
  • 网络Light well point precipitation;light well point drainage
  1. 轻型井点降水方法具有施工方便、降水速度快而彻底等特点,保证了施工工期和工程质量,排水效果好。

    The light well point drainage method has the characteristics of convenient construction and quick speed of drainage , can assure the time limit for project and the project quality .

  2. 超轻型井点降水新技术的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Super-light Equipment in Water Level Lowering Well

  3. 轻型井点降水变参数射流泵的设计

    Design of the variable parameter ejector for well point dewatering engineering

  4. 射流式轻型井点降水的设计与应用

    Design of light-style jet flow well water dropping and application

  5. 轻型井点降水在软土地基处理中的应用

    Application of Light Well Point Drop in Treatment of Soft Soil Ground

  6. 利用轻型井点降水根治深基坑流砂的研究

    Study on the deep foundation quicksand radical curing with light well dewatering

  7. 轻型井点降水措施在土质变形体治理中的应用

    Application of Light Wellpoint System for the Treatment of Deformable Soil Mass

  8. 轻型井点降水在深基坑开挖中的应用

    The application of light well dewatering in deep foundation excavation

  9. 砂性土地基轻型井点降水的布设与质量控制

    Arrangement and Quality Control of Light Well Point Drop of Sandy Soil Foundation

  10. 轻型井点降水发生透点的处理

    Penetration point treatment in light well dewatering

  11. 轻型井点降水+强夯法在消除砂土液化中应用

    Application of the light well-point dewatering combining with dynamic consolidation method to elimination of liquefaction of sand

  12. 轻型井点降水是处理浅层富含水粘性土地基的一种行之有效的方法。

    Light well point drop is a kind of effective measures for treating shallow layer rich water-bearing clayey soil ground .

  13. 自流深井配轻型井点降水在砂质土深基坑中的应用

    Application of Dewatering System with Self Drainage Deep Well and Light Well Points to Deep Foundation Pit under Sandy Soil Condition

  14. 轻型井点降水在南京三桥水中墩承台施工中的应用

    Application of Light Well-Point Dewatering Method to Construction of Pile Caps of In-Water Piers of the 3rd Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge

  15. 以某水电站右出口明渠土质变形体为例,介绍应用轻型井点降水措施与其它配套措施一起实施,在其抗滑治理中取得成功,可为其它类似工程提供借鉴。

    Stablization of the deformable soil mass in a hydroelectric station is taken as an example to illustrate the successful application of light well point system for slide prevention .

  16. 同时,采用轻型井点降水能够有效降低基坑地下水位,确保基坑边坡稳定。

    At the same time , the method of light well point precipitation is also used to decrease the groundwater level , which can ensure the slope stability of foundation .

  17. 对于降水深度不大的砂性土地基,一般选用轻型井点降水,可以满足安全、适用、经济的要求。

    For the sandy soil foundation with not large drop depth it generally selects to use light well drop , so it can meet the requirement of safety , adaptation and economy .

  18. 本文以泰来县两棵排水闸站厂房基坑排水为例,叙述了轻型井点降水布置、设备的选择及实施过程。

    The paper takes the drainage of foundation pit in Liangke drainage gate of Tailai county as the example , introduces the layout of well point , the selection of equipment and the implement process .

  19. 结合工程实际阐述了二级轻型井点降水在二级曝气池土方开挖中的施工设计与施工方法,指出了施工中应注意的问题,供同行参考。

    The paper discusses the construction design and construction method of the apply to to descend water level with light point type well in earthwork of Rank 2 earation pool , and presents the problems paying attention to at the construction .

  20. 以我市市政基础设施为例,对轻型井井点降水与深井井点降水技术、经济进行了分析和比较,建议尽可能采用深井降水。

    In this paper , taking municipal infrastructures in the city of Xuzhou as an example , the technical economy of precipitation of light well point and deep well point is analyzed and compared . It suggests using precipitation of deep well point .

  21. 轻型井点结合明排降水新工艺

    New Technique of Lowering Water Table Combining Wellpoint and Waterway Drain

  22. 特大面积深基坑采用轻型井点、深井综合降水的实例分析

    Practice on Dewatering Combined with Light Well - Point and Deep - Well in Extra Large Area Deep Foundation Pit