
là jiāo jiànɡ
  • chili sauce;piri-piri
  1. 四位患者都曾食用Castleberry生产的热狗辣椒酱。

    All four people consumed Hot Dog Chili Sauce Original , a product made by Castleberry 's.

  2. 详细介绍了一种新的韩国风味辣椒酱的生产技术。

    This paper introduces the new production process of Korean chili sauce .

  3. 伏牛堂称其米粉中的辣椒酱要比塔瓦斯科辣椒酱(Tabascosauce)辣125倍。

    The restaurant says the hot sauce for its rice noodles is 125 times hotter than Tabasco sauce .

  4. 运用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法分析并采用凝胶净化系统(GPC)预处理,建立了测定辣椒酱、辣酱油等复杂样品中对位红残留量的检测方法。

    Residues Determination of Para red by in Pimiento Catsup and Chili Sauce Sample by Gel Permeation Chromatography A high performance liquid chromatographic ( HPLC ) method is described for the residue determination of para red .

  5. 而支持者(MaryJohanna)表示:有上千种做辣椒酱的方法,抱怨的人们应该冷静下来。

    However , Mary Johanna defends the President with : There are probably a thousand different ways to make a chilli , so why don 't you whiners all chill out .

  6. 而支持者(MaryJohanna)表示:“有上千种做辣椒酱的方法,抱怨的人们应该冷静下来。”

    However , Mary Johanna defends the President with : " There are probably a thousand different ways to make a chilli , so why don 't you whiners all chill out . "

  7. 委员会还通过了关于人参产品,发酵豆酱和辣椒酱(gochujang)的区域标准。

    The Commission also adopted regional standards for ginseng products , fermented soybean paste and gochujang .

  8. 在炎炎夏日,你可以舒适地泡在佩腾伊察湖的凉水里或者去游览一番ActunKan(传说中的巨蛇之洞)。而且你一定要带回去一些当地著名的魔鬼辣椒酱,除非连你自己都怕得不行。

    On a steamy summer day , you can dip into the cool waters of Lake Peten Itza or tour the caves of Ak'tun Kan . And make sure you take away some of the great local habanero chile salsa , unless you 're just too afraid of it .

  9. 乳酸菌强化发酵生产辣椒酱的工艺研究

    Production technique of chilli sauce by fermentation of lactic acid bacteria

  10. 这3条建议包括鸡肉华夫饼和拉差辣椒酱,但起司蒜蓉面包占据头名(其他值得注意的建议是玛格丽塔和韩国烧烤)。

    ( other notable submissions were Margarita and Korean BBQ . )

  11. 辣椒酱护色工艺研究

    Study on the color - retention technique of pepper sauce

  12. 我不是告诉你带点辣椒酱来嘛?

    I told you to bring red pepper soup didn 't I ?

  13. 简直不能相信烤肉居然没放辣椒酱。

    I can 't believe there 's no horseradish for the roast beef .

  14. 请给我一根热狗加上辣椒酱。

    One hot dog with chili sauce , please .

  15. 将辣椒酱洒在面包切边上,底部面包上一半放鸡,奶酪,及沙拉。

    Top bottom halves with chicken , then cheese , then some slaw .

  16. 他表示:过去5年,我一直在狂热地收藏辣椒酱。

    I have been a hot sauce collector for the past five years .

  17. 采购:辣椒酱,罐装蘑菇,酱油,芝麻油。

    Buy : Pepper sauce , Canned mushroom , Soy sauce , Sesame oil .

  18. 一道稳妥选择是配有辣椒酱和柠檬酱的清蒸笋壳鱼。

    A sure bet is the steamed sand goby with chilli and lemon sauce .

  19. 辣椒酱是提味的一点都不辣

    The chili sauce is not hot at all

  20. 在另一浅碗中,打散蛋,混合牛奶与辣椒酱。

    In another shallow bowl , whisk the eggs , buttermilk and hot pepper sauce .

  21. 辣椒酱发酵工艺研究

    Investigation of fermentation technology of the chilli-jam

  22. 事实上,我喜欢自己这盘有额外胡椒及辣椒酱的。

    In fact , I like mine with some extra peppers and some hot sauce .

  23. 新型辣椒酱的制作方法

    Production Technology Of A New-style Chili Paste

  24. 酱体类:番茄酱、辣椒酱等。

    Thick liquid Species : tomato ketchup etc.

  25. 辣椒酱挑逗味觉。

    Chilli sauce can titillate our palates .

  26. 韩国风味辣椒酱的生产技术

    Production technology of Korean chili sauce

  27. 薄层色谱分离分光光度法测定辣椒酱中苏丹红Ⅰ

    Separation and Determination of Sudan ⅰ in Hot Pepper Sauce by Thin Layer Chromatography and Spectrophotometry

  28. 调味料:韩式辣椒酱1汤匙、上汤3/4杯、豉油2茶匙。

    Seasonings : 1tbsp Korean chili paste , 3 / 4cup Stock , 2tsp Soya sauce .

  29. 这盘色拉的特色就是有着很浓的柑橘味和辣椒酱的辛辣味。

    This delicious salad features the tang of citrus and the piquancy of hot pepper sauce .

  30. 凝胶净化-高效液相色谱法检测对位红在辣椒酱和辣酱油中的残留量

    Residues Determination of Para red by in Pimiento Catsup and Chili Sauce Sample by Gel Permeation Chromatography