
yùn dònɡ bìnɡ
  • motion sickness
  1. 用来治疗或预防运动病的抗组胺剂药物(商标是Antivert)。

    An antihistamine ( trade name Antivert ) used to treat or prevent motion sickness .

  2. 姜半夏对大鼠抗运动病作用的实验研究

    Study the effet of Pinellia on motion sickness in rats

  3. 抗运动病药合剂B对悬吊兔脑皮层超微结构的影响

    Effects of Antimotion Sickness Drug Mixture B on Ultrastructures of Cerebral and Cerebellar Cortexes in Suspended Rabbits

  4. 在脑益嗪组,SD大鼠预先注射脑益嗪,1小时后如运动病组进行旋转刺激;

    In the cinnarizine group , the rotation stimulation was performed 1 hour after cinnarizine injection .

  5. 实验性运动病大鼠脑细胞c-fos基因表达

    The expression of c-fos gene in brain tissues of rats by experimental motion sickness

  6. 方法采用大鼠条件性厌食症(CTA)作为运动病模型和分组。

    Methods The motion sickness model of CTA was used .

  7. 结论CGRP在大鼠运动病的发病过程中发挥了一定的作用。

    Conclusion CGRP might play a role in the process of motion sickness in rat .

  8. 模拟运动病大鼠中枢NE、5-HT、GABA和Glu含量的变化

    Changes in the contents of ne , 5-ht , gaba and Glu in rat brain with simulated

  9. 生姜对水貂呕吐模型具有止呕作用,该发现提示生姜可以作为廉价有效的癌症化疗及运动病止呕药,其机制可能与5-HT3受体及P物质有关。

    The mechanism of anti-emetic effects might be related with 5-HT_3 receptors and substance P.

  10. 在脑益嗪组c-fos基因表达水平和Fos蛋白含量均低于运动病组。结论:脑益嗪抗运动病的中枢机理之一可能与c-fos基因快速表达有关。

    Conclusion : The central mechanism of cinnarizine in preventing motion sickness is considered to be closely related to the quick expression of c fos gene in the brain tissues .

  11. 方法在平静状态和Coriolis加速度刺激时,描记32名飞行学院经过检验飞行后的飞行学员和32名地勤人员的胃电图(EGG),同时记录诱发性运动病的症状。

    Methods Electrogastrogram ( EGG ) at rest and during Coriolis acceleration as well as symptoms induced were recorded in 32 student pilots and 32 ground crew .

  12. 目的通过观察运动病大鼠降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)在前庭传出性中枢神经系统和前庭核的表达变化,探讨中枢CGRP在运动病发病过程中的作用。

    Objective To study the changes of calcitonin gene related peptide ( CGRP ) in the efferent vestibular system and vestibular nuclei in rats with motion sickness .

  13. 脑益嗪抗运动病时大鼠血浆PG和小脑Na~+K~+ATPase图像分析定量研究

    Image and Quantity Analysis of Prostaglandin in Rats ' Blood Plasma and Na + K + ATPase in Their Cerebellum During the Prevention of Motion Sickness by Cinnarizine

  14. 目的调查歼击机飞行员累加Coriolis加速度耐力水平和运动病易感者脱敏习服训练效果。

    Objective To investigate the cumulative Coriolis acceleration tolerance in fighter pilots and the effect of desensitization and habituation training in the pilots susceptible to airsickness .

  15. 结论前庭核的CFos表达是前庭神经系统对外界刺激应答的一种方式;且这种表达不直接参与运动病的发生和发展。

    Conclusion It suggests that c fos expression in vestibular nucleus is one of the important way in which vestibular nervous system reacts to outside stimulation and this expression has no direct relationship with the generation and development of motion sickness .

  16. 目的探讨大鼠运动病敏感性与血浆皮质醇(CORT)和促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)含量的关系,进一步阐明体液因素在运动病发病中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the relation between the susceptibility to motion sickness of rats and plasma levels of cortisol ( CORT ) and adrenocorticotropic hormone ( ACTH ) .

  17. 目的:探讨模拟不同船舱环境对血浆血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)及抗渡海运动病能力的影响,为我军特殊环境的预适应体能训练提供依据。

    Objective To study the changes of the plasma angiotensin ⅱ( P-Ang ⅱ) and anti-seasickness capacity in various cabin environment , in order to provide the theoretical basis for the physical training in the special environment .

  18. 将受试者分为运动病敏感组和不敏感组,发现运动病敏感组Coriolis刺激后,动态姿态平衡综合分有显著升高(P<0.05)。

    When subjects were divided into MS susceptible group and MS non-susceptible group , it was found that after Coriolis acceleration the equilibrium composite scores of susceptibility group increased significantly ( P < 0.05 ) .

  19. 结论:血浆中高浓度的TXB2可能是运动病脑血管收缩,脑血流量减少的重要原因之一。

    Conclusion : The high concentration of TXB-2 in the blood plasma of the MSG rats might be one of the important causes of contraction of brain vessel and decrease of blood flow .

  20. 结论运动病与应激有关,运动病敏感性与血浆CORT、ACTH含量有关。

    Conclusions The changes of plasma levels of CORT and ACTH supports a connection between motion sickness and stress , also supports a connection between motion sickness susceptibility and plasma levels of CORT and ACTH .

  21. 方法根据运动病的发病机理,选择相关的受体拮抗剂进行组方并进行动物急性毒性(LD50)或最大耐受性试验。

    Methods According to the mechanism of motion disease , relative receptor antagonists were selected as the compound preparations and acute toxicity ( LD50 ) or maximal tolerance dose ( MTD ) of the preparations was tested .

  22. 主要观察和记录了运动病症状及视动性水平眼震(OKHN)。

    Motion sickness symptoms ( MSS ) and optokinetic horizontal nystagmus ( OKHN ) were recorded and analysed .

  23. 根据被试者所耐受的秋千摆动时间和运动病症状程度,综合确定个体的运动病稳定性指数(MSSI)。

    The motion sickness stablity index ( MSSI ) was defined by scoring points according to both duration endured on the swing and severity of symptoms observed .

  24. 运动病中某些激素和无机盐的变化

    Changes of Some Hormones and Inorganic Salts in Evoked Motion Sickness

  25. 速效抗晕胶囊抗运动病作用的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Treatment of Motion Sickness by Quick-Acting Anti-Motion Capsule

  26. 科里奥氏加速度刺激诱发运动病和垂直眼震的关系

    Relationship Between Motion Sickness and Vertical Nystagmus Induced by Coriolis Stimulation

  27. 结果两组大鼠均出现异嗜高岭土行为,表明旋转刺激可诱发大鼠运动病。

    Results Rats in both group showed behavior of kaolin eating .

  28. 大鼠运动病模型&条件性厌食症的建立

    Establishment of conditioned taste aversion as a motion sickness model in rats

  29. 既往运动病易感性对科里奥利加速度耐受性的影响

    Effect of previous motion sickness susceptibility on Coriolis acceleration tolerance

  30. 体表胃电图的多个指标与运动病恶心综合症有关。

    Several parameters of EGG were related to nausea in motion sickness .