
  • 网络moral cognition;moral knowledge
  1. 一个基于系统论的道德认知模式

    A Mode of Moral Cognition Based on the Theory of System

  2. 独立学院大学生道德认知状况的调查研究

    The Investigation and Study of Independent Institute Students ' Moral Cognition

  3. 自我了解:第五个道德认知的要素是自我了解。

    Self-Knowledge : A fifth element of moral knowing is self-knowledge .

  4. 浅议大学生道德认知与道德行为失衡现象

    On Unbalanced Phenomena of College Students moral Cognition and Moral behavior

  5. 西方道德认知理论与测量方法的演进

    The Evolution of Western Moral Cognition Theory and Measurement Method

  6. 大学生道德认知水平研究

    A Research on the Level of the Moral Cognition of College Students

  7. 他们在道德认知方面存在哪些问题?

    What problems do they have in the respects of moral cognition ?

  8. 促进道德认知发展增强大学德育实效&探究科尔伯格道德认知发展理论有感

    Promoting Moral Awareness Development and Enhancing the Effectiveness of University Moral Education

  9. 有哪些因素影响了他们的道德认知发展?

    What influence the development of their ethical cognition ?

  10. 职业中专学生道德认知水平研究

    A Research on Moral Cognition of Secondary School Students

  11. 医德教育过程是道德认知与道德行为的统一。

    The process of medical ethics education embodies moral cognition and moral behaviors .

  12. 吉利根对道德认知发展理论的修正

    C.gilligan 's revision of moral cognitive development theory

  13. 其中,小学四年级是道德认知发展的一个关键期。

    Elementary grade four is an essential time for moral cognitive development . 2 .

  14. 道德认知与道德行为背离的困境与超越

    On the Predicament and Transcending of the Deviation of Moral Behavior from Moral Cognition

  15. 我国同场对抗性集体项目青少年运动员体育道德认知与行为研究

    The Study of Sports Moral Cognition and Behavior in Youth Athletes of Team Events

  16. 论初中生道德认知能力的培养

    On Training of the Cognitive Ability of Morality of the Students of the Junior School

  17. 护生道德认知水平与职业态度的相关性研究

    The Correlation Study on the Competence of Moral Cognition and Professional Attitude of Nursing Students

  18. 幼师生道德认知发展及德育对策研究

    The Study of Moral Cognition Development and Moral Education Strategies of Kindergarten Teachers Training School Students

  19. 劳伦斯·科尔伯格的道德认知发展理论在西方道德教育界影响深远。

    Lawrence Kohlberg 's theory of moral cognitive development has profound influences on Western moral education .

  20. 自我教育主要包括提升自我道德认知水平、情绪的自我调节以及道德行为的养成。

    Self education mainly includes developing self moral cognitive level , emotional self-regulation and ethical behavior .

  21. 道德认知发展法;

    Moral cognitive development law ;

  22. 高职学生职业道德认知的现状分析及对策探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Actuality and Countermeasures of the Higher Vocational Students ' Recognition on Professional Ethics

  23. 柯尔伯格的道德认知发展理论主要包括道德发展论、道德教育论和公正群体途径理论。

    The Cognitive Moral Development Mode of Lawrence Kohlberg includes stages of moral development , moral education and just community .

  24. 本研究旨在探讨同场对抗性集体项目青少年运动员体育道德认知与行为的现状与特征。

    Aim : To investigate the effects of CoQ10 supplementation on liver mitochondrial function and aerobic capacity in adolescent athletes .

  25. 会计教育对在校生职业道德认知的影响&基于问卷调查的实证分析

    Impacts of Accountant Education on the Professional Morality Cognition of Undergraduates & Based on the Empirical Analysis of Questionnaire Investigation

  26. 第四部分阐述学校、家庭环境、大众传媒均对大学生道德认知产生影响。

    Part IV expounded the Influence of campus environment , family and mass medium on college students ' moral cognition .

  27. 第五部分通过调查分析大致确定了幼师生道德认知发展的水平。

    In the fifth part , the text roughly confirms the level of students ' moral cognition through investigating and analyzing .

  28. 又以考伯格的道德认知发展理论为依据,设置了在课堂教学环境中配合学生道德心理发展水平实施德育的原则和方法。

    The principles and methods must be in agreement with the psychological levels of students in the course of moral education .

  29. 第六部分根据幼师生道德认知发展的水平,提出了幼师生道德教育的对策及具体方法。

    In the sixth part , the text proposes the concrete methods according to the students ' level of moral cognition .

  30. 个别取向:第三个道德认知的要素是能了解别人的观点。

    Perspective taking : A third element of moral knowing is being able to understand someone else 's point of view .