- activating yang

Discussion on Application of Activating YANG Based on Children 's Characteristics of YANG QI
The blood stasis removing method protects the ischemic myocardium through the regulation of gaseous molecules of H2S . 4 .
Objective : According to the theory of TCM and the clinical practice , reaching the treatment of COPD in acute attack period , and suggesting the therapy Activating Stagnated Yang .
The CITP patients the existence of immune dysfunction , and Yi Qi Tong Yang soup can regulate immune function in patients and restore immune tolerance , and safety , less side effects , and clinical application .
Treatment for chronic hydrocephalus under guidance of activating collaterals and Yang
Discussion on theory of activating yang in Treatise on Febrile Diseases
Observations on the Efficacy of GV-regulating and Yang-activating Acupuncture in Treating Postapoplectic Spasmodic Paralysis
Clinical Treatment Effect of Apoplexy Treated by the Method of Activating Yang and Restoring Consciousness
Should take seriously in the treatment to govern the wind , sets a high value passes proclaims rheumatism positive .
Objective : To observe the curative effect of Lins Chixiong Tongyang Tang ( CTT ) for ejaculatory dysfunction ( ED ) .
The Clinical Observe of Using Method of Promoting Flow of Qi and Blood and Activating Yang to Treat Postcholecystectomy Syndrome Qi Stagnation and Blood Stasis
The blood stasis removing method could inhibit myocardial enzyme leakage and reduce myocardial injury by improving ECG , and enhancing the cardiac function . 3 .
Provides a new approach to the clinical treatment of hyperlipidemia , but also should permit the yang of scientific method in the treatment of hyperlipidemia .
The Clinical Study on the Therapy Activating Stagnated Yang for Patients in Acute Attack Period of COPD , and the Influence on Pulmonary Hypertension of the Patients
The groups of blood stasis removing method ( 7:3 ), in this group , part of the myocardial fiber structure was normal , a small number of muscle fiber swelling was detected , capillaries between the muscle fibers increased .
There are three " Wentongxinyang " drugs ( Evodia , aconite , ginger ) HPLC Patterns of water extracts we found no peaks in common , initially prove that they have no common substances .
Diffusing and Obstruction-removing Gastric Yang Theory of Ye Gui and Treatment of Gastroenteropathy Based on Syndrome Differentiation