
  • 网络ultrabook;intel;dell;envy
  1. 其中一款为联想ThinkPadX1Carbon,这是一款机身轻薄的高端超级本,价格也相当不菲;

    One , the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon , is a high-end , thin and light ultrabook model with a high price tag .

  2. 惠普把这款笔记本称为“Sleekbook”而非“超级本”(Ultrabook),因为它采用的是AMD处理器,而超级本是一个用于采用英特尔(Intel)处理器笔记本的称号。

    H-P calls this laptop a Sleekbook , not an ultrabook , because it uses an AMD processor , and ultrabook is a term that applies to Intel-based laptops .

  3. 他们也正与苹果(Apple)展开竞争——借助平板/笔记本电脑,以及新的“超级本”:宏基的AspireS7超级本厚12毫米,而苹果MacBook则厚17毫米。

    and new ultrabooks-Acer 's Aspire S7 ultrabook is 12mm thick compared with the MacBook 's 17mm .

  4. 它们可以看作是没有英特尔芯片的超级本:使用的都是AMD芯片。

    These are basically ultrabooks lacking Intel inside ; they run on chips made by AMD ( AMD ) .

  5. 预计到今年底,超级本的售价将在699美元左右,而新款MacBookAir的起步价则是999美元。

    By end of the year , ultrabooks are expected to be offered for around $ 699 , while new MacBook airs start at $ 999 .

  6. 市场调研公司IDC估计,2012年超级本全球销量将达3000万至4000万台。

    Research firm IDC estimates that anywhere from 30 million to 40 million ultrabooks will be sold worldwide in 2012 .

  7. 他还推动了“超级本”趋势,目的在于重新点燃市场对PC(个人电脑)的热情,同时倡导3D三栅极晶体管(3-DTri-gatetransistor)这类突破性的创新技术。

    He also drove the " ultrabooks " movement in an effort to reignite demand for PCs and spearheaded breakthrough innovations like 3-D tri-gate transistors .

  8. AspireS5以“世界最薄的超级本”的身份首次亮相。为了得到这样的“苗条”身材,宏碁公司采用了下拉式接口设计。

    The Aspire S5 was the thinnest Ultrabook around when it debuted , but to achieve such a svelte profile , Acer incorporated a drop-down door to access the Ultrabook 's ports .

  9. 超级本到底是什么东西?

    What the heck is an ultrabook ?

  10. 未来的超级本将结合触摸、手势和语音控制,而且电池续航时间将达到一整天。

    Future ultrabooks will integrate touch , gesture and voice controls , and will have all-day battery life .

  11. 为此,这家总部位于圣克拉拉市的芯片制造商力推超级本,一种新的节能型超轻薄笔记本电脑。

    To that end , the Santa Clara-based chipmaker is throwing its marketing muscle into ultrabooks , the new category of thin , power-efficient laptops .

  12. 英特尔首席执行官保罗•欧德宁向投资者表示,英特尔正稳步实现其目标&在圣诞假期前,超级本将占据个人笔记本市场的四成份额。

    CEO Paul Otellini told investors the company is on track to meet its goal & that ultrabooks will comprise 40 % of consumer notebook sales by this holiday season .

  13. 上周,在其于加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉市举行的年度投资者会议上,英特尔展示了目前正在生产的20款超级本中数款,并表示另外还有110款正处于设计阶段。

    At its annual investor meeting in Santa Clara , Calif. last week , the chipmaker showed off several of the 20 ultrabooks currently in production and said there are 110 additional designs in the works .

  14. 民主党领导层已经施压,要求所有尚未表态的超级党代表在本星期二最后的党内初选结束后,做出选择。

    Party leaders are pressuring all remaining super delegates to make their preference known after the final primaries this Tuesday .

  15. 保罗和菲比超级浪漫他们在本对面的沙发上舒服的躺着,彼此亲吻,知情人接着透露,她把头靠在保罗的胸前。

    Paul and Phoebe were 100 % romantic they were across the table from Ben all cozied up on the couch kissing each other , the source continued . She had her head on his chest .

  16. 发明这种快速手机充电器的是来自美国萨拉托加的18岁少女伊莎-卡瑞,她将其称为超级电容器。本周,她因为此项发明在菲尼克斯获得了由英特尔国际科学工程大奖赛授予的5万美金奖励。

    The super-fast charging device has been dubbed a supercapacitor by 18-year-old Esha Khare , of Saratoga - as she took home $ 50000 from the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair , which took place in Phoenix this week .

  17. 继上周末赢取了西班牙超级杯之后,欧洲超级杯是巴萨本赛季的第二座冠军,也是今年他们的第五座冠军奖杯。

    After winning the Spanish Super Cup last weekend , European Super Cup is the second title for FC Barcelona this season and5th trophy this year .