
  • 网络operation process
  1. ERP对于改善企业运营流程、提高企业核心竞争力有着显著的功效。

    ERP can improve the operation procedure , improve the core competitiveness of enterprises have a significant effect .

  2. 企业资源计划(EnterpriseResourcePlanning,ERP)结合了优良的运营流程思想和现代信息科技,为全面提高企业竞争能力提供了一种有效的解决方案。

    Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) system , which combines modern information technology and the excellent business process idea , provides an effective solution for improving the competitiveness of enterprises .

  3. 通过物流方案、物流路径、运输模式的规划与设计、结合物流管理系统、并使用KPI评估,从而达到运营流程最优化。

    Realize optimization of operating flow through planning and design of logistics scheme , logistics path and transportation mode , combining logistics management system and using KPI evaluation .

  4. 阐述产品生命周期管理(PLM)能优化企业的运营流程,提高效率,提升企业的核心竞争能力,并保持核心竞争优势的持久性。

    Expatiation is done to the fact that Product Lifecycle Management ( PLM ) can increase benefit and improve the core competitiveness of enterprises as well as keep it long lasting .

  5. 如何设计财富管理需求运营流程?

    How to design required operational flow for WM business ?

  6. 面向电信运营流程的数据稽核方法

    Data Auditing and Checking for Telecoms Carrier Business Process

  7. 在工作中,我们实施严禁高效的运营流程,竭诚为您服务!

    In our work , we implement efficient operating procedures strictly prohibited and dedication to serve you !

  8. 国内外对企业执行力体系的构建和研究大都围绕着人员流程、战略流程以及运营流程。

    The studies both of domestic and foreign mostly around strategic process 、 personnel process and operational process .

  9. 对我国信托模式架构下的企业年金理事会的运作及年金基金运营流程中的风险管理和控制进行探讨。

    Operation of council on annuity of enterprise risk control under running of annuity fund by the way of trust model .

  10. 有效地整合运营流程上下游的优势资源,保证供应链的高效率运转,是维持核电站安全、满功率运行的重要前提之一。

    It is essential for the safe and stable operations of Nuclear Power Plants that various resources in the supply chain are effectively managed .

  11. 随着现代科技创新与金融创新的不断深入,金融组织形态和运营流程本身仍处在不断发展演进之中。

    With the further innovation on technology and finance , the organizational structure and running process of the finance institutions are also on the way of evolution .

  12. 第八,所有考察机构均需遵循教育和商业的双重规则且运营流程相同,基本分为筹备运营条件,实施运营过程和改良运营条件三个阶段。

    Eighthly , all centers must follow dual rules of education and business and have same running process which includes arrangement , implementation and improvement these three steps .

  13. 企业税务风险也是企业不可避免的风险之一,强化内部控制,规范运营流程,可以有效地防范和减小企业税务风险。

    Business enterprise tax risk is one of the inevitable risks , strengthen internal controls , standard operating procedures , can effectively prevent and reduce the corporate tax risks .

  14. 人工管理早已不再适应企业发展的要求,利用计算机网络对企业运营流程进行全方位的管理迫在眉睫。

    Artificial management companies no longer meet the requirements of the development of the use of computer-to-business network operator to carry out a full range of management processes imminent .

  15. 综合绩效考核结果不仅仅与员工个人利益挂钩,还应用于战略分析、改善运营流程和运营计划等。

    Comprehensive performance assessment result is not only linked to their personal interests with the staff , but also used in strategic analysis , improving operational processes and operational plans .

  16. 从流程角度,分别提出了从改善人员流程、战略流程、运营流程这三个流程入手,提出了提升企业执行力的三种途径;

    From the process angle , this thesis pointed out the ways from three core process-personnel 's processes , strategic process , operating process , to promote execution of business enterprise ;

  17. 同时,为保证差异化竞争战略的顺利实施,还在企业文化、营销渠道、人力资源和运营流程等方面,提出了可行的措施。

    In addition , to ensure the smooth implementation of competitive strategy , the author also proposes some practical measures in enterprise culture , Human resources , Marketing channels and Operational processes .

  18. 接下来,详细分析了金融租赁行业的系统现状和业务过程,通过分析业务流程,抽象出了金融租赁业务的运营流程框架。

    Secondly , the status of the leasing industry and business process systems is detailed analysis . Through the analysis of the business process , financial leasing business operation flow framework is abstracted .

  19. 固定通信费率卡项目主要的服务范围包括各类固定通信产品的产品清单、产品资费、运营流程、及相关服务保障。

    Fixed rate cards are mainly the scope of services covers all types of fixed-line telecommunications products , product list , products , tariffs , operating procedures , and related services to protect .

  20. 论文以管理信息系统实现步骤为顺序,论述了开放式基金登记结算系统产生的背景和研究意义,针对开放基金的各参予人的具体业务及运营流程,提供相应的科学的子系统模块。

    In the MIS realizing step , at first the background and the significance of this opening-fund system is concerned , according to each participant working flow , this treatise provided proper scientific sub-system modules .

  21. 本文通过分析基于运营流程的人力资源管理的特征,着重分析了企业人力资源管理如何能动地适应运营流程管理的问题。

    In this paper , the writer makes an emphasis on analyzing how the corporate human resource management proactively adapt to operation process , by analyzing the feature of human resource management based on operation process .

  22. 同时,对于整合竞赛战略、人力资源管理、日常运营流程及提高运动队的训练、管理水平有相当的现实意义和理论意义。

    At the same time , competition for the integration of strategy , human resources management , daily operational processes and improve the sports team training , management level have a certain practical and theoretical significance .

  23. 建立信息系统整合的一整套实施办法,通过分析整合规划,运营流程,规范标准以及三者之间的关系,探讨如何实现企业信息系统整合的战略价值,以获得竞争优势。

    Through the analysis of integration planning , operation procedures , standards and the relation between the three , discuss how to realize the integration of enterprise information systems strategic value , in order to gain competitive advantage .

  24. 其次,论文对集装箱码头运营流程进行分析,将对于集装箱码头的调度优化主要划为三个层次,即针对岸边装卸桥工作、对集装箱卡车运行、堆场龙门吊的调度优化。

    This paper then analyzed the operational processes of container terminal , treats the container terminal scheduling optimization mainly for three levels , namely for shore loading bridge , container truck running , yard gantry crane scheduling optimization .

  25. 文章分析了运营流程与组织结构这两大关键管理因素对电信运营支撑系统应用效率的影响,并对如何提高中国电信运营支撑系统应用效率提出了相关建议。

    The effects of two key factors : the operation flow and organization structure , on telecom operational support systems ( OSS ) are analyzed . Relevant suggestions are made for improving the telecom operational support systems in China .

  26. 在内部分析方面,本文利用了价值链模型,首先分析了公司的组织机构和运营流程,发现现有的组织机构不适应快速发展的市场形势;

    As for the interior condition , the author made use of the value chain model to analyze the organized institution and the flow of the company and thought that the existing institution could not accustomed to the market position which developed so quickly ;

  27. 从物流企业的特征出发,分析虚拟物流企业组建的基本要素及其相互关系,提出虚拟物流企业的构建流程模型和业务运营流程模型,探讨虚拟物流企业运营中可能存在的问题。

    On the basis of the features of logistics enterprise , the basic elements of virtual logistics enterprise are analyzed ; then a construction framework model and an operating model are designed . And finally , the probable problems in the operation of the virtual enterprise are analyzed .

  28. 第二,职业足球俱乐部组织执行力评价就是通过比较分析职业足球俱乐部各个部门、各个运营流程的合理性和有效性,最终对该职业足球俱乐部的组织执行能力做出全面判断的过程。

    These four elements supplement each other , and united under the organizational execution of professional football club . Secondly , evaluation of execution of professional football clubs is a process to make balanced judgment by analyzing the rationality and validity of different departments and operation flow in the club .

  29. 在DRG理论基础上,设计了医院运营的流程。

    Designed the hospital operation process based on DRG theory .

  30. 务必理解转移企业日常运营关键流程的危险。

    Understand the dangers of shipping off processes that are critical to the day-to-day operation of the business .