
zhóu xiànɡ yā lì
  • Axial pressure;axial compression;axial compressive force
  1. 计及轴向压力的方管节点塑性铰线模型

    Plastic hinge line model of rectangular hollow section joints under axial compressive force

  2. 钻柱横向非线性振动的基频随着初弯曲最大挠度的增大而减小,初弯曲对钻柱横向非线性振动基频的影响随钻柱长度的增大而增大,随轴向压力的影响而增加。

    The effect of initial deflection on the first frequency increased with either the length of drill stem or the axial compressive force on the drill stem increases .

  3. V形密封轴向压力分布的理论分析和实验研究

    Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Axial Pressure Distribution of V Seal

  4. TT管节点在轴向压力下的极限载荷分析

    Analysis of the Ultimate Loading Capacity of Tubular TT - joints under Axial Compression

  5. 建立了考虑弦杆轴向压力影响的不等宽K型间隙方管节点的塑性铰线模型,并推出了节点承载力计算公式。

    The yield line model of stepped K-type gapped RHS-joints subjected to the combined chord axial compression load and branch axial loads is established in the paper .

  6. 对6个K型和7个KK型直接焊接方管节点进行了在弦杆轴向压力作用下的静力试验研究。

    Static tests on six K-joints and seven KK-joints fabricated from square hollow section ( SHS ) are conducted .

  7. 本文对有效截面法和直接强度法的计算结果进行了修正,通过引入修正系数,使现有的设计方法能够用于腹板V形加劲的冷弯卷边槽钢在轴向压力作用下极限承载力的计算。

    Effective width method and direct strength method are modified to make them applicable to predict the ultimate strength of cold-formed lipped-channel column with V-stiffened web under axial compression force .

  8. 本文还利用自制的微压测试装置,研究了高频脉冲TIG焊电弧阳极轴向压力的分布,建立了数学模型。

    The distribution of high frequency pulse TIG welding arc anode axial pressure has been studied by a self-made micro-pressure measuring device . And the related mathematical model is established as well .

  9. 本文在Murray模型的基础上,采用VONMISES屈服准则,推导了在轴向压力影响下的倾斜塑性铰线承载力公式。

    Based on Murray ′ s model , the load carrying capacity of the inclined yield line under the axial compression force is formulated by using Von Mises yield criterion .

  10. 在Kirchhoff动力学比拟基础上讨论端部受轴向压力作用的圆截面弹性细杆的螺旋线平衡稳定性问题。

    The stability of helical equilibrium of a thin elastic rod with circular cross section under the axial compression is discussed on the basis of the Kirchhoff 's kinetic analogy .

  11. 每种测试重复8次,通过MTS传感器记录外固定针各部位在不同轴向压力下所需扭矩、时间和位移。

    Each testing were repeated 8 times , and the precise data ( torque , time and displacement ) of different group and different part were noted on the MTS sensor respectively .

  12. 方法对改良AO外固定器进行了5种构型的刚度、屈服点测试,检测指标为抗轴向压力、扭转力、前后弯曲力和侧方弯曲力。

    Methods The rigidity and the load of yield of five configurations of the modified AO fixator were investigated on the characteristics such as axial compression , torsion , anterior posterior bending , and medial lateral bending .

  13. SHS工艺参数主要包括压坯相对密度、压坯轴向压力、预压力、延迟时间、高压压力、高温保压时间等,对这些参数和材料性能之间的关系进行了探讨。

    The relations between properties and SHS processing parameters , including relative density of preform , axial pressing pressure of preform , preliminary pressing pressure , delay time , high pressing pressure , holding time were examined .

  14. 从这一方程组出发,用渐近方法计算了简谐变化轴向压力作用下薄壁杆共振时幅频曲线,且对各种影响因素,包括Saint-Venant扭矩的影响,作了分析。

    Based on these equations , amplitude-frequency curves of resonance are calculated . The effects of the influent ! al factors , including the Saint-Venant torque , on the resonance behavior are discussed .

  15. 当脉冲频率大于10kHz时,脉冲频率增加,电弧最大轴向压力减小。

    When the pulse frequency is over 10 kHz , the maximum axial pressure of high frequency arc decreases with the increase of pulse frequency .

  16. MAS先驱体粉末在100MPa的轴向压力下成型后,经1450℃无压烧结2小时,得到单相堇青石陶瓷,其致密度达95.1%。

    MAS precursor powders were uniaxially pressed at 100 MPa employing a lubricated steel cylindrical mold . After sintering at 1450 ℃ for 2 hours , Single-phase cordierite ceramic is prepared , and its relative density is 95.1 % .

  17. 本文在内径140mm的快速流化床中,考察了内置钝体对床内轴向压力分布和径向颗粒浓度分布的影响。

    By using the optical fiber probes and pressure sensors , the axial pressure profiles and radial concentration profiles were investigated in a fast fluidized bed ( 140 mm ID ) with bluff-body .

  18. 本文依据所收集到的国内外在恒定轴向压力作用下钢筋混凝土柱以不同方式循环加载到破坏的试验结果,对Park-Ang准则和基于单循环损伤指标增量累积的破坏准则进行了试验验证。

    On the basis of test results of RC columns with constant axial load ratio under cyclic loading of various modes till failure collected in this thesis , Park-Ang criterion and the failure criterion based on the damage increment cumulation of single cycle have been calibrated .

  19. 轴向压力波动与螺杆的几何结构变化有关。

    Fluctuating pressure came from the different structures of the screws .

  20. 假设弯矩与轴向压力互不相关。

    Assuming that bending moment is not correlative with axial pressure .

  21. 轴向压力影响下裂纹梁振动特性分析

    Analysis on the vibration characteristics of cracked beams subjected to axial force

  22. 轴向压力对复合墙板抗震性能的影响

    Influence of axial pressure on the seismic property of sandwich wall panel

  23. 细长直杆受轴向压力在欧拉范围内的讨论

    Discussion on the Slender Straight Bar under Axial Compression within Eulerian Limit

  24. 文丘里洗涤器轴向压力损失的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Axial Pressure Change of Venturi Scrubber

  25. 承受轴向压力和弯曲载荷的圆环壳的实验研究

    Experimental Research of Toroidal Shell Subjected to Axial Force and Bending Moment

  26. 轴向压力作用下空心剪力墙的稳定性分析

    The stability analysis of hollow shear wall with axial compression

  27. 对螺钉无轴向压力的高精度自动螺丝刀的设计

    Design of High Precision Automatic Screwdriver with No Axial Pressure on Screws

  28. 轴向压力下刚性支承矩形钢板件屈曲弹性分析

    Elastic buckling analysis of rectangular unilaterally rigid restrained plates under axial compression

  29. 临界轴向压力随高速微孔钻床主轴系统转速的升高而降低,即随着钻削转速的提高,应适当减小钻削轴向力。

    Therefore , the drilling feed should be decreased with drilling speed increasing .

  30. 大型薄壁圆柱壳在局部轴向压力作用下的稳定性能研究

    Study on stability of large-scale thin-walled cylindrical shells subjected to partial axial compression