
  1. 一种有效的软件结构图的布图算法

    Effective Wove Algorithm for Software Structure Graph

  2. 初始软件结构图的自动生成

    Automatic derivation of software charts

  3. 在概要设计部分,研究了系统的软件结构图以及软硬件环境等。

    During the process of general design , the software structure diagrams and the hardware environment are researched .

  4. 详细阐述了怎样产生分层数据流程图和数据词典以及如何由数据流程图导出结构良好的软件结构图。

    A generation method for leveled data flow diagrams , data dictionary , and structured chart by the data flow diagram is described in detail .

  5. 然后讨论了基于C++的数字语音识别系统的程序设计,给出了系统的软件结构图,设计了其类库规划并实现了人机交互界面。

    We also discuss programme design of digital speech recognition system , which is based on C + + . We draw the system structure charm .

  6. 叙述了系统概要设计的方法步骤,尤其是由数据流图到软件结构图的转化过程;

    This thesis also introduces the method and process of the summary design of this system , especially the transform from DFD to software structure diagram .

  7. 文章阐述了该系统的工作原理和功能,并给出了系统的硬件和软件结构图,还对现有的突出预测方法进行了总结和分析。

    The working principle and functions of the system were introduced in the paper , the structure diagram of hardware and software of the system were given .

  8. 讨论了μC/OS-II的移植过程中的重点和难点问题,及应用实时操作系统μC/OS-II编程的一个实例的系统任务划分方法和典型的系统软件结构图。

    The keystone and difficulty Discussed in the process of transplant , the method of system task assigning and the typical structure of software , based on μ C / OS-II .

  9. 论文从需求分析开始,为整个系统和各个子模块做了分析建模,确定了系统的整体架构,给出了系统对象模型和软件结构图,讨论并选择了螺旋模型为本系统的开发模型。

    Beginning with the requirements and analysis , we build model and determine the overall architecture for the system , then the thesis give the system object model and software architecture diagram , finally , thesis discuss and select the spiral model as our system development model .

  10. 分析了控制器的工作原理,给出了控制器的组成结构和软件程序结构图,阐述了恒流软起动的原理。

    Working principle of the controller was analyzed , and the constituent of controller and block diagram of software program were provided , and the principal of constant current soft starting was explained .

  11. 它涉及控制原则、计算机系统硬软件、动态结构图、控制算法和其他一些与活套高度控制有关的特殊问题。

    It involves the control principle , hardware and software of the computer system , dynamic structure diagram , control algorithm and other several special problemes related to looper height control .

  12. 所以通过AutoCAD软件平台对船舶结构图进行数据处理,从而智能化分析船舶结构几何、物理等参数的研究,这无论是对船舶设计,还是对船舶结构动、静强度计算都具有重要意义。

    To analyze the geometrical and physical parameter of the ship structure is apparently important to the ship dynamics and static 's calculation by dealing with the ship structure data under the AutoCAD IDE .

  13. 贯穿整个软件生命周期,结构图对于各种团队成员都是有用的。

    Structure diagrams are useful throughout the software lifecycle for a variety of team members .

  14. 介绍了8031单片机控制系统的硬件组成、软件结构和程序方框图。

    It also recommends the hardware and software composition and program block diagram of 8031 single chip microcomputer control system .

  15. 文中给出系统硬件、软件设计结构和原理图,改善了原有光电测速精度,提高了系统工作稳定性和可靠性。

    This paper presents the hardware , software design and structure diagram of the DSP chip which improves the system stability and reliability .

  16. 从程序设想、软件结构设计、软件结构图和程序流程图诸方面对误差分析系统软件设计作了细致地分析和说明。

    The system 's software design of the error analysis is analyzed and explained in detail on the program conceive , the software framework design , the software framework map and program flow chart .

  17. 硬件电路的设计主要包括采样电路,驱动电路和控制芯片外围电路等电路的设计,软件设计部分包含软件结构流程图和数字PI调节器的实现方法等内容。

    The design of sampling circuits , driving circuits and control chip peripheral circuits are given in hardware design part and flow chart of the software and design of digital PI regulators are also given in software design part .

  18. 在系统设计环节,本文从硬件系统设计和软件系统设计两方面着手,重点对硬件网络拓扑图、软件结构体系图进行分析和设计,并对硬件和软件开发环境进行了配置。

    Link in the system design , the paper design from the hardware and software system design two aspects , with emphasis on the hardware network topology , system software architecture analysis and design plans , and the hardware and software development environment configured .