
  • 网络Follow motion;smooth pursuit movement
  1. 而人的创意思维也紧跟环境安逸减退下来。平稳跟随运动平稳跟随运动

    " Thus , a stable and comfortable environment may retard a person 's creative thinking . " smooth pursuit movement

  2. 文中从人眼的平滑跟随运动模型出发来研究这个问题。

    This paper studies the problem by studying the smooth pursuit model of human eyes .

  3. 建立了两车跟随运动的二阶模型,并设计了加速/制动的逻辑切换规律。

    The second-order-control model of the longitude relative distance for a vehicle to a vehicle is presented , and the logical switch ruler between an engine and a brake is designed .

  4. 仿真结果表明了所给控制算法的有效性。第四,研究了具有双向网络固定通讯结构下含不确定动态欠驱动舰船的领导-跟随运动同步控制问题。

    Simulation results demonstrated the effectiveness of proposed method . Forth , the leader-follower motion synchronization problem of surface vessel with uncertain dynamics is considered under undirected network with fixed communication structure .

  5. 玻璃体混浊的特点是跟随眼球运动而活动。

    The distinctive feature of vitreous opacities is their actual movement on motion of the eye .

  6. 研究表明:底部水平段流动主流速度分布比较均匀,颗粒跟随流体运动;

    The results show that the axial velocity is uniform and the secondary flow is negligible in horizontal film .

  7. 算法通过分析反射率相似子区域中的环境光照特征和边缘能量信息,从而区分运动对象及其跟随的运动阴影。

    After analyzing ambient illumination feature and edge information in those similarity regions , moving shadow can be detected from moving video object .

  8. 该系统的核心是设计系统的控制器,使其控制梁上滚珠跟随已知滚珠运动。

    The core of the system is to design the system 's controller for controling the movement of the ball on the beam following the known ball .

  9. 如果配以限制或跟随胸廓运动的措施,将会更充分地发挥该技术的优点。

    This technique is certainly to offer more benefit to the patient if some measures are taken to limit or to follow the movement of the chest wall during irradiation .

  10. 曲轴连杆颈复合跟随车削系统的运动精度分析

    Kinematic Precision Analysis on Crankshaft Neck of Compound Follow-up Turning System

  11. 可以有效地减小跟随误差,提高运动的精度。

    Can effectively reduce the tracking error , and to improve the accuracy of the movement .

  12. 对具有二次积分动态的智能群体跟随领航者实现群集运动编队,提出了一个分散控制方法对智能群体进行分散控制。

    For the flock with double integrator dynamics following a leader to achieve flocking motion formation , a decentralized control law for a group of moving agents is proposed .