
  • 网络radiometric resolution
  1. 采用这种高精度成像处理方法和单视图像斑点噪声抑制方法,可以实现星载SAR高空间分辨率和高辐射分辨率的雷达图像。

    Using the high precise imaging algorithm and the speckle reduction method for one look image , we can make radar images with high spatial resolution and high radiometric resolution .

  2. 针对高辐射分辨率遥感影像最易受到的攻击&线性拉伸,提出了一种基于整数DCT变换的可逆数字水印算法。

    Aiming at resisting the linear stretching attack which usually been done to the high radiometric resolution digital remote sensing image , presents a reversible watermarking algorithm based on integer DCT transform .

  3. 包括总体响应的模拟,辐射分辨率的模拟,CCD响应不一致性模拟,相机系统噪声模拟等。

    Including the simulation of the overall response function , radiation-resolution , and nonuniformity of CCD response and system noise of camera . 4 .

  4. 高辐射分辨率(≥10bit)航空航天数字遥感影像已经逐渐成为空间地理信息获取的主要数据源。

    High radiometric resolution (≥ 10bit ) digital remote sensing image obtained by aeronautics and astronautics technology has gradually been the main data acquisition source of spatial geographic information .

  5. 合成孔径雷达图像辐射分辨率工程估算公式的校正

    A Corrected Engineering Estimation Formula of Radiometric Resolution in SAR Images

  6. 阐述了多种辐射分辨率定义的内涵,并对其错误概率进行了比较;

    The various definitions for the radiometric resolution and the error probability also compared with each other .

  7. 实现了一种适用于高辐射分辨率遥感影像版权标识的可逆可见数字水印算法。

    A reversible visible watermarking algorithm for high radiometric resolution remote sensing images ' notification is realized .

  8. 导出了距离分辨率、方位分辨率和辐射分辨率的定量关系式;

    The expressions of range resolution , the azimuth resolution , and the radiometric resolution have been derived .

  9. 原理性成像模拟结果表明,使用这种方法可以获得被观测地域高几何分辨率和高辐射分辨率的微波图像。

    Numerical simulation results show that this method can produce a microwave image with high spatial and radiation resolutions .

  10. 最近,高光谱图像已生效的图片,它提供了一个非常高的空间分辨率,同时拍摄的极其精细的辐射分辨率数据。

    Recently , hyperspectral imagery has come into the picture , which provides a very high spatial resolution while capturing extremely fine radiometric resolution data .

  11. 在利用信号检测错误概率的基础上推导出了适合于定量分析的合成孔径雷达图像辐射分辨率工程估算公式。

    Based on probability of error in the theory of signal detection , an engineering estimation formula of radiometric resolution in SAR images is derived . The corrected formula suits for the quantitative analysis .

  12. 该方法可以兼顾整体信息与局部信息,在处理大型无缝影像数据库色彩平衡问题时,既可以减小每张影像的处理误差,又可以消除处理误差的空间传递和积累问题,还便于辐射分辨率的保持。

    Taking into account both local and global information , the method can not only diminish the processing error for each image but also remove the spatial transfer and the accumulation of the processing error . With this method , the preservation of the radiometric resolution becomes easy .

  13. 本文围绕数字人体信息获取的多光谱探测技术的分辨率研究,主要内容有数字人体信息获取的多光谱探测技术的空间分辨率、光谱分辨率、辐射分辨率和时间分辨率。

    This paper focus on the study of the resolution of multispectrum exploration technology of information acquisition of digital human body . The main contents are the space resolution , spectrum resolution , radiation resolution and time resolution of multispectrum exploration technology of information acquisition of digital human body .

  14. 毫米波辐射图像分辨率增强方法研究

    Research on Resolution Enhancement Method of Millimeter Wave Radiometric Image

  15. 一种新的毫米波辐射图像分辨率增强方法

    A New Resolution Enhancement Method for Millimeterwave Radiometric Image

  16. 作为CT技术的一种,Micro-CT以其低成本、低辐射、高分辨率等特点著称。

    Micro-CT , as one technology of CT , is known for low-cost , low radiation and high resolution .

