- 网络supercooling;Subcooling;degree of undercooling;undercooling degree;undercooling

Influence of induction stirring on Fe-C eutectic lamellar spacing and supercooling
With the increase of inlet air temperature of the condenser , evaporation pressure , condensation pressure increase , but supercooling and superheat degree , refrigerating capacity and COP decrease .
Effect of glass composition on undercooling stability of Cu_ ( 50 ) Ni_ ( 50 ) alloy melts
Volatility , Viscosity and Supercooling of the Fluxed Melts for β - BaB_2O_4 Crystal Growth
Research on the hysteresis of atom cluster size variation in GA melt from the nucleation undercooling
It was found that nucleation temperature of pure aluminum was reduced in magnetic field , namely , the undercooling level increased .
For uniform temperature surface , the CHF increases with the subcooling .
The results show that the homogenous nucleation undercooling of metals decreases with increasing ratio of sample volume to cooling rate .
The undercooling and structure of the Al-4 5 % Cu alloy denucleated by the chloride flux in a fine graphite crucible is studied in this paper .
The nucleation undercooling rate of aluminum melt , the driving force of nucleation and growth and refining mechanism of alpha aluminum phase during solidification were analyzed .
The highly undercooled was need for UHMWPE crystallization with the increasing of cooling rate .
The microstructural refinement is observed at large undercooling , as a result of solute restriction of crystal growth and fragmentation of the primary silicon dendrites .
In addition , COP and volumetric refrigerating capacity increased with increasing subcooled temperature at the same condensation temperature .
Finally , the monophase supersaturation solid solution of Cu-5 % Cr hypereutectic alloy develops in growth way of absolute stable planar interface with the further increase of undercooling .
In the isothermal crystallization experiment , the DSC exothermic curves become flat as decrease of the degrees of undercooling within the experimental temperatures .
And the greater undercooling ( TEN-TEU ) is measured , the more seriously degeneration of normal spheroidal graphite and intercellular carbides are obtained .
Effect of Pulse Electric Field on Undercooling Degree of Molten Pb-Sn Alloy
However during the actual sample preparation , because of the undercooling and inhomogeneity of the solute distribution , TiC crystal may have different morphologies .
Moreover , the dependences of homogenous nucleation undercooling on the ratio of sample volume to cooling rate for Ag , Cu and Ni were predicted according to solid-liquid interfacial energy model .
At the same undercooling degree (Δ T ), the crystallization capability of the three polyesters increase in a sequence of PET , PTT and PBT .
A set of high temperature microscope experimental apparatus designed and assembled by the authors has been described in this paper .
It indicates due to the growth of primary phase _L_2_ restrained , the microstructure with Pb distributed in interdendritic spacing is formed within undercooling less than 150 K ;
All the results of SEM , TEM and X-ray powder diffraction indicate that the sample undercooled more than 60K is the decagonal single-phase quasicrystal .
In the Avrami model of isothermal crystallization , With the growth of the crystallization temperature or the reduce of the undercooling , constant k of the crystallization reduced and exponent n growth .
Based on the statistical analysis of the experimental data , the undercooling prediction models and the micro structure quantitative models of the modified aluminum silicon alloys are developed .
The present of Sr in Al-Si alloys causes the changes of structures of liquid metals , and leads to the decreases of the solid-liquid interfacial energy of dendrite α( Al ) and increases of the growth undercooling of dendrite tips .
Nanometer TiO_2 was heterogeneous nucleation in the PET . The condensate depression decreased dramatically and crystallinity increased when the content of TiO_2 is 3 % of PET / nano-TiO_2 composites .
The results showed most nucleating agents made the fusion range Δ T m , crystallinity and melting entropy decreased , while the crystallization temperature increased , the degree of supercooling and width at half-height decreased .
Self-modification in EASA is attributed to the occurrence of a severe undercooling during solidification , which is related with the formation of homogeneous melt and the electric current in electrolysis process .
It was found that the existence of a particular solidification condition ( i.e. smaller constitutional undercooling degree ) as well as the elements of zirconium and lithium was necessary for the fine equiaxed smooth grains to form .