
  • 网络Boundary point;endpoint
  1. 若使用本文的方法,应力有可能达到与位移同阶的精度、本文还提出了提高边界点应力计算精度的方法。

    In addition , the method to improve the accuracy of stress calculation for boundary points is also proposed .

  2. 提出一种改进的工业CT切片图像轮廓跟踪算法,目的是实现多轮廓边界点坐标值的有序输出。

    An improved contour tracing algorithm for industry CT images is introduced and the goal is to output the coordinate values of multi-contour boundary points in order .

  3. 基于边界点云数据的3次B样条曲线拟合

    Cubic B-Spline Curve Fitting Based on the Boundary Point Cloud Data

  4. QUICK格式近边界点处理及虚拟压缩因子的选择

    The treatment of quick scheme near boundary and the choice of artificial compressibility parameter

  5. TerminationShock是人类提出的太阳系的两个边界点之一。

    The Termination Shock is one of two proposed boundaries to our solar system .

  6. 主要内容如下:首先,本文研究了从工业CT机切片图像提取边界点数据的方法。

    Such is the main content : First , the method of extracting contour data from industrial CT slice images is researched .

  7. 如果P是边界点,去掉P后,如果连通分量不增加,则P可以删除。

    If P is a border point and when point P is deleted , the component is not increase , and then point P can be deleted .

  8. Banach空间微分方程的边界点定理

    The Boundary Point Theorem of Differential Equations in Banach Space

  9. 最后生成的截面轮廓沿Z轴方向看,外轮廓的边界点按其序号大小沿逆时针方向排列,内轮廓的边界点按其序号大小沿顺时针方向排列。

    In the last making section outline , the exterior ring points arrange as counter-clockwise and the interior ring points as clockwise .

  10. 基于边界点偏置的VORONOI骨架算法的研究

    A Voronoi skeleton algorithm based on boundary offset

  11. 再利用Shu提出的公式计算出边界点的Legendre多项式的叠加值。

    By using Shu 's theorems the sum of Legendre polynomial of the boundary points is calculated .

  12. 在交配选择中利用边界点,可以有效的扩展最终得到的Pareto前沿面。

    Moreover , the boundary points in mating selection could be used to effectively expand the finally obtained Pareto front .

  13. Reissner型板边界点法

    The boundary point method for Reissner ′ s plates

  14. 本文还阐述了单元加权函数W的取值和边界点的确定对自适应网格性质的影响。

    It is pointed out that the selection of grid cell weighting function W and the distribution of grid points on the boundary may have significant influence on the grid quality .

  15. 通过分析散乱点在主方向的曲率变化,达到识别G1、G2连续边界点的目的。

    By analyze the variability of curvature in principle direction for each point , the G1 or G2 continuous edge-points can be detected .

  16. 为解决该问题,利用Dijkstra算法求出所有单顾客点集的有效点集和所有边界点。

    To address this problem , effective point set of all single-customer point set and all boundary points are found with the Dijkstra algorithm .

  17. 对于非边界点采用一种新的Cubic卷积插值方法确定其灰度值。

    At the same time , to the pixels not on the boundary of the interpolated image , the grey value was obtained by a novel Cubic convolution interpolation which was developed in this paper .

  18. 友谊农场五分场二队地块边界点的地理坐标数据都是通过DGPS(差分全球卫星定位系统)测量的。

    The geographic coordinate data of the field boundary points were surveyed by means of DGPS at Brigade Two of Five Branch on the YouYi Farm .

  19. 主要是利用ID号区别不同的网格顶点与非网格顶点,并通过记录测量数据点坐标信息、边界点标记、边的顶点拓扑关系、三角形的顶点拓扑关系,实现网格存贮。

    Mesh points and other points are discriminated from ID. The storage information includes the data information of points measured , the mark of boundary points , the vertex topotaxy of edges and the vertex topotaxy of triangles .

  20. 在此基础上把理论和算法与地形模型生成相结合,提出简化的插入算法,融合了DEM点的筛选处理,解决了边界点的获取问题。

    After applying DT ( D , V ) theory to 3D terrain modeling , the dissertation resolves the problem of boundary points and filtering points , and simplifies the insertion algorithm in practice .

  21. 在边缘检测方面采用改进的Sobel算子和Canny算子对图像进行边缘检测,然后根据轮廓跟踪准则对边界点进行排序,将图像数据转化为具有单像素宽的轮廓环。

    Betterment Sobel operator and Canny operator are used to detect image edge ; then all edge points are sorted into individual pixels by rule of edge following .

  22. 利用边界点的微分几何特征,提出散乱点云自动分割方法,有效提取噪声点云的D0、D1和D2边界带。

    Using the differential geometry property of edge points , an automatic segmentation algorithm is presented to extract the D0 , D1 and D2 edge strips from noisy data .

  23. 根据Z-Map模型的原理,用行列结构对边界点数据进行重新排列,从而得到3轴平行式加工刀轨。

    According to the theory of Z-Map model , the contour data is re-constructed in new sequence forming 3-axis parallel milling tool path .

  24. 通过在己有算法基础上添加边界点的处理和边界保形,并将模型视距与简化模型分辨率相关联,可生成连续的LoD模型,为真实感模型反求提供了方便的LoD模型生成工具。

    On the bases of existed algorithms , the functions of boundary points processing and form-keeping on boundary are added , and the relation between eyes-model distance and the resolution of simplified model is established .

  25. 分析了BP算法中假饱和存在的条件,给出了网络边界点的概念,提出了一种能令网络跳出假饱和提高训练速度的简单而实用的改进算法。

    This paper analyses the existing conditions of false saturation in BP algorithm , gives the concept of the boundary area of network , and then proposes a simple and effective improved algorithm which can get the network out of false saturation area and speed up learning rate .

  26. 该方法将求解域分成若干个子域,由子域边界点分布来确定Poisson方程源项,从而控制求解域内点分布,在全场求解Poisson方程。

    The flow region is divided into several subregions in which the source terms of Poisson equations are determined by a priori selection of the grid point distribution along the boundaries of the subregions to control the interior grid point distribution .

  27. 其次,详细介绍了Hilbert-Huang变换及Hilbert-Huang变换中两个重要的概念,采用极值延拓的方法处理经验模式分解(EMD分解)中的边界点,有效的减小了边界效应的影响。

    Secondly , Hilbert-Huang Transform and its two important concepts were presented , the method of extension of extreme value was used to empirical mode decomposition ( EMD ) of the boundary points , which reduced the influence of boundary effect .

  28. 局部线性回归的优越性主要体现在两个方面:第一,其在内点的收敛速度要快于N-W估计量和G-M估计量;第二:其在边界点可以自我修正从而避免了边界效应。

    The superiority of local linear regression is mainly reflected in two aspects : firstly , it has a faster rate of convergence than kernel regression estimator ; secondly , it is free from Boundary Effect .

  29. 文章采用Reissner型板基本解来构建一系列特解,再通过边界点法确定边界元方程系数矩阵的全部元素。

    In this paper , a series of particular solutions are formed by utilizing correspondent Reissner ′ s plate fundamental solutions . Thus all elements in the coefficient matrix of boundary element equations for plates to be solved will be determined by boundary point method .

  30. 本文用时间相关法计算了固体火箭发动机燃烧室&喷管亚跨声速流场数值解,控制方程用MacCormack二步显格式:边界点参数用物理边界条件和参考平面上的特征方程计算。

    The chamber-nozzle subsonic-transonic flowfield of solid rocket motor is computed by time-dependent method . The governing equations are numerically solved by MacCormack explicit scheme . The parameters of boundary points are calculated with physical boundary conditions and characteristic equations on the reference plane .