
  • 网络Superhard cutting tool;super-hard cutting tool
  1. 近年来,随着超硬刀具材料和高性能机床的出现,高速加工技术在很多行业得到了广泛应用。

    With the development of super-hard cutting tool materials and high performance machine tools recently , HSM ( high speed machining ) technology has already been widely applied in many industries .

  2. 超硬刀具材料以及高性能机床的诞生和发展,促进了高速加工技术的广泛应用,硬态铣削技术作为高速加工的一个分支,引起了模具制造业的极大兴趣。

    The development of super-hard cutting tool materials and high performance machine tools bring the application of HSM ( high speed machining ) . As a branch of HSM technology , hard milling is attracting considerable worldwide interest from die and mold industries .

  3. 基于Web的超硬刀具综合信息系统

    Integrative Information System of Super Hard Cutting Tools Based on Web

  4. 目前,常见的工程陶瓷加工方法有金刚石砂轮磨削、PCD等超硬刀具切削、超声波加工、激光加工、等离子弧切割及高压水射流切割。

    At present , the machining method of advanced ceramics have diamond grinding , ultra hard cutters such as PCD , ultrasonic cutting , laser cutting , plasma arc cutting and water-jet cutting .

  5. 超硬刀具及其在硬车削加工中的应用

    Superhard Cutting Tool and It 's Applications in Hard Turning

  6. 超硬刀具在现代加工技术中的地位和作用

    Position and function of superhard material cutting tools in modern manufacturing technology

  7. 用超硬刀具材料制造刀具的方法及应用效果

    Methods of Manufacturing Cutting Tools with Superhard Materials and Their Effects after Use

  8. 超硬刀具现代切削加工中的重要手段

    Important technique for modern cutting with superhard abrasive tool

  9. 超硬刀具高速铣削钛合金刀具耐用度研究。

    Tool life in high speed milling of titanium alloy with super-hard tool .

  10. 超硬刀具材料的新进展

    New Progress of Superhard Cutting Tool Material

  11. 超硬刀具及其选用

    Super hard tool and its application

  12. 超硬刀具切削

    Machining with superhard tooling

  13. 概述了超硬刀具(包括超硬刀坯材料和超硬刀具专用加工机床)的发展及应用情况。

    The development and applications of superhard cutting tools ( including superhard blanks and special machine tools for machining superhard cutters ) are summarized .

  14. 文章论述了现代加工技术内容和发展趋势,论证了超硬刀具在其中的地位和作用。

    The paper discusses the modern manufacturing technology and its development trend and demonstrates the position and function of superhard cutting tools in the technology .

  15. 介绍了超硬刀具材料(金刚石与立方氮化硼)在加工不同工件材料时的切削数据。

    The cutting data of ultrahard cutting tools ( diamond and CBN ) for machining different workpiece materials , including some difficult-to-cut materials , aluminium alloy and copper alloy in this paper .

  16. 介绍了采用陶瓷、金刚石、立方氮化硼三种材料制作超硬刀具的方法以及切削加工中的应用效果。

    In this paper the methods of manufacturing cutting tools with three superhard materials such as ceramics , diamond and cubic boron nitride and the effects of the cutting experiment were introduced .

  17. 硬质合金刀具、超硬刀具、涂层刀具将成为切削刀具的主体,在今后10~15年内整体切削效率可提高1~2倍。

    The tools including carbide , PCD , CBN and coated , will become the main body of metal cutting tools , which will enhance the machining productivity by 1 ~ 2 times within the coming 10 ~ 15 years .

  18. 超硬刀具材料是一种大有前途的刀具材料,具有优异的切削性能、高使用寿命和加工质量好等优点,已成为世界各国竞相发展的刀具材料之一。

    Superhard knife tool materials is a promising tool one , it has many advantages , such as excellent cutting performance , long serving life and good machining quality , and has become an important knife tool materials which every country makes great efforts to develop .

  19. 随着CNC加工技术的迅猛发展以及数控机床的普遍使用,超硬材料刀具在工业加工中起着越来越大的作用。

    With the rapid development of CNC machining technology and the widespread applications of the numerical control machines , superhard material tools is playing a more and more important role in industry .

  20. 是制造超硬材料刀具的理想材料。

    CVD diamond is an ideal choice for cutting tools .

  21. 用超硬材料刀具加工工程陶瓷

    The Application of Synthetic Superhard Material Cutting Tool in Machining Engineering Ceramics

  22. 超硬材料刀具的特性及应用

    The properties and applications of superhard material cutting tools

  23. 超硬材料刀具研究现状和趋势

    Research status and developing tendency of super-hard materials cutter

  24. 超硬材料刀具在矿山机械零部件加工中的应用

    Application of extra-hard material tool in components and parts processing of mine machinery

  25. 利用电镀超硬磨料刀具加工复合材料的以磨代钻工艺的提出,极大地提高了复合材料的加工质量和加工效率。

    Using electroplating superabrasive tools , the process of " Drilling replaced by grinding " can notably improve the processing quality and efficiency of carbon fiber reinforced composites .