
  • 网络soft-killing
  1. 飞航导弹武器系统软杀伤效能评估体系研究

    Study of Soft-killing Effectiveness Evaluation for Aerodynamic Missile Weapon Systems

  2. 基于仿真的飞航导弹软杀伤效能评估探讨

    An Investigation into Soft-killing Effectiveness Evaluation for Aerodynamic Missile Based on Operation Simulation

  3. 在濒海水域对电子干扰措施和软杀伤装备的需求基于FDG和GA的故障诊断技术在电子对抗装备中的应用

    ECM and Soft-Kill Requirements in the Littorals Application of the Fault Diagnosis Technique Based on FDG and GA in Electronic Countermeasure Equipment

  4. 分析了电视成像跟踪系统的组成原理,在开展脉冲激光干扰CCD的实验基础上,进行了激光对电视成像跟踪系统的软杀伤实验与理论分析。

    The compositive principle of TV imaging tracking system is analyzed . Based on the experiment of disturbing of CCD induced by laser , the experiments of soft damage to TV imaging tracking system induced by laser are completed .

  5. 软杀伤战术激光武器及作用机理的研究

    Research on soft - killing tactical laser weapon and its mechanism

  6. 实现软杀伤弹药指令引信技术的途径

    Technology and Application of Instructing Fuze for Soft - killing Ammunition

  7. 软杀伤弹用弥漫粉剂的性能研究

    Study on the Properties for Dispersed Powders Used in Soft Kill Bombs

  8. 软杀伤是信息战的重要杀伤手段,能使硬武器威力倍增。

    The soft kill and wound instrumentality is important for information warfare .

  9. 电视制导武器的激光软杀伤分析

    Research on soft damage of laser to TV guided weapons

  10. 机载软杀伤光源光纤激光组束方法的选择

    Selection of Fiber Laser Beam Combination Methods for Airborne Soft-killing Laser Source

  11. 软杀伤子弹药信标引信定位算法及可实现性分析

    The orientation arithmetic and Realization Analysis of beacon fuze for soft sub-munitions

  12. 软杀伤弹药目标效应研究中的对象及其关系

    Key Points and Their Relation of Target Effect Study of Non-Lethal Munitions

  13. 综述了反辐射导弹的软杀伤技术和硬摧毁技术。

    Soft kill and hard destruction technology for antiradiation missile have been summarized .

  14. 利用光纤组束获得机载软杀伤高功率光源

    The Attainment of Airborne Soft Killing High Power Laser Source through Fiber Combination

  15. 就信息战软杀伤效应模型进行了研究。

    The soft kill and wound effectiveness mode for information warfare is discussed .

  16. 激光对电视成像跟踪系统的软杀伤效应研究

    Research on effect of soft damage to TV imaging tracking system induced by laser

  17. 从武器体系发展层次上介绍了飞航导弹软杀伤对抗的主要内容;

    Soft-killing method of aerodynamic missile is introduced from the development of weapon system structure .

  18. 为了对抗这种精确制导武器,采用激光作为杀伤源对其进行软杀伤是一种极为实用、高效的对抗手段。

    Laser is a practical and efficient measure for soft damage to this kind of precision guided weapons .

  19. 软杀伤器材作为一种目前比较常用的防御声自导鱼雷的手段,正受到越来越多的关注。

    As a common means to defense acoustic homing torpedo , soft-kill devices are drawing more and more attention .

  20. 导电纤维弹是以导电纤维作为对电力系统毁伤元素的软杀伤弹药。

    Conductivity fiber bomb is a kind of soft wound ammunition used to destroy the electrical system by conductivity fiber .

  21. 本文研究了适用于软杀伤弹的泡沫胶粘剂所应具备的性能及其表征方法。

    In this paper , the essential properties of froth adhesives for its application in soft ki1l bombs are analyzed .

  22. 导电纤维弹是近年来出现的专门攻击电力系统的软杀伤武器。

    Electro-conductive fibre bomb is a soft-killing weapon that is arisen in recent years for the special purpose of attacking power system .

  23. 分析表明相干组束光纤激光器是未来机载软杀伤高功率光源的必然选择。

    The analysis has proved that fiber laser through coherent beam combination must be necessary for the future airborne soft killing high power laser source .

  24. 针对雷达的技术性能特点形成了对雷达的软杀伤对抗环境,包括噪声干扰、假目标干扰和金属箔条干扰。

    The soft destructive environment is formed aiming at the radar technical performance characteristic , which include the jamming of noise , false target and metal chaff .

  25. 分析了软杀伤的量化基础,建立了信息战软杀伤效应的定量分析模型和群体软毁伤传播模型。

    The quantifying base of soft kill and wound is analyzed , and the quantifying analysis mode and colony soft kill and wound diffuse mode are established .

  26. 软杀伤弹用胶粘剂是一种新型胶粘剂,装入炮弹或火箭弹的战斗部或地雷,便可形成一种新的胶粘剂软杀伤效应。

    Adhesives used in soft kill bombs belong to a newly developed variety of adhesives . It can be filled in artillery or rocket bombs to give adhesive soft killing effects .

  27. 中国陆基激光武器功率太低,只能对卫星进行软杀伤,使卫星丧失功能,不能真正地摧毁卫星。

    Chinese land-based low-power laser weapons can only be carried out on the soft anti-satellite , the satellite so that the loss of function , can not really destroy the satellite .

  28. 论文在信标引信定高体系建立过程中,通过对软杀伤弹药应用环境、工作原理的分析,将多基地测量定位法与全球定位系统相结合,用数学方法建立信标引信定高算法的模型;

    By the analysis of the soft killing ammunition functionary environment and process , using the mathematics method the soft killing ammunition fuze orientation model is set up based TDOA and GPS .

  29. 利用纳米级铝粉在与燃油混合后的特殊效应实现了对吸气式发动机的毁伤,是探索纳米级弥漫粉剂软杀伤武器的关键技术。

    Using the special effectiveness to blended nanometer aluminum powder and fuel to realize the damage to engine , is a pivotal technique to seek after the characteristic of nanometer aluminum powder .

  30. 从武器系统攻防对抗及作战效能评估需求出发,提出了软杀伤效能评估问题,并对软杀伤效能评估基本理论进行了初步的探讨;

    The problem of soft-killing effectiveness evaluation is proposed from the requirement of attack-defense confrontation and operation effectiveness evaluation . Moreover , the basic theory of soft-killing effectiveness evaluation is primarily studied .