
yóu zī pínɡ zhènɡ
  • postage certificate
  1. 邮票,是指由国家(或地区)邮政主管部门发行的预付邮资凭证。

    Stamp is a prepaid postage certificate issued by the postal administration of a country ( region ) .

  2. 盖销或者划销的邮资凭证不得使用;

    The postage certificates which have been postmarked or cancelled shall not be used .

  3. 第十八条售出的邮资凭证不得向邮政企业及其分支机构兑换现金。

    Article 18 . Postage certificates sold shall not be cashed in postal enterprises or their branch offices .

  4. 邮资凭证是电子邮资系统服务的最终体现,邮资凭证的安全是保证电子邮资系统正常运转的重点。

    Electronic stamp is the final embodiment of E-Postage service , the security of stamp is key guarantee for the E-Postage system .

  5. 第十六条各类邮件资费的交付,以邮资凭证或者证明邮资已付的戳记表示。

    Article 16 . The payment of postage on various postal materials shall be indicated by postage certificates or by postmarks showing postage paid .

  6. 经国务院邮政主管部门公告已经停止使用的邮资凭证不得使用。

    The following postage certificates which the competent department of postal services under the State Council has announced as withdrawn from usage shall not be used .

  7. 本文采用二维条形码为信息载体,用密码防伪技术在邮资凭证中隐含邮件信息,设计出防伪、防重用、能够满足机器识别和邮件自动化分拣的邮资凭证。

    The paper designs out anti-discriminate and anti-reuse stamp by the application of two-dimensional Bar Code and cryptographic anti-discriminate technique , which is machine readable and satisfied for automatic selection of mails .

  8. 在此基础上,重点研究了邮资存储盒设计、邮资续费、防伪邮资凭证设计和系统后台安全体系等实现电子邮资系统的关键技术。

    On the base of this architecture , key techniques to realize E - Postage system are studied , which include the design of postage - storage and stamp ^ secure postage renewing transaction and the foundation of secure background system .

  9. 第十七条邮票、邮资信封、邮资明信片、邮资邮简等邮资凭证由国务院邮政主管部门发行,任何单位或者个人不得伪造。

    Article 17 . Postage stamps , stamped envelopes , stamped postcards , stamped aerogrammes and other postage certificates shall be issued by the competent department of postal services under the State Council , and no unit or individual shall be allowed to produce false copies .

  10. 电子邮资是指邮政通过互联网提供邮资服务,用户通过因特网向邮局购买邮资,并在本地打印出被邮局认可、跟普通邮票具有相同作用的邮资凭证,用以寄信和邮寄包裹等。

    E-Postage ( Electronic Postage ) is a kind of service on Internet provided by post : Users buy postage from post department through Internet , and print out electronic stamps at local area which is admitted by post and can be used as ordinary stamps .