
  • 网络stock selection;stock picking;stock pick
  1. 别再为选股或债券投资所烦恼了。

    Forget stock picking or trying to ladder your bond investments .

  2. 固定设备和医学领域的选股减损了投资回报。

    Stock picking in the capital equipment and medical sectors detracted from returns .

  3. 另一只侧重于上述一部分选股方法的基金是DFA大盘美股投资组合(DFAUSLargeCapEquityPortfolio)。

    Another fund that focuses on some of the same stock-picking methods is the DFA US Large Cap Equity Portfolio .

  4. 我国基金重仓股选股偏好的时期似无关回归分析关于Logistic回归中最大似然估计的可估性

    Analysis of Chinese Fund Preferences for Heavyweight Stocks Using Period Seemingly Unrelated Regression ; ESTIMATION OF MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD IN LOGISTIC REGRESSION MODEL

  5. 哈里斯从Newton公司的内部菜单上选股,该菜单基于这家投资公司23位全球行业分析师的研究成果。

    Mr Harries selects stocks from a Newton in-house menu based on the research of the investment house 's 23 global industrial analysts .

  6. 罗杰斯乐于谈起他在选股时犯的错误,其中包括在柯达公司(EastmanKodak)身上犯的错。

    Mr Rogers happily discusses his stock-picking mistakes , which include Eastman Kodak .

  7. 最接近研究人员选股方法的交易所交易基金,可能是“iSharesMSCIUSAQualityFactor”。费率为0.15%。

    The exchange-traded fund that perhaps come closest to following the researchers ' stock-picking methodology is iShares MSCI USA Quality Factor , with an expense ratio of 0.15 % .

  8. 应用属性层次模型AHM进行选股决策。

    AHM ( the Attribute Hierarchical Model ) is used to decision making of stock-selection .

  9. 特别是在我国目前证券市场市场效率经常失灵的情况下,对于长期投资者而言,EVA提供了一个投资选股的有效指标。

    Especially in our market , since the short failure of our market efficiency , it should be a important tool of choosing the stock to a long term investor .

  10. 结合CAPM理论下的单因素绩效评价模型,以及择时选股能力评价模型,可以对我国证券投资基金进行实证分析。

    One-factor performance evaluation model with CAPM theory and investment timing evaluation model are utilized in this paper to practically analyze securities investment funds around China .

  11. 这只基金的经理叶义信(EmersonYip)表示,该集团强大的选股能力使之可以选出长期赢家。

    Emerson Yip , who manages the fund , said the group 's strong stock selection skills enabled it to pick " long-term winners " .

  12. 曾负责为富达国际(FidelityInternational)选股的安东尼波顿(AnthonyBolton)已暂时搁置退休计划,将从伦敦迁至香港,建立一只专门投资于中国的基金。波顿是欧洲最著名的基金经理之一。

    Anthony Bolton , the former stock picker at Fidelity International and one of the most renowned fund managers in Europe , has shelved retirement plans to relocate from London to Hong Kong to set up a China-focused fund .

  13. 美林(merrilllynch)分析师对40多种选股技巧进行监测后得出的结论是,购买标准普尔500(s&p500)指数中海外销售收入所占百分比最高的公司的股票,是今年的次优投资策略。

    After monitoring more than 40 stock-picking techniques , Merrill Lynch analysts concluded that buying shares in S & P500 companies with the highest percentage of international sales was the second-best performing investment strategy this year .

  14. 最终的结果是,公司就算上市,也要努力赢得分析师的关注,它们的股票交易由机器摆布,还会遭遇指数ETF选股篮的调整而引发的波动。

    The end result is that companies come public and struggle for analyst coverage , their shares are whipped about by robot traders and the whims of whatever Index ETF basket they happen to be assigned to .

  15. 过去十年中,这两位选股精英曾引领Fairholme基金成为业界巨擎,如今他们再次回归,或许值得关注。

    After helping lead the fairholme fund to superstar status last decade , the two stock pickers might be worth paying attention to .

  16. 高盛金砖四国基金投资组合联席经理理查德•弗拉克斯(RichardFlax)表示:这是一个自下而上型基金,相对集中于投资组合中的20至40只股票。我们力求通过选股来产生大部分回报。

    It is very much a bottom-up fund and is relatively concentrated with 20 to 40 names in the portfolio , says Richard Flax , co-portfolio manager of the Goldman Sachs Bric fund . We are aiming to generate most of our return from stock selection .

  17. CNBC太酷了,还能让穷人谈选股。或这则:他很可能在闲时把自己的脑袋塞进了一堆焦炭里面,他的意见真是令人发笑。

    Pretty cool of CNBC to let the destitute have a voice for their stock picks . Or this one : He likely has his head in a pile of coke in his free time and his opinions are laughable .

  18. 这个投资小组通过自下而上的基本面分析选股。

    The investment group does bottom-up fundamental analysis to select stocks .

  19. 股价和性别对模拟选股决策的影响

    The effect of share price and gender on simulated stock-selecting

  20. 基于支持向量机的选时和选股研究

    Timing Selection and Stock Selection Based on Support Vector Machines

  21. 我们于资本财货及能源行业的选股表现影响基金价值。

    The Fund 's selection in Capital Goods and Energy detracted performance .

  22. 证券咨询机构选股建议的预测能力分析

    On Analysis of Selecting Stocks ' Prediction of the Recommendation

  23. 我国证券分析师选股效益的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Performance of Analysts ' Recommendation

  24. 谢清海表示,对于谨慎的选股者而言,有着大量的机会。

    Opportunities abound for careful stock pickers , according to Mr Cheah .

  25. 股价和媒体对小群体选股决策的影响

    The Effects of Share Price and Media on Small Group 's Stock-Selecting

  26. 配置型基金具有一定的选股能力但无显著的择时能力。

    Sample asset-allocation fund has certain stock-selection ability but no significant timing ability .

  27. 基金选股重视的公司治理指标是哪些?

    What are the importance of corporate governance indexes when fund select stock ?

  28. 我国开放式股票基金的择时选股能力研究

    Research on Timely Selecting Ability of Open-end Stock Fund

  29. 选股大师彼得o林奇说过,要买自己了解的股票。

    The great stock-picker Peter Lynch said you should buy what you know .

  30. 基金经理人具备一定的选股能力。

    Some fund managers have superior stock-picking ability .