- Prospective reserves;possible ore

The heavy oil and oil-bearing sand reservoirs of Songliao basin are of considerable prospective reserves .
China is abundant in natural gas resource , with future reserves of as much as 56 trillion m3 .
Four Nb and Ta ore prospecting areas are divided . Future reserves prognosis of Ta_2O_5 200 ~ 500t and Nb_2O_5 300 ~ 600t are suggested .
This technique provides necessary means in the studies of the productivity of such low permeability rock formations , reser - voir evaluation , active reserve estimation and resource estimation .
Based on the field on-site survey and the laboratory study , it is confirmed that the Carlin-type gold deposit exists in the orefield , its Au average grade is about 5 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ), and its prospective reserves are above the large-scale size .
Abiogenic gas in Xinjiang oil and gas area and its resource estimation
Report for Reserve-calculating Method of Distant View Survey in Coal Source of Guizhou
The development of the theory of plate tectonics gives a scientific bases and a tectonic background for the evolution and type of abiogenic gas , its resource estimation and the establishment of geological models for the oil and gas accumulation regions resulting from a stack of various petroleum sources .