
  • 网络pivot;Pivoting
  1. 它绕z轴转了两圈,螺旋上升然后下降。

    It kind of goes twice around the z axis , but spirals up and then down .

  2. 他以脚后跟为轴转过身来。

    He swung round , pivoting on his heel .

  3. 轴转和准备动作不算扔盘动作。

    Pivots and wind-ups are not considered part of the act of throwing .

  4. 要知道地球绕轴转一回要用二十四个钟头。

    You see the earth takes twenty-four hours to turn round on its axis & '

  5. 将光栅干涉仪绕其对称轴转过一角度,得到第二个像。

    The second image is obtained by rotating the cross-grating interferometer an angle about its axis of symmetry .

  6. 沿着使光最快地复现的方向,使旋转台绕??轴转过一个小角度。

    Rotate the stage about the axis ?? through a small angle in the direction in which the light is most rapidly restored .

  7. 本实用新型涉及具有电机驱动的轴转装置,特别是一种超市购物篮的收集车。

    The utility model relates to a shaft rotating device driven by an electric motor , in particular to a collecting vehicle for a supermarket shopping basket .

  8. 在盆地中心有些部位主压应力轴转为北西方向,与盆地周边的主压应力轴方位几乎垂直。

    And in some places near the center of the basin it changes to the northwest that is almost perpendicular to the P axis obtained by us from those events around the basin .

  9. 结果表明:(1)剪应力幅值、频率、主应力轴转幅及超固结比对主应力轴循环旋转时土样性状均有显著影响。

    Undrained cyclic principal stress rotation experiments had been done , and it was found that ( 1 ) the shear stress amplitude , frequency , principal stress rotation amplitude and overconsolidation ratio had the obvious influence on soils .