
nì shí zhēn fānɡ xiànɡ
  • counter-clockwise direction;anticlockwise
  1. 其中,位于实轴上方的极点沿逆时针方向运动;

    Also , the poles located above the real axis will move anticlockwise ;

  2. 结果表明,在颈动脉血管分叉模型内ICA的外侧壁存在明显的流动分离和逆时针方向的涡流,涡流的范围和距离随着流速的改变而改变。

    The results showed that inside the model , there were a large flow separation and an anticlockwise rotating vortex on the lateral wall of ICA , The location and distance of the vortex changed with the flow velocity .

  3. 逆时针方向转动钥匙。

    Turn the key anticlockwise / in an anticlockwise direction .

  4. 如果你面朝北方,太阳看来像是逆时针方向在天空运转。

    If you face north , the sun appears to move through the sky anti-clockwise .

  5. 把它记下来,然后确定曲线C为逆时针方向。

    Let me write that down and claim C prime should go counterclockwise .

  6. 假设C是一个半径为a,中心在原点的曲线,方向为逆时针方向。

    Let 's say that C is a circle of radius centered at the origin going counterclockwise .

  7. (几何)X轴和一条直线所形成的角(从X轴的正方向按逆时针方向测量)。

    ( geometry ) the angle formed by the x-axis and a given line ( measured counterclockwise from the positive half of the x-axis ) .

  8. 最后生成的截面轮廓沿Z轴方向看,外轮廓的边界点按其序号大小沿逆时针方向排列,内轮廓的边界点按其序号大小沿顺时针方向排列。

    In the last making section outline , the exterior ring points arrange as counter-clockwise and the interior ring points as clockwise .

  9. 其中一种说明了,在向量场上,沿逆时针方向,向量做的功等于,平面区域上旋度F的二重积分。

    So , one of them says the line integral for the work done by a vector field along a closed curve counterclockwise is equal to the double integral of a curl of a field over the enclosed region .

  10. 在压降流量相图上,振荡呈现为逆时针方向周期6s的极限圈。

    A counter clockwise limit cycle with period of 6 seconds is found in the phase picture of pressure drop and flow .

  11. 好,3转-,顺时针方向还是逆时针方向?

    Okay , three & shall we go clockwise or counterclockwise ?

  12. 以直升机向右侧滚的方式,执行逆时针方向的水平圆。

    Fly a counterclockwise circle while rolling the helicopter to the right .

  13. 顺时针、逆时针方向转动肩膀各五次。

    Rotate your shoulders clockwise and anti-clockwise five times each .

  14. 它该取顺时针方向还是逆时针方向。

    Would the bottom one be going clockwise or counterclockwise .

  15. 逆时针方向转动钥匙。

    Turn the key anti'clockwise in an , anticlockwise di'rection .

  16. 大部分人说逆时针方向,对此我也表示赞同。

    Most people seem to say counterclockwise , and I agree with that .

  17. 这种旋暴风在北半球是作逆时针方向旋转。

    Such storms spin counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere .

  18. 如果轮子是逆时针方向旋转,其角动量矢量的方向朝东。

    If the wheel is rotating counterclockwise , its angular-momentum vector is directed eastward .

  19. 逆时针方向旋转操作,直到所需要的设置点为止,并且对准固定撞嘴。

    Operate counter-clockwise until the required set position is aligned with the fixed stop .

  20. 传统的电流方向是逆时针方向。单向传输的一种手段。

    The direction of conventional current flow is counterclockwise . A means of one-way transmission .

  21. 随着摇椅弓角度的增加,上牙列逆时针方向旋转的趋势加大。

    With the archwire curve increasing , the counter-clockwise trend of the upper dentition rotation increased .

  22. 随着热量的增加,新生的飓风即开始以逆时针方向旋转。

    As the heat increases , the young hurricane begins to swirl in a counter-clockwise motion .

  23. 美国国家航空航天局表示,漩涡状的风暴正以逆时针方向在木星北半球旋转。

    According to NASA , the swirling storm is rotating counter-clockwise over Jupiter 's northern hemisphere .

  24. 这时你右手螺旋形旋转-,从你们坐着的位置来看-,是逆时针方向。

    When you do that , you rotate your corkscrew seen from where you 're sitting counterclockwise .

  25. 华南块体无论是相对于欧亚板块或相对于西伯利亚块体都存在逆时针方向的旋转。

    The South China block has a counterclockwise rotation relative to both Eurasia block and Siberia block .

  26. 地球有一个内在核心以顺时针方向旋转,其外层核心是以逆时针方向旋转。

    The earth has an inner core that rotates clockwise and an outer core that rotates counterclockwise .

  27. 将吸透水的吸水棉放进套管内,将套管逆时针方向旋紧在顶盖上。

    Put the absorbent cotton back into the tube , counterclockwise screw the tube on the cover tightly .

  28. 就像星图那样,这个角度是以逆时针方向量度的。

    This direction is measured in an anticlockwise manner , just like that presented in a star map .

  29. 通量的格林公式说,绕区域逆时针方向旋转的闭合曲线。

    Green 's theorem for flux says I have a closed curve that goes counterclockwise around some region .

  30. 然后朝圣者们会绕着卡阿巴逆时针方向走七圈,进行一个叫做塔瓦幅的仪式。

    And then walk seven times around the Kaabaa , counter clockwise in a ritual called the Tawaf .