
yóu zhènɡ biān mǎ
  • Postal Code;zip code;post code
邮政编码 [yóu zhèng biān mǎ]
  • [zip code;post code] 一种用来识别每一个邮政投递区的、包括若干个数字或字母的代码

  1. 广州的邮政编码是多少?

    What 's the post code for Guangzhou ?

  2. 邮政编码是100001。

    The post code is 100001 .

  3. 很多人疏忽之下会颠倒邮政编码中数字的顺序。

    Many people inadvertently transpose digits of the ZIP code .

  4. 地址为华盛顿特区,西北区,M大街2025号,邮政编码20036。

    The address is 2025 M Street , Northwest , Washington , DC , 20036

  5. 在这一格里写上你的邮政编码。

    Mark the frame with your postcode

  6. 勿忘使用邮政编码。

    Remember to use postal code .

  7. 勿忘填写邮政编码。

    Remember to fill postal code .

  8. 例如,美国将邮政编码称为ZIPCode。

    The United States calls them ZIP Codes , for example .

  9. 还记得怎样限制SQLSelect语句,使之仅返回居住在邮政编码为95116的地区的客户的行吗?

    Do you remember how to restrict SQL SELECT statements to return only rows for customers living in zip code 95116 ?

  10. 您也许还记得,“clients”表的一个XML列中存储了客户的地址(包括邮政编码)。

    As you may recall , the " clients " table stores customers addresses ( including zip codes ) in an XML column .

  11. 按enter键,按两下tab键,然后输入公司所在的城市、州和邮政编码。

    Press enter , press tab twice , and then type the company city , state , and zip code .

  12. 在Ajax应用程序中,可能需要从XML文档提取邮政编码和查询数据库。

    In an Ajax application , you might want to extract the zip code from an XML document and query a database .

  13. 有两个变量:第一个用来保存指向Web服务的URI;第二个保存的是邮政编码的值。

    You create two variables : the first holds the URI to the Web service and the second holds the zip code value .

  14. 本文中聊天机器人(bot)查找的用户消息以weather开始,后跟邮政编码。

    The bot in this article looks for users who start messages with the word weather , followed by a ZIP code .

  15. 对于我们的应用程序,使用Ajax自动地装载邮政编码数据,不需要刷新页面。

    For our application , AJAX is used to load the zip code data automatically & no refresh required .

  16. Twitter刚刚推出了一项面向特定邮政编码区域发送有偿消息的功能。

    Twitter , for instance , just unveiled a feature enabling paid Tweets to be targeted by zip code .

  17. 清单1清单1给出了这样的一个例子,Ajax请求通过某个地方的邮政编码来检索该地的名称。

    Listing 1 shows an example of an Ajax request to retrieve a place 's name from its postal code .

  18. 例如示例应用程序,如果您想添加对波兰的邮政编码的支持,那么只需创建一个messagespl.properties文件。

    Thinking back to the sample application , for example , if you want to add support for Polish postal codes , simply create a messages_pl.properties file .

  19. 要进一步缩小搜索范围,请输入目的地邮政编码、国家或地区和/或发货人的UPS帐号。

    To further narrow your search , enter the destination postcode , country and / or the shipper ′ s UPS account number .

  20. 老格林威治社区位于格林威治镇的西北部边缘,与斯坦福德(Stamford)交界,并伸入长岛湾(LongIslandSound),是一个有单独邮政编码的普查指定居民区。

    A census-designated place with its own ZIP code , Old Greenwich occupies the southeastern edge of the town of Greenwich , bordering Stamford and extending into Long Island Sound .

  21. 邮政编码按照Ajax方式发送到Apache服务器,在服务器上用PHP和OpenDatabaseConnectivity(ODBC)创建并执行一个查询。

    Using AJAX , the zip is sent to the Apache server , where PHP and Open Database Connectivity ( ODBC ) create a query and execute it .

  22. 您可以转而创建一个邮政编码和天气信息的散列图,并将此信息保存到Portlet服务中。

    Instead , you could create a hash map of zip code and weather information , and save that information into the portlet service .

  23. 如果需要提取邮政编码、电话号码或引用的字符串,请尝试Nathan的解决方案。

    Need to extract a zip code , phone number , or quoted string ? Try Nathan 's solutions .

  24. 本文向您展示如何在PHP中创建一个IRC聊天机器人(bot),用于以向您告知按邮政编码查询的天气情况。

    This article shows you how to create an IRC bot in PHP that can tell you the weather on demand for your ZIP code .

  25. 运行该宏的窗体上“国家”字段中的值为“法国(france)”、“意大利(italy)”或“西班牙(spain)”,并且邮政编码长度不是5字符。

    The value in the country field on the form from which the macro is run is france , italy , or spain , and the postal code is not5 characters in length .

  26. 当向搜索字段输入某一个邮政编码后,一个请求就传向一个使用PHPODBC与后台Informix数据库连接的Web服务器。

    When a zip code is entered into the search field , a request is passed to the Web server , which uses a PHP ODBC connection to the backend Informix database .

  27. 例如,您可以添加一个gadget来根据您家的邮政编码显示出周边的影院正在上映什么影片。

    For example , you might add a gadget that shows you what movies are playing at local theaters based on your ZIP code .

  28. 对于标准JSF验证器不支持的数据类型,则需要建立自己的自定义验证组件,其中包括电子邮件地址和邮政编码。

    You will need to build your own custom validation components for data types that aren 't supported by the standard JSF validators , including e-mail addresses and zip codes .

  29. UniversalPostalUnion'sPostcodespage:如果您想花些时间来了解世界各地的邮政编码,那么可能经常会有迷惑不解的时候。

    Universal Postal Union 's Postcodes page : If you 'd like to spend some time learning more about the postal codes of the world , you should get out more often .

  30. 应该会看到,myWeatherwidget显示了城市(邮政编码)的天气信息,Yahoo!

    You should be able to see that the myWeather widget displays weather information of the location ( zip code ), the Yahoo !