
  • 网络Damrey;DAVI;David;Davis Polk & Wardwell;Tavel
  1. 强台风达维经过海南岛过程结构演变研究

    A Study on the Structure Evolution of Strong Typhoon " Damrey " ( 2005 ) Through Hainan Island

  2. 台风达维对海南农垦橡胶产业的损害及所引发的对今后产业发展的思考

    Damage of Typhoon Damrey to the Rubber Industry in Hainan State Farm Bureau and Its Countermeasures for Future Development

  3. 英迈的财务顾问是摩根士丹利(MorganStanley&Co.),法律顾问是达维律师事务所(DavisPolk&Wardwell)。

    Morgan Stanley & Co. acted as financial adviser and Davis Polk & Wardwell acted as legal counsel to Ingram .

  4. 上世纪90年代他曾任职于顶尖美国律所达维(DavisPolk&Wardwell)。

    He worked for Davis Polk & Wardwell , a top-tier US firm , in the 1990s .

  5. 以往研究结果表明,中药甘草在人或小鼠动物肠道微生物菌群作用下可被转化为甘草次酸、达维荚蒾苷元(davidigenin)等不同代谢产物。

    Previous studies have shown that licorice root was able to be transformed to different metabolites , including glycyrrhetinic acid and davidigenin ( DG ), by human and rat intestinal microflora .

  6. 达维男孩史密斯击败欧文赫德成为首届冠军。

    Davey Boy Smith beating Owen Hart to become the inaugural champion .

  7. 台风达维为害海南腰果生产情况调查

    A Survey of Typhoon Dawei 's Damage to Cashew Production in Hainan

  8. 海南“达维”台风后,对万宁市地区丁香园防风林和丁香树风害进行了调查分析。

    Windbreak of Syzygium aromaticum orchard and wind damage of clove were investigated in Wanning City after typhoon " Dawei " attacked Hainan .

  9. 一位女员工被人们成为伊布·达维阿姨,可以告诉你各种各样关于古典艺术的建议与消息。

    A staffer , Ibu ( Aunt ) Dwi , as she is called , is a font of advice and news on all of the classical forms .

  10. 2005年达维台风造成了尖峰岭热带天然林内大量风倒木、断枝和落叶的产生,同时导致了群落郁闭度减少、透光性增强,并产生大量的林隙。

    Many wind-blown trees , broken branches and fallen leaves appeared after Typhoon Damrey in 2005 , which directly made the decrease of crown density , and the increase of penetrating light and many canopy gaps .