
yóu jiàn yùn shū
  • Mail transportation;the carriage of postal matters
  1. 时间(英文)邮件运输的中心问题就是成本与时限问题。

    The focus of it is the cost and time limit .

  2. 本章不适用于使用民用航空器办理的邮件运输。

    This Chapter shall not apply to the transport of mail performed by civil aircraft .

  3. 为地方和支线航线提供机场服务、期客运航班、空货运及邮件运输。

    Airport services , scheduled passenger flights , cargo and mail transportation on local and regional routes .

  4. 出口国际(港澳台)邮件运输网路图册系统设计与实现由车速传感器采集的车速信号和设定车速的差值作为输入量,实际车速作为输出量。

    Design and Implementation of the Diagram Volume System for International ( HK-Macau-Taiwan ) Export Postal Network ; The input is the error of the speed and the output is actual speed .

  5. 第五章邮件的运输、验关和检疫

    Chapter V transportation , customs examination and quarantine inspection of postal materials

  6. 邮件集装箱运输中的问题分析及其解决方法

    Analysis and Settling Methods on the Problems in the Transportation of Mail Containers

  7. 运送邮件的运输工具。

    A conveyance that transports mail .

  8. 民用航空运输是指在国内和国际航线上使用航空器以营利为目的从事定期和不定期飞行,运送旅客、行李、货物和邮件的运输活动。

    Civil aviation transportation is a transportation activity that uses aircraft to flight regularly and irregularly with the view of seeking profits on the national and international airline , transports passengers , baggage , goods and mails .

  9. 贵阳市邮政局拥有先进的邮件处理和运输设备。

    Guiyang Post Office possesses advanced equipment that process mail and transport vehicle for mail .

  10. 用航空邮件邮寄或者运输。

    Send or transport by airmail .

  11. 第二十九条邮件通过海上运输时,不参与分摊共同海损。

    Article 29 . When transported by sea , postal materials shall not be included in arrangements for sharing common sea losses .

  12. 第二十七条邮政企业在车站、机场、港口转运邮件,有关运输单位应当统一安排装卸邮件的场所和出入通道。

    Article 27 . When postal enterprises transfer postal materials in railway stations , airports and ports , transportation units concerned shall make coordinated arrangement of space and in-and-out passageways for loading and unloading postal materials .

  13. 第条的规定,本公司以船舶从中国港口运载旅客、货物或者邮件出境所得的运输收入,可在中国免征企业营业税。

    Shipping income derived by the claimant from carrying passengers , cargo and mail on their vessels outbound from China shall be exempted from the Business Tax in China .