
  • 网络handover;handoff;hand off;hand-off
  1. 基于MAC层WLAN快速越区切换算法研究

    Research on Fast Cross-zone 's Handover Algorithms Based on MAC Layer in WLAN

  2. 最后,研究了越区切换对MAC层调度和资源管理的影响。

    Finally , this paper inspects influence of handover on MAC Layer Scheduling and Resource Management .

  3. adhoc虚拟骨干网叶子节点越区切换机制

    Handoff of Leaf Nodes in Virtual Backbone in Ad hoc Network

  4. 给出了蜂窝移动IP网络的构架,对其提出了相应的越区切换的解决方案。

    We introduce the frame of cellular mobile IP network and give some solutions about handoff .

  5. 无线ATM通信网中一种新的快速越区切换方案

    A new fast handoff management scheme in wireless ATM networks

  6. 基于混合Markov预测模型的WLAN越区切换机制研究

    Research on the Handoff Mechanism of WLAN Based on Hybrid Markov Prediction Model

  7. 无线ATM越区切换中的路由重选

    Rerouting for Handoff in a Wireless ATM Network

  8. CDMA系统越区切换技术研究

    The Research on Handoff of CDMA Systems

  9. 无线ATM网络中的快速越区切换

    Fast Handoff in Wireless ATM Network

  10. 移动IPv6越区切换管理模型的研究

    Mobility management model of mobile IPv6 handovers

  11. 在以蜂窝移动网为应用平台的移动IP网络中如何保证较好的QoS,越区切换问题的解决至关重要。

    In order to attain better QoS in cellular mobile IP network , it is crucial to solute the question of handoff .

  12. fci(接口编码信息)表支持MSC间的越区切换。

    The fci ( Face Code Information ) form supports inter-MSC handoffs .

  13. ivt表仅用于到达TIA网络系统的越区切换。

    The ivt form is only used for handoffs to TIA-networked systems .

  14. 终端越区切换时,如何维持正常通信并保证QoS是业界讨论的一个热点。

    When the terminal handovers between different areas , how to keep the communication continuous and realize the QoS performance is the heat topic in the industries .

  15. 最后,介绍了TDSCDMA系统采用的新型越区切换方法接力切换。

    The new handover method , baton handover of TD-SCD-MA is introduced at last .

  16. 因此,必须对现有的LTE硬切换机制进行优化,提高其越区切换的成功率。

    Therefore , we must optimize the existing LTE hard handoff scheme to improve the success rate of the handoff .

  17. 本文根据作为未来移动通信解决方案之一的分布式ROF系统的特点,研究了分布式ROF系统下的越区切换技术,提出了新的算法,有效提高了切换性能。

    This thesis focuses on the technologies of handoff schemes in one of the solutions for future mobile communication , Distributed ROF System .

  18. 仿真结果显示,越区切换延时性能的改善是以一定的MAC层开销为代价,在满足调度服务延时性能基础上,可以选择MAC层开销较小的越区切换机制。

    Simulation results show that delay performance of handover is improved at the expense of more MAC overhead , and the handover mechanism with less MAC overhead can be selected on the basis of guaranteeing delay performance of scheduling services .

  19. 论文研究无线ATM通信网的越区切换控制问题,提出不同的业务类型应采用不同的切换控制方法,从而使多媒体业务的服务质量(QoS)在越区切换时仍然可以得到保证。

    This paper introduces the handoff control in wireless ATM networks . We propose that the handoff scheme should be based on the type of multimedia traffic and the ATM features , so that the traffic QoS can be guaranteed while the handoff occurs .

  20. 而一个CCS通过光纤拉远技术可控制大量的RAU,小区覆盖范围被拓宽,那么在很长的距离内就可以避免越区切换,高速列车频繁切换等问题可以得到有效地改善。

    Therefore , if CCS controls a large number of RAU , then the cell coverage is broadened , and the handover can be avoided in a long distance , which can avoid frequent handover .

  21. 为了最大化系统资源利用率,提出了基于不同的调度服务类型选择越区切换机制的方案,该方案在满足调度服务延时性能的基础上,最小化越区切换相关的MAC层开销。

    It proposes a scheme that , in order to maximize utilization efficiency of system resources , different handover mechanisms are selected depending on distinct scheduling service types , and this scheme minimizes MAC layer overhead related to handover on prerequisite of guaranteeing delay performance of scheduling services .

  22. 介绍了现有移动通信网络中的越区切换方式,研究了无线ATM网络中的切换方法,并着重讨论了由于无线ATM结构的特点所引起的路由重建问题,提出了一种快速有效的切换方法。

    This paper introduces handoff schemes in the present cellular radio networks , studies the handoff methods in wireless ATM networks , and focuses on the discussion of the route reestablish problem after handoff . Finally , a simple and efficient method is proposed to provide high speed handoff .

  23. l本文提出了满意通信概率模型,对接收信号电平、基站-移动台的距离、列车运行速度等越区切换事件的强关联参数建立了满意通信概率模型。

    This paper proposed the probability model of satisfactory communication and established the probability satisfactory communication model of the rxlev , the distance between BS and MS , the speed of train .

  24. 本文介绍了当前CDMA无线网络的现状,分析了由基站扩频所引起的CDMA1X网络的载波不平衡问题及其带来的越区切换掉话现象,提出了用伪导频方式来解决此问题。

    Introduce the current situation of CDMA network , analysis the " hand-off " problem in CDMA 1X network because of the carrier frequency unbalance . Present a feasible way called pilot beacon to solve this problem and optimize the network .

  25. 研究了多业务条件下LEO卫星通信系统越区切换中的信道分配策略,根据数据业务和话音业务的特点,提出了适用于LEO卫星通信系统的保护信道和强占优先相结合的信道分配策略。

    Channel allocation strategy of handoff under conditions of multi-service in LEO satellite communication system is studied in this paper . Based on the characters of data-service and voice-service , an integrated reserving guard channel with preemptive priority channel allocation strategy suitable for LEO satellite communication system is proposed .

  26. 蜂窝系统中综合话音/数据业务的越区切换性能分析

    Performance analysis of handoff in integrated voice / data cellular systems

  27. 基于欧氏距离度量的移动台辅助越区切换

    Mobile Assisted Handoff Based on Euclidean Distance Metric On The Distance Sets

  28. 无线多媒体网络中动态越区切换方案

    A Dynamic Handoff Scheme in Multimedia Wireless Networks

  29. 蜂窝移动通信系统越区切换技术

    The Handoff Technology in Cellular Mobile Communication System

  30. 根据越区切换的不同控制方式,本章提出两种越区切换策略。

    Based on the controller of handover , two handover methods are proposed in this chapter .