWang)出场。

    Mr. Lang declined an encore at first , instead introducing Derek Wang , a young prot é g é developed through the Lang Lang International Music Foundation .

  5. 郎朗的自传读上去像是华裔作家谭恩美(amytan)的小说:父子间的矛盾终于化解,一位卖水果的人帮助了不快乐的孩子,并鼓励他继续弹琴。

    His autobiography reads like an Amy Tan novel : the stand-off between father and son was ended when a fruit-seller befriended the unhappy boy and encouraged him to continue to play .

  6. 联合国秘书长BanKi-moon表示郎朗将致力与帮助推进联合国优先项目:帮助全球570万失学儿童走进课堂。

    Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Lang Lang will focus on a key UN priority : Getting 57 million children around the world who are currently not receiving an education into classrooms .

  7. 与其他在费城颇具声望的柯蒂斯音乐学院(CurtisInstitute)学习钢琴的学生一样,郎朗有了自己的一间公寓,他与父亲合住,公寓里还有一架7英尺斯坦威钢琴(Steinway)。

    Like other piano students at Philadelphia 's prestigious Curtis Institute , Lang Lang was given an apartment of his own , which he shared with his father , with its own seven-foot Steinway .

  8. 尽管拥有柯蒂斯和朱利亚音乐学院(julliard)等名校,但郎朗表示,音乐教育的危机出现在美国,而非中国。

    In spite of such fine schools as the Curtis and the Julliard , the crisis in music education , Lang Lang says , is in the US , not in China .

  9. 郎朗成为全球热门的品牌代言人。

    Lang Lang has become the face of numerous global campaigns .

  10. 钢琴家郎朗:是啊,的确不是。

    LANG LANG , PIANIST : Yeah , it 's not .

  11. 郎朗进入了中国最好的音乐学院。

    Lang Lang entered the finest music academy in China .

  12. 钢琴家郎朗:不会,不会。

    LANG LANG , PIANIST : No. No , I 'm not .

  13. 郎朗曾帮助组织了一场音乐会,为受灾者筹款。

    The pianist helped organise a concert to raise money for victims .

  14. 钢琴家郎朗:当然会。

    LANG LANG , PIANIST : Yeah , of course .

  15. 《美国哥伦比亚广播公司》说:“郎朗的宣传歌曲是在刺向白宫吗?”。

    Was Lang Lang 's Propaganda Song a Jab at White House ?

  16. 现年31岁的郎朗表示该项殊荣对他来说比音乐更重要。

    The 31-year-old says the role is more important than his music .

  17. 不要责怪郎朗:一个音乐家而不是政治家。

    Don 't blame Lang Lang : a musician is not a politician .

  18. 郎朗以令人眼花乱的技术和魅力征服了古典世界。

    Lang Lang has conquered the classical world with dazzling technique and charisma .

  19. 郎朗本人的改变不大&但所有的事都变了。

    Not much has changed for Lang Lang-except everything .

  20. 钢琴家郎朗:不会,不会。我是说…

    LANG LANG , PIANIST : No , no , no. I mean ...

  21. 钢琴家郎朗:布拉德·皮特——都是大明星。

    LANG LANG , PIANIST : Brad Pitt-I mean , all those great stars .

  22. 郎朗:一年之后,我的音乐还是很糟糕,格拉夫曼先生对我非常生气。

    Lang : A year after , my English still quite bad , and Mr.

  23. 从非洲回来后,郎朗开始筹办慈善音乐会,为孩子们筹集资金。

    Following his visit to Africa , Lang began to organize fundraising concerts for children .

  24. 这不是第一次郎朗演奏支持中国且反米的乐曲。

    This is not the first time that Lang Lang plays such pro-China anti-US musics .

  25. 钢琴家郎朗:结果我在芝加哥遇到的情况确实就是这样。

    LANG LANG , PIANIST : That 's what exactly happened in Chicago for me .

  26. 郎朗非常热衷于努力普及古典音乐。

    Lang Lang is evangelical in his efforts to spread the popularity of classical music .

  27. 1982年6月,郎朗出生在中国东北城市沈阳。

    Lang Lang was born in June 1982 in the northeastern Chinese city of Shenyang .

  28. 钢琴家郎朗:我还有许许多多想做的事。

    LANG LANG , PIANIST : There 's so much more I want to do .

  29. 郎朗在卡内基音乐厅

    Lang Lang Live at Carnegie Hall

  30. 郎朗我的钢琴英雄!

    Lang Lang Liszt-My Piano Hero !