  17. 利用BG算法提高微波辐射计空间分辨率

    Spatial Resolution Enhancement of Microwave Radiometer Using BG Algorithm

  18. 本文首先分析了三种目前常用的提高微波辐射计空间分辨率的方法:BG反演算法、图像反卷积技术和SIR算法。

    In this paper , Backus-Gilbert matrix inversion technique , image deconvolution technique and scatterometer image reconstruction ( SIR ) algorithm are introduced to improve the spatial resolution firstly .

  19. 星载微波辐射计空间分辨率增强算法研究

    Study on Algorithm for Enhancing Spatial Resolution of Spaceborne Microwave Radiometer

  20. 本文针对以上问题,首先研究了采用干涉测量成像技术提高微波辐射计空间分辨率的方法。

    In this dissertation , interferometry imaging technology is studied for improving microwave radiometers spatial resolution .

  21. 随着空间遥感技术的发展,提高微波辐射计空间分辨率已成为进行微波辐射计研究的主要工作。

    With the development of spatial remote sensing technology , the main task has been focused on improving the spatial resolution of microwave radiometer .

  22. 因此,出于应用的目的,利用微波辐射计空间分辨率增强算法,来得到较高分辨率的图像就显得很有必要。

    Therefore it is very necessary to enhance the spatial resolution of images from radiometers by using spatial resolution enhancing methods in view of applications .

  23. 然后分别提出空间、光谱和辐射的多分辨率分析方法,以此获得不同分辨率的高光谱图像。

    Then , multiscale spatial , spectral and radiant resolution analysis methods are brought forward , which can be applied to generate a series of hyperspectral imageries with various resolutions .

  24. 文中从另一个角度入手,在不提高反辐射导引头分辨率的前提下,基于无源被动定位技术、虚拟导引头技术以及故障检测技术给出了一种新的抗诱偏方案。

    Without enhancing resolving power of anti-radiation seeker , a new anti-bait scheme , based on the technology of passive location , virtual seeker and fault detection , is given .

  25. 该方法将双线性插值与改进的非线性外推相结合,首先利用双线性插值放大原始图像,再利用改进非线性外推算法增加图像的高频分量,最终实现毫米波辐射图像的分辨率增强。

    This method , which combines bilinear interpolation and improved nonlinear extrapolation , utilizes bilinear interpolation to amplify original image , and then utilizes improved nonlinear extrapolation to increase high frequency components of the image , lastly , the resolution of millimeter wave radiometer image is enhanced .

  26. 而目前的普通医用CT由于价格昂贵、辐射大、空间分辨率低等原因不适用于为医学研究获取小动物的解剖结构信息。

    However , the common medical CT is not suitable for small animal imaging due to the high cost , high radiation and low spatial resolution .

  27. 从AVHRR红外窗区辐射测量获取高分辨率的海面温度场

    A high resolution sea surface temperature field derived from AVHRR infrared window radiation measurements

  28. 碲锌镉(CdZnTe)核辐射探测器具有能量分辨率高、本征探测效率高、可在常温下使用、体积小等优点,因此可广泛应用于核安全、环境监测、天体物理和医学成像等领域。

    CdZnTe ( CZT ) nuclear detector has a capacity of high energy resolution , high detection efficiency , little bulk , and can worked at room temperature , therefore it is widely used to nuclear safety , environment monitoring , astrophysics , and medicine imaging system .

  29. 高分辨红外辐射探测器地层学高分辨率地层倾角测井仪

    High resolution infrared radiation sounder stratigraphic high resolution dipmeter tool

  30. 山区太阳直接辐射的空间高分辨率分布模型

    Distribution model of direct solar radiation with high spatial resolution in mountainous areas