
  1. 事故车辆技术状况智能辅助鉴定系统研究

    Intelligence-assisted system for technical examination of vehicles in accident

  2. 公交车辆技术状况与可靠性&计算机分析系统的研制及应用

    The Technique Situation and Reliability of City Bus ── The Research and Application of the Analysis system of Computer

  3. 汽车综合性能检测是道路运输管理机构把好营运车辆技术状况关的基本手段。

    Automotive integrated function detection is a basic means for the Road TransportAuthority to supervise the technique condition of commercial vehicles .

  4. 特别是近些年来道路交通事故的频发,相当一部分原因是由于车辆技术状况下降,而导致的车辆机件事故。

    Especially in recent years the road traffic accident and frequent , a part of the reason is that as the vehicle technical conditions were decreased , the cause of the accident vehicle parts .

  5. 汽车性能检测,是指汽车在不解体的情况下,对车辆技术状况、维修质量进行测试、检查、诊断的工作,是汽车维修、保养、修后性能评价等各项工作开展的依据。

    The automotive performance testing is testing , inspection and diagnosis work for technical condition and maintenance quality of vehicle in case of non-disintegration vehicle , which is the base of vehicle repair maintenance and performance evaluation after vehicle repair .

  6. 汽车综合性能检测站是综合利用各种现代化的检测技术与检测设备,在汽车不解体或者不完全解体的前提下,判断车辆技术状况,查明故障部位和原因的场所。

    The auto-comprehensive function measuring station is the place of judging the condition of the vehicles , the shooting trouble spot and the reason with each kind of modernization measuring technology and the check-out facility , in the automobile does not disintegrate under the premise which or disintegrates not completely .

  7. 一种诊断车辆发动机技术状况的模糊模型

    A Fuzzy Model for Diagnosing Technical Conditions of Vehicle Engines

  8. 概述了铁路机车车辆的技术状况、保有量现状及发展。

    The author outlines the technical conditions , status quo of overall utilization and development for railway locomotives and cars respectively .

  9. 所以加强汽车维护,及时发现和排除故障隐患,维持车辆良好技术状况,是确保安全的重要手段。

    So to strengthen the vehicle maintenance , timely discover and debugging hidden danger , to maintain vehicle good technical conditions , is an important means to ensure the safety .

  10. 国内外机车车辆称重技术发展状况与对策

    The Development of Weighing Technology for Locomotive and Rolling Stock in Our Country and Abroad and Countermeasures

  11. 在发生交通事故时,当事各方对事故车辆安全性能技术状况鉴定结论高度重视。

    Once the accident happened , the parties pay high attention to expertise results of the safety performance technical status for accidental vehicle .

  12. 在从静态和动态检测两方面分析了铁路车辆轮对检测技术状况的基础上,本论文确立了采用结构光视觉传感技术的方法实现待测轮对参数的非接触在线测量。

    The measurement method that is based on the advanced structural light vision sensing technology is put forward in this thesis , and the system and the software has been developed to measure the wheelsets parameters .

  13. 本文将车辆综合性能检测与以往的二手车技术状况鉴定方法相结合,并初步建立了静态检查和动态检查车辆技术状况的打分标准;

    First of all , the paper combines multi performance inspection with previous appraisal method of used motor vehicles ' technical condition , establishes score standard according to watching and operating inspection ;