
  • 网络Dubai debt crisis
  1. 迪拜债务危机爆发的原因、影响及启示

    Dubai debt crisis : its causes , impacts and lessons

  2. 去年晚些时候,投资者开始区分不同市场的风险。迪拜债务危机和希腊与其它欧元区成员国之间的息差不断扩大,最能清楚地表明这一点。

    Late last year , investors began to differentiate between various markets , seen most clearly with the Dubai debt crisis and the continuing widening of Greece 's borrowing costs relative to other Eurozone members .

  3. 随着人们对迪拜债务危机会造成更广泛冲击的担忧消退,恒生指数昨日上涨逾3%。

    The Hang Seng index jumped more than 3 per cent yesterday as fears over the broader impact of the debt crisis in Dubai receded .

  4. 有报道称,自去年11月迪拜债务危机爆发以来,当地的房地产价格进一步下跌,同时有迹象表明,迪拜经济可能已触底回升。这些消息吸引了温州商人前往迪拜。

    They have been attracted to the city-state by reports that property prices there have fallen further since the local debt crisis erupted in November , and signs that Dubai 's economy may have bottomed out and begun to recover .

  5. Lee表示,迪拜的债务危机本身并不是很大,但是足以引发连锁反应,尤其是在欧洲,这里的许多银行都向迪拜提供了贷款。

    Lee says the Dubai debt crisis is not that large by itself , but may be enough to spark a chain reaction , especially in Europe , where many banks lent money to Dubai .

  6. 阿布扎比出手干涉前,迪拜的债务危机已导致该国自身的借贷成本同其它海湾国家一道不断上升。

    Its intervention came after the Dubai debt crisis caused its own borrowing costs to rise alongside those of other Gulf States .

  7. 迪拜,阿拉伯联合酋长国–正当全球市场经历着迪拜债务危机的冲击时,这个一度火爆的城市国家的统治者离开城市前往沙漠中的皇宫参加一个重要的会议。

    DUBAI , United Arab Emirates – As world markets absorbed the shock of Dubai 's debt crisis , the ruler of the once-booming city-state left town for an important meeting in a desert palace .