
  • 网络Louisiana State University;LSU;Louisiana State University--Baton Rouge;Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
  1. 目前,她已从路易斯安那州立大学(LouisianaStateUniversity)毕业。

    She has since graduated from Louisiana State University .

  2. 路易斯安那州立大学教授GregLutz研究小龙虾种类和该行业已经长达三十年代时间。

    Louisiana State University Professor Greg Lutz has studied crawfish species and the industry for30 years .

  3. 本研究对美国路易斯安那州立大学家禽系选育的高应激和低应激两个品系鹌鹑进行RAPD分析,评定其遗传多态性。

    Quail lines selected for high and low stress in Department of Poultry Science , LSU , USA were fingerprinted by RAPD analysis of genomic DNA to evaluate genetic polymorphism .

  4. 我和朋友们(大多是兄弟会的直男)常去路易斯安那州立大学(L.S.U.)的一个很受欢迎的酒吧,名叫Bengal,它在路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日市的高地路(HighlandRoad)上。

    With my friends , mostly straight frat guys , I would frequent a popular college bar at L.S.U. called the Bengal on Highland Road in Baton Rouge , La .

  5. 路易斯安那州立大学农业中心的首席研究员CarolO'Neil提醒,这项并不是预示着消费者可以无所顾忌的食用甜食。

    Carol O'Neil , lead researcher at Louisiana State University Agricultural Center , warned against thinking the study meant consumers could gorge on sweet treats and not feel the effects .

  6. 建筑承包商兼牧师托马斯•雷是路易斯安那州立大学一个名为“Chapel”的教堂的工作人员。

    Thomas Ray , a building contractor and ordained minister , is on the staff of a church called The Chapel on the campus of Louisiana State University .

  7. 研究的领导者LanciaDarville,现就读于路易斯安那州立大学的博士班。

    But study lead author Lancia Darville , a doctoral student at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge , La .

  8. 丘奇医生是路易斯安那州立大学彭宁顿生物医学研究中心的研究员。

    Church is a researcher at Louisiana State University 's Pennington Center .

  9. 不过,路易斯安那州立大学是不堪重负,这小马是一个福利情况。

    But LSU was overwhelmed , and this pony was a welfare case .

  10. 申请之后,她没有选上,而是去了路易斯安那州立大学。

    After applying , she didn 't get in , attending Louisiana State University instead .

  11. 路易斯安那州立大学的研究人员从2001年到2010年一直在对此进行研究。

    Researchers from the Louisiana State University looked at data from 2001 to 2010 for the study .

  12. 路易斯安那州立大学的研究者在玻璃容器中模拟人类的消化系统后得到了这个结论。

    Researchers at Louisiana State reached this conclusion after simulating the human digestive system in glass vessels .

  13. 第一次农田试验于2004年在美国的路易斯安那州立大学进行。

    The first field tests took place in two thousand four at Louisiana State University in the United States .

  14. 他还担任唯一新奥尔良的路易斯安那州立大学医学中心皮肤科副教授。

    He also serves as associate professor of dermatologic surgery at Louisiana State University Medical Center in New Orleans .

  15. 在路易斯安那州立大学做博士后研究时,范·阿伦看到一些毛毛虫会把同类当午餐吃掉。

    While doing postdoctoral research at Louisiana State University , Van Allen saw that some of the caterpillars were having others for lunch .

  16. 但随着他渐渐长大,他没有忘记那一天的事,他在路易斯安那州立大学打了一阵橄榄球,后来成了流浪汉。

    But he never forgot that day and when he grew up after a short spell playing football at LSU he did become a hobo .

  17. 他曾经在路易斯安那州立大学队和奥兰多魔术队服役过。他现在是洛杉矶湖人队的核心人物。

    Shaq has played for Louisiana State University and the Orlando Magic ( Florida ) . He is currently a center for the LA Lakers .

  18. 路易斯安那州立大学一份研究发现,中年女性肥胖一个最大的原因就是饮食中缺乏纤维。

    A study by Louisiana State University found that the single greatest predictor of obesity in middle-aged women was a lack of fiber in their diets .

  19. 至今,路易斯安那州立大学颁给我的“4.0奖牌”仍放在我的桌子上,提醒我要付出双倍的努力。

    Even right now , my " 4.0 Plaque " that I received from LSU is on my desk as a reminder to always give double the effort .

  20. 路易斯安那州立大学的研究人员称,女性认为低沉的声音让她们听上去更阳刚,这样才能更好地在工作中与男性竞争。

    Louisiana State University researchers said that women think that lower voices make them seem more masculine and so better able to take on men in the workplace .

  21. 不过,弗吉尼亚理工大学与路易斯安那州立大学的新发现为巧克力的益处提供了一种奇异的解释:它因为难以消化,所以对健康格外有益。

    New findings from Virginia Tech and Louisiana State University , however , suggest an odd explanation for chocolate 's goodness : It improves health largely by being indigestible .

  22. 但因我们是路易斯安那州的州立大学,我们有义务给予当地学生以优先权。

    Yet because we are supported by the state of louisiana , we are obliged to give priority to local applicants .