
  • 网络OUT;Output;Output Connector
  1. 测量HI和LO输出端子上之间的电阻。

    Measure resistance between the HI and LO output terminals .

  2. 如果在电路中没有测量设备,那么则应该将屏蔽连接到源的LO输出端子。

    If there is no measuring device in the circuit , then the shield should be connected to the LO output terminal of the source .

  3. 注意,电压源输出端子上的电压为6V。

    Note that the voltage at the source output terminals is6V .

  4. SPDT开关具有一个输入端子,可被连接到两个输出端子之一;

    An SPDT switch has one input port , which can be connected to one of two output ports .

  5. 系统由嵌入式工业控制计算机、AI/AO模块、DIO模块、继电器输出端子板、信号调理和接线端子板等组成。

    The system is composed of embedded control computer , AI / AO modules , DIO modules , relay output terminal board , terminal board signal conditioning and so on .

  6. 将扬声器系统连接到一个放大器的扬声器输出端子。

    Connect the speaker system to the speaker output terminals of an amplifier .

  7. 多位置开关将一个输入连接到几个输出端子之一。

    A multi-position switch connects one input port to one of several output ports .

  8. 测量任一输出端子和保护或屏蔽端子之间的电阻。

    Measure the resistance between either output terminal and the guard or shield terminal .

  9. 依据该拉入操作,可以防止在输出端子产生噪声。

    According to the pulling-in operation , noise can be prevented from generating an output terminal .

  10. 当你创建输入输出端子,你必须给它一个变量名称。

    When you create an input or output terminal , you must give it a variable name .

  11. 模拟运行系统很容易增加输入、输出端子和其他新的功能,具有很好的可扩展性。

    The simulative running system can easily add I / O port and other functions , so it has good expansibility .

  12. 最后,给出了该控制系统输入、输出端子接线原理图和金属带传动比控制框图。

    Finally , the paper provides the wiring principle graph of the input and output terminals and the control block diagram of the metal V-belt transmission ratio .

  13. 本质上,如果消息在自定义中介原语的第一个输出端子上激发,则不对其进行记录,而如果在第二个端子上激发,则会将其记录到数据库。

    In essence , if the message is fired on the first output terminal of the custom mediation primitive , it is not logged , whereas if it is fired on the second terminal , it is logged to a database .

  14. 二次绕组中还带有110220V输出电压端子供操作机构作电源。

    The secondary winding offering the110,220V voltage is used for power supply to operation machine .

  15. 互补隔离技术法为在输出二极管两个端子上并联功率电磁继电器的一对常开触点,并用冗余控制信号对触点的闭合或释放状态进行控制。

    The technology approach of complementary isolation is that it makes a pair of normal open contacts of a power electromagnetic relay in parallel with two poles of the output diode , and adopts a redundancy control signal to control the contacts on closing or opening state .