
  • 【电子】channel electron multiplier
  1. 通道电子倍增器内壁涂层的X射线光电子能谱分析

    XPS Analysis of Inner Coating in Channel Electron Multiplier

  2. 真空烘烤和Cs蒸汽对单通道电子倍增器某些电性能的影响

    Influence of bake-out and CS vapour on some properties of channel electron multiplier ( cem ) in vacuum

  3. 22Na发射的正电子照射在经过2200℃、15min退火的多晶钨箔上慢化并收集成慢正电子束,用平面减速栅能量分析器和通道电子倍增器测量能谱。

    The energy of slow positrons has been measured with a plane retarding grid energy analyser and a channel electron multiplier .

  4. 本文介绍了进行高铅玻璃通道电子倍增器(CEM)稳定性试验的方法与结果,得到了总累计计数约10~(11)的寿命数据。

    A method to test the stability of high lead glass CEM is made and some results are obtained . The life test datum with an accumulative count about 10 ~ 11 is obtained ;

  5. 新一代二维通道电子倍增器的薄膜连续打拿极

    A Film Continuous Dynode of the New Generation Two-Dimension Channel Electron - multiplier

  6. 研究用于离子检测的通道电子倍增器

    The Channel Electron Multiplier Used for Detection of Ions

  7. 通道电子倍增器稳定性的研究

    Study on the stability of channel electron multipliers

  8. 本文介绍用电子和正电子束流测试单通道电子倍增器的高压坪曲线、脉冲幅度分布和效率曲线;

    The high-voltage plateau curve , pulse amplitude distribution and efficiency curve were measured with electron and positron beams .

  9. 此方法使用通道电子倍增器和定标过的硅光电二极管为探测器,前者是非标准探测器,后者为标准探测器。

    A channel electron multiplier ( CEM ) and a calibrated silicon photodiode are used as detectors in this method , the former is a nonstandard detector and the latter is a standard one .

  10. 采用化学涂层和焙烧的方法制成了高性能通道式电子倍增器(CEM)。

    High performance channeltron electron multipliers have been made by chemical coating and calcining .

  11. 微通道板电子倍增器在真空紫外光谱技术上的应用

    Application of microchannel plate electron multiplier in techniques of vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy

  12. 结果表明该通道式电子倍增器在性能、质量和价格方面均具有很大的竞争力。

    It is proved that our CEMs are competitive in character , quality and price .

  13. 硅微通道板电子倍增器

    Electron Multiplier of Si Microchannel Plate

  14. 脉冲饱和通道式电子倍增器

    Pulse saturated channel electron multiplier

  15. 高性能通道式电子倍增器

    High performance channeltron electron multipliers

  16. 直平行通道式电子倍增器

    Straight parallel channel electron multiplier