
  • 网络The attacks that Gansu suffered
边患 [biān huàn]
  • [disaster of foreign invasion on the border] 外敌对边疆的侵扰,也指这种侵扰造成的灾难

  • 边患频仍

  1. 近代中国边患频仍,边疆因之成为学人关注的重要话题。

    The study of frontier became a important topic among Chinese scholars because of frequent frontier troubles in Modern China .

  2. 我还记得一只狐梗狗牙龈缘边患上恶性的梭形细胞肿瘤,冷冻笔有效控制了这癌症的病情。

    I can recall a case of palliation and regression of a spindle-cell tumour on the gingival margin of a Fox Terrier .

  3. 隆庆以后,随着边境互市的兴起,长城沿线边患稍解,商贸活动日渐发达。

    With the rise of the border frontier , a little trouble on the frontier along the Great Wall Solutions , commerce increasingly developed .

  4. 但在大的历史背景下来看,熙河之役显然是北宋解决西北边患的一次积极尝试。

    However , the Xihe Campaign obviously was an active attempt to alleviate the border crisis in northwest areas of the Northern Song Dynasty .

  5. 秦汉以来,中国古代的北方的主要边患从地域上看大体上可以说存在一个由西北地区向东,转移到东北地区的过程。

    Since the Qin and Han dynasties , from the point of region , the ancient Chinese major trouble on the north frontier moved from northwest to the northeast .