
tiào zhuǎn
  • Jump;skip
跳转[tiào zhuǎn]
  1. 如果您只是想快速了解该架构和编码,那么您可以跳转到实现AuthoringServer。

    If you just want to quickly get an understanding of the architecture and coding , you may want to skip ahead to Implementing Authoring Server .

  2. 选择后,就可以向前跳转来使用与OpenJPA捆绑的Derby数据库。

    If you choose , you can skip ahead and use the Derby database bundled with OpenJPA .

  3. Goto函数让你更易于在代码中跳转。

    Go to function definition allows for easier code navigation .

  4. 第二点,Go的分支跳转可以匹配比整数和字符更多的内容,任何有效的表达式都可以作为跳转语句值。

    Second , Go switches can match on much more than integers and characters .

  5. 你必须跟他之间的跳转和建筑物的迫切x而运行。

    You have to follow him and jump between buildings by pressing X while running .

  6. 你可以使用的仅仅是基于CPU标志的条件跳转。

    What you have are conditional jumps based on CPU flags .

  7. 低调的JavaScript的另一个常见用途是在快速跳转(quickjump)下拉列表中。

    Another common use of unobtrusive JavaScript is in quick jump drop-down lists .

  8. 示例中的轻便线程生成的通常都是None,而不是跳转目标。

    The weightless threads in the examples have always yielded None rather than a jump target .

  9. 在word文档中,“超级链接”要跳转的位置是由书签或标题样式作为标记的。

    Within a word document , the location that the hyperlink jumps to is marked by a bookmark or a heading style .

  10. 它们通过URL更改进行更新,例如跳转到某个书签。

    They are updated by URL changes such as jumping to a bookmark .

  11. 跳转指令可以控制PC的取值,直接寻找到目标地址;

    Jump instruction can control the access value of PC , so the destination address can be got directly ;

  12. 单击该链接跳转到站点的管理部分,向下滚动,查找“DeleteContent”链接。

    Click this link to jump to the administration portion of the site and scroll down to find the Delete Content link .

  13. 定位点用于跳转到html页的特定部分。

    The anchor is used to jump to a specific part of an HTML page .

  14. 然后跳转到每个依赖项的Web站点,找到该版本,下载并将其添加到类路径中。

    Then you can hop over to each dependency Web site , find that version , download it , and add it to your class path .

  15. 此时,break语句导致程序执行中断while循环,跳转到else子句。

    At this point , the break statement causes program execution to break out of the while loop , skipping the else clause .

  16. ARM处理器每个异常中断对应一条跳转指令或者向PC寄存器赋值的数据访问指令。

    Each exceptional interruption of ARM processor corresponds to a jump instruction or sends access instructions to the data evaluated by PC register .

  17. 传递:jump表示迭代应跳转到下一个节点,并跳过此节点的所有剩余访问者。

    Passing : jump indicates that iteration should jump to the next node and skip all remaining visitors for this node .

  18. 通过在EU和NA之间添加显式的域间信任,从欧洲请求服务票证的操作仅需要两次跳转。

    By adding an explicit inter-domain trust between EU and NA , service ticket requests from Europe only require two hops .

  19. 基于跳转表Trie树的IP分类算法

    A Jumping Table Trie-tree IP Classification Algorithm

  20. VRML虚拟场景跳转及三维造型交互

    VRML Virtual Scenarios Jumping and 3D Modeling Interaction

  21. 用Authorware实现多媒体课件中页面的选择性跳转

    To Realize the Selective Jump in Multimedia Courseware by Authorware

  22. break语句的一个特殊特性是,它完全中断循环,并跳转到循环下面的任一个else子句。

    One special feature of the break statement is that it breaks completely out of the loop , thereby skipping any else clause that follows the loop .

  23. //连接一个或多个FTP服务器同时跳转到指定路径或书签。

    Connect to one or more FTP Servers and jump to a FTP path or bookmark .

  24. 密码保护,自动跳转页面,找不到页面,改变文件的扩展名,过滤指定的IP地址,允许指定的绘画程序访问指定页面。

    Password protecting , redirect users automatically , error pages , change file extensions , block certain IP addresses , or allows certain sessions to view certain pages .

  25. 重构almostinversion多项式基模逆算法结构,消除跳转语句,实现程序设计模块化。

    The structure of polynomial basis modular inversion method , almost inversion , is reconstructed , and goto statements are deleted , to realize modularization of program design .

  26. 目的:比较体外循环(CPB)晶体冷停跳液灌注、不停跳转流方式灌注和氧合血与晶体冷停跳液(4:1)混合灌注3种方式对临床和心肌酶的影响。

    Objective : To compare the effect of three kinds of perfusion of extracorporeal circulation on myocardial enzyme .

  27. 最后,bi$lr(branchindirect)分支跳转到在链接寄存器内指定的地址(返回地址),进而从函数返回。

    Finally , bi $ lr (" branch indirect ") branches to the address specified in the link register ( the return address ), thus returning from the function .

  28. 打开插件制品(OpenPlug-inArtifact)(Ctrl+Shift+A)使你能够快速跳转到插件、扩展、扩展点及输出包中。

    Open Plug-in Artifact ( Ctrl + Shift + A ) allows you to quickly just jump to plug-ins , extensions , extension points and exported packages .

  29. 当您使用BPCExplorer执行跳转时,将自动检查这些要求。

    When you use the BPC Explorer to perform a jump , these requirements are checked automatically .

  30. Authorware中程序跳转的实现方法有三种基本形式,即基于图标、利用跳转函数和通过超文本。

    Three ways can make Authorware programming jump available : by Icon , jump function as well as hypertext .