
  • 网络inflation effect;inflationary effect
  1. 最终更多的纸币被发行,解决了流动性问题不过凡希尔马上就强调,这当中不存在通货膨胀效应。

    Eventually more notes were issued to solve the liquidity problem although van Heel is quick to point out that there was no inflationary effect .

  2. 国债的货币化与通货膨胀效应分析

    The National Debt 's Currency and Inflation Effect Analysis

  3. 我国外汇储备增加的通货膨胀效应实证研究&兼评外汇冲销政策的有效性

    Empirical Research on China 's Inflation Effect from Foreign Exchange Reserve 's Increase

  4. 外汇占款的通货膨胀效应&基于1998-2005年的实证分析

    The Affection of Position for Forex Purchase on Inflation from 1998 to 2005

  5. 这是又一个让我在中国开放之前就能感觉到巨变即将来临的时刻,而某些这样的时刻还可能带来巨大的通货膨胀效应。

    This was another one of those moments in that pre-Open Door era that I sensed much larger changes were just around the corner , some of which were likely to have significant inflationary impact .

  6. 房地产泡沫是房地产市场波动的主要表象之一,对经济的影响主要表现为:社会财富效应、经济周期效应、通货膨胀效应、资源配置效应、社会心理效应等。

    Because the real estate bubble is one of the main characteristics which lead to the real estate market fluctuate . And its influence on society and economy has the effects of social wealth , economic cycle , inflation , collocating resources and social psychology .

  7. 消费繁荣有加剧通货膨胀的效应,而美联储(FederalReserve)已做出正确反应,提高了利率。

    The consumption boom had the effect of raising inflation and the Federal Reserve correctly reacted by raising the interest rate .

  8. 货币政策的预期途径包括通货膨胀预期效应、证券市场预期效应以及风险预期效应。

    The expectation channel of monetary policy includes inflation expectation effect , securities market expectation effect and risk expectation effect .

  9. 在星期一举行的讨论刺激经济计划的会议上,对于大大增加的政府支出和迅速加大的货币投放量最终产生的通货膨胀冲击效应,包括哈塞特和拜里在内的发言者们表示了关切。

    At a [ Monday ] conference on the stimulus plan , speakers including Hassett and Baily , expressed concern about the eventual inflationary impact of both greatly increased government spending and rapid increases in the money supply .

  10. 假如美联储的任何措施只是更为明确地关注资产价格,却轻易忽视了它们对经济增长和通货膨胀的预期效应,都将属于激进变革。

    Any move by the fed to focus more explicitly on asset prices rather than simply take into account their expected effect on growth and inflation would be a radical break .

  11. 长期来看,外汇储备对通货膨胀的拉动效应为0.395,短期内外汇储备增加在第一期对通货膨胀产生显著正向影响,并且外汇储备的通货膨胀效应在逐渐增强。

    The pulling effect of foreign exchange reserves on inflation is 0.395 in long-term . The increase of foreign exchange reserves has a positive impact on the second period in the short-term .

  12. 论我国通货膨胀的经济增长效应

    Effects of Inflation on China 's Economic Growth

  13. 通货膨胀时期的税收效应解析

    Discussion on Tax Effect during Inflation

  14. 但在短期内,也有可能在抑制通货膨胀中产生负面效应,尤其对美元的霸权地位提出挑战。

    But in short period of time , it may also exert negative effect in curbing inflation and especially challenge to the U.S. dollar 's first position .

  15. 为保持人民币币值稳定和防范通货膨胀,中国人民银行多次实施货币冲销政策,试图将外汇储备增加产生的通货膨胀效应降低到最低程度。

    To keep its currency stable and prevent inflation , the PBC has been implementing monetary sterilization policies many times in an attempt to minimize inflationary effects produced by increased foreign exchange reserves .