
  • 网络filtering techniques;filtering technology;filtration technology;filtration;filter
  1. 逆向代理技术与普通包过滤技术的结合,可以构建既具有保护内部网络,又能对外提供Web信息发布的防火墙系统。

    Combining the firewall reverse proxy techniques with packet filtering techniques can availably protect the Web server in the Internet .

  2. 第一阶段,采用CCR模型,采用过滤技术和线性规划计算,从而识别组成新供应链的有效候选者和剔除无效候选者;

    The first stage , which is a CCR model , can be used to identify efficient candidates of a new supply chain and remove non-efficient candidates by means of filtering techniques and linear programming calculation .

  3. WEB动态报表实现中的参数化过滤技术

    Parametric Filtration Technique in Web Dynamic Reports Implementation

  4. 大规模信息过滤技术研究及其在Web问答系统中的应用

    Research on Techniques of Large-scale Information Filtering and Its Application in Web Question Answering System

  5. 而数据预处理在Web日志挖掘过程中起着至关重要的作用,其中本文提到的Web日志过滤技术属于数据预处理的一种。

    The data preprocessing in the process of Web Log Mining plays a vital role .

  6. 基于P2P的多媒体流过滤技术的研究与分析

    Research and Analysis of Multimedia Stream Filtration Technology Base on P2P

  7. 本文提出一种利用粗糙集理论生成规则的Web信息过滤技术。

    In this paper , we put forward a Web information filtering technique that getting rules base on the Rough set theory .

  8. 基于HTTP协议面向中文文本的过滤技术研究

    Study of Chinese-text-oriented Filtration Technology Based on HTTP

  9. 一种基于IP收敛算法的DDoS包过滤技术

    A Method of Filtering DDoS Package Based on An Algorithm of IP Convergence

  10. 基于协同过滤技术的CRM主动营销模型研究

    CRM Active Marketing Model Based on Collaborative Filtering

  11. 基于CoP建模的信息过滤技术研究

    Research on Technique of Information Filtering Based on CoP Modeling

  12. 目前网络的过滤技术主要有三种,分别是基于URL过滤方式、基于文本的过滤方式和基于图像内容的过滤方式。

    There are three main content-based methods : URL-based filter , text-based filter and image content-based filter .

  13. 新型AF滤料处理微污染水的过滤技术

    Filtration technology of a new AF media filter to treat micro-organic-polluted raw water

  14. 网络安全在现代社会中的地位越来越重要,IP包过滤技术是防火墙技术中的基础。

    Today , the security of network is becoming more and more important . IP packet filter is the foundation of the firewall technology .

  15. 本论文的研究是在IPv6信息过滤技术课题的基础之上进行的,其目的在于对目前广泛流行的网络安全工具进行研究分析,并提出改进措施。

    This paper is based on " The research of IPv6 information filter technique " subject .

  16. 实验证明,所论述的基于ARMCAN的驱动程序设计和报文收发过滤技术具有普遍意义。

    Experimental results show that the technology in this paper , based on ARM CAN driver design and message transceiving and filtering is universal .

  17. veBayes等过滤技术;

    Ve Bayes filtering technologies .

  18. 一种基于NFA查询重写的XML过滤技术

    NFA-Based Query Rewriting for XML Filtering

  19. 后继处理采用炉渣吸附过滤技术脱氧为后续厌氧创造条件,并去除残留絮凝物进一步降低废水COD及色度;

    And the subsequent treatment is studied in order to deoxygenate the former effluent and reduce COD , chromaticity concentration by cinder absorption-filtration .

  20. 在WINDOWSnt网络体系结构基础上,采用多级过滤技术实现防火墙。

    Our system is based on Windows NT structure and combines kernel-mode with user-mode to realize multilevel filter , which enhances performance from low layer .

  21. 分析了防火墙系统中分组过滤技术和代理服务技术存在的安全性缺陷,指出了HTTP协议身份验证方案存在的问题。

    The weakness of packet filtering and proxy technology in firewall are analyzed , The security problems of HTTP pro-tocol 's valid usr-identity are pointed .

  22. 对文件传输协议进行了分析,在此基础上介绍了针对FTP服务的包过滤技术和代理技术。

    This paper analyzes FTP ( File Transfer Protocol ) firstly , and then introduces packet filter technology and proxy technology for FTP .

  23. 内核级的协议无关层扩展了包过滤技术,实现了协议无关的数据包处理,成功地解决了PDU(ProtocolDataUnit)分用的核心问题。

    Protocol independent layer can deal with packages in spite of differences of protocols by extending package filiter technique , which solve the most important problem in protocol data unit ( PDU ) demultiplexing .

  24. 论文分析了早期分布式仿真协议中存在的缺点,介绍了一般分布式仿真系统中的数据过滤技术,包括DR技术,数据打包技术和数据压缩技术;

    It analyses disadvantages existing in previous simulation protocols , then gives data filtering technologies in general distributed simulation systems including Dead Reckoning , data bundling and data compression .

  25. NetNanny建立在内容分析基础上,与使用黑名单服务和屏蔽总在变化的网站地址或URL相比,这是一项有效得多的过滤技术。

    Net Nanny is built around content analysis , a far more effective filtering technique than blacklisting and blocking website addresses or URLs , which are always changing .

  26. 用信息过滤技术改进Internet信息检索系统已成为非常重要的研究方向,是个性化服务的基础。Internet信息检索模式作为一种新型网络检索方式。

    It 's important to improve current information retrieval system with information filtering . Information filtering is the basis of personalized information service . Internet which is a new networked information retrieval method is the final on - line searching way .

  27. 其次介绍了文本过滤技术,并分析了常用的Rocchio模型的特点。

    Then , the Rocchio model characteristics in text filter are analyzed .

  28. 本文应用离子交换柱层析和凝胶过滤技术从福建产圆斑蝰蛇泰国亚种蛇毒中纯化出一个新的PLA,(PLA2-3)。

    A new phospholipase A2 ( PLA2-3 ) was isolated and PUrified from the russelli siamensis snake venom by ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration .

  29. 以创新设计系统为应用背景,分别描述了基于QA的过滤技术和基于语义互联网的过滤技术(SEMFIT)在创新设计系统中的两种具体应用。

    Taking the innovation design system as application background , we describe two application scene hi the system with QA-based arithmetic and Semantic Web based filter model respectively .

  30. 第三章及第四章分别介绍了Agent技术及动态包过滤技术,这两个技术将在第六章提出的一个基于主机的分布式IDS中得到应用;

    Chapter three and chapter four have introduced Agent technology and Dynamic Packet Filter technology respectively , and these two techniques will apply to a Host-based Distributed Intrusion Detection System , which will be put forward in chapter six .