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  • 网络moral model
  1. 在实践层面,教师应确立其在课堂中的主体性,成为课堂情境中的道德楷模,并具备教育机智。

    On practice , teachers should set up their subjective in the education work and become their students moral model in classroom and have skilled teaching tact .

  2. 他的理论尚未成熟。但是他却是一个道德楷模-激励着那些关心进行军备控制的科学家们。

    But he was a moral compass -- an inspiration to scientists who were concerned with arms control .

  3. 和先知的批判功能相对照,圣人更多地起道德楷模作用。

    Compared to the critical function of the prophet , the sage is usually an exemplar of social morality .

  4. 反英雄观点消解入步前辈人物和道德楷模的典型示范作用等对当代大学生思惟政治教育的消极影响;

    The point of anti-hero and moral role models and so on played negative effects on ideological and political education .

  5. 作为道德楷模与美德的象征,宝钗保全了生命得到了婚姻,却丧失了人性的本真意味;

    Being a symbol of morals and virtue , Baochai preserved life and obtained marriage while losing the nature of humanity .

  6. 其理想人格的建构模式基本是通过树立修身典范与道德楷模的方式来凸显理想人格。

    The construction mode of their ideal personality was mainly to create the ideal personality by becoming the moral models and setting good examples .

  7. 她戏剧性的姿态强调了日本年轻明星必须坚持其无懈可击的道德楷模形象的严格规定。

    Her dramatic gesture underlined the strict rules to which Japan 's young pop stars must adhere to project an image of unimpeachable morals .

  8. 道德楷模的高尚思想行为和感人事迹,体现着一定社会所要求的人生观,承载着一定社会主流道德的价值取向。

    The ideas and moving deeds of moral example bear a main dominant social moral orientation , reflecting the outlook on life of some society .

  9. 作为该组合的元老成员,成为后辈的道德楷模是我的责任,在结束4分钟认错以及深深鞠躬之前她说道。

    As a senior member of the group , it is my responsibility to be a role model for younger members , she said , before ending the four-minute mea culpa with a deep , lingering bow .

  10. 普通青少年和道德楷模对身体伤害、财产伤害、名誉伤害、辜负他人信任的内疚感差异不显著,犯罪青少年对不同伤害的内疚感依次为财产伤害、身体伤害、辜他人信任、名誉伤害。

    Teenagers and moral models feel no significant differences for the body hurts , belongings hurts , reputation hurts , and betrayed others trust . The adolescent offenders feel guilt for belongings hurts , body hurts , betrayed others trust and reputation hurts . 4 .

  11. 至周代,生发于中华民族内心世界的这种情感,逐步演化为一种和谐致善的社会风尚而使周代成为中国古代社会的道德楷模。

    By the Zhou Dynasty , this emotion , which came from the inner world of the Chinese nation , was externalized to be a prevailing social practice encouraging people to live in harmony , and this finally made the Zhou Dynasty become the model of the ancient China .

  12. TechCrunch流量飞速上升,一些人物杂志也开始探讨像迈克尔•阿灵顿这样喜怒无常的人是否能成为道德的楷模?

    Traffic soon jumped , which brought the magazine profiles wondering whether someone as unpredictably temperamental as Michael Arrington could be a force for good .

  13. 一位道德的楷模,我必须承认;

    A model of virtue , I must confess ;

  14. 高校党员应是知识和道德的楷模。

    Party members in universities and colleges should be models with knowledge and morality .

  15. 就士阶层而言,作者的想法是树立一批道德的楷模,让整个士阶层向他们学习。

    As regards the scholar class , the author was inclined to set up a group of moral models for the scholars to learn from .

  16. 我们期望第一流的运动员都是道德高尚的楷模。

    We expect top athletes to be moral paragons .

  17. 此外,法国的道德与公民教育,不在于树立道德楷模,而在于建立全民遵守的、普遍公认的社会规范。

    Moral and civic education is not to set moral models , but to make the whole people conform to the universally acknowledged , generally accepted social norms .