
  • 网络The Disney Channel;Disney
  1. 因为年纪过小,最终spears还是被迪士尼频道的mickeymouseclub(mcc)拒绝了,但是其中的一个制作人看中她的天分及潜能,便帮她在纽约找到了一个经纪人。

    She was ultimately deemed too young for the Disney Channel 's Mickey Mouse Club ( MMC ), but one of the producers spotted her potential and helped her get an agent in New York .

  2. 2008年赛琳娜和霉霉相识,当时两人的男友都来自乔纳斯家族,赛琳娜(当时的名气和在迪士尼频道比肩)和尼克·乔纳斯(NickJonas)在一起,霉霉的男友是乔伊·乔纳斯(JoeJonas)。

    Gomez and the country-turned-pop star first met in 2008 when they were each dating a Jonas brother . Selena ( at the height of her Disney Channel fame ) was dating Nick Jonas around the same time Taylor was seeing Joe Jonas .

  3. 它还涉及到迪士尼频道和探索频道这样的电视频道。

    It has to do with channels such as Walt Disney or Discovery Channel .

  4. 赛琳娜在为迪士尼频道工作的时候遇到了尼克并与他交往过一段时间。

    Selena met Nick during their stints as Disney Channel stars and had a brief fling .

  5. .同时上榜的还包括:年轻组合乔纳斯三兄弟,迪士尼频道热播剧《汉娜蒙塔纳》中的明星麦莉·赛勒斯。

    Also registering among the best paid : and their Disney Channel pal , Hannah Montana star

  6. 她在迪士尼频道初露头角随后她还参演了全国广播公司的热剧“约会杀手”

    She got her start on the Disney channel.And she is now staring on NBC hit show Undateable .

  7. 同在榜单上的还包括:年轻组合乔纳斯三兄弟,迪士尼频道热播剧《汉娜蒙塔纳》明星麦莉-赛勒斯。

    Also registering among the best paid : tween sensations Nick , Joe and Kevin Jonas and their Disney Channel pal , Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus .

  8. 毋庸置疑,米老鼠是世界上最广为人知的卡通形象,但是如今他将在迪士尼频道的新一系列的动画短剧中以全身崭新形象亮相。

    And he 's arguably the most recognized character in the world . But Mickey Mouse is getting a retro makeover in a new series of animated shorts airing on the Disney Channel .

  9. 尽管万众期待的《星球大战》第七部在今年的动漫展上表现平平,7月24日,“星战”影迷还是抢先看到了十月将在迪士尼频道播出的《星球大战:反叛军》系列。

    Although the much-anticipated film Star Wars : Episode VII didn 't feature at this year 's Comic-Con , on July 24 , Star Wars fans still got their first look at the new Star Wars Rebels series , which will premiere on the Disney Channel in October .

  10. 《狮子守卫团》会以电视电影的形式在2015年秋季首播,其后续电视剧将于2016年初在迪士尼幼儿频道和迪士尼频道(DisneyChannel)播出。

    The Lion Guard will start as an animated TV movie and bow in fall 2015 , with the subsequent series set for an early 2016 debut on Disney Junior and Disney Channel .

  11. 26集的《哆啦A梦》英文版将于今夏在迪士尼XD频道播出,目前播出时间未定。

    Doraemon will air for 26 episodes on the Disney XD channel starting from an unspecified date in the summer .

  12. 研究人员发现,96%的女孩和87%的男孩都看过迪士尼公主频道,超过61%的女孩每周至少玩一次公主玩偶,而只有4%的男孩会这么做。

    The researchers found that 96 percent of girls and 87 percent of boys had viewed Disney princess media . Meanwhile , more than 61 percent of girls played with princess toys at least once a week , while only 4 percent of boys did the same .

  13. 这档名为“Stitch”的日本节目是与位于东京的动画公司MadhouseCo.联手制作,预计将在10月在日本迪士尼的有线频道首播。

    The Japanese program , called'Stitch , 'is co-produced with Madhouse Co. , a Tokyo-based animation company , and is expected to debut on Japan 's Disney cable channel in October .

  14. 近日,迪士尼旗下体育频道ESPN与中国互联网巨头腾讯签署重大战略协议。

    ESPN , the sports arm of Disney , has struck a major strategic deal with online giant Tencent .

  15. 在向海外推广品牌的过程中,迪士尼通常依赖的方式是设立新的迪士尼电视频道,不过中国对境外媒体的限制使得这一方式变得不现实。

    Disney typically relies on the creation of new Disney TV channels to pump its brand abroad , but China 's limits on foreign media have made that impossible